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Name: ________________

2. Genders.
(a) Male (b) Female

3. Age.

18-22 year old 23-26 years old 27-30 years old

4. Educational statues.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (e) above

5. Marital status.

(a) Single (b) Married (c) Divorced (d) Widowed

6. Family Type.

(a)Joint (b) Nuclear (c) Extended

7. Residential Areas

(a) Rural (b) Urban

Sr.# Statement Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree

Agree Disagree
8 Your parents are Educated.
9 Your parents helped you in learning, how
to do/meet different tasks of your life.
10 Your parents give you a relative comfort
while you are upset.
11 Your parents help you in coping your
12 Your parents care of your feeling.
13 You impress from your parents and from
their ways of life.
14 Your parents have a good social and
financial circle.
15 Your parents appreciate you for doing
good work.
16 Your parents help you to improve your life
skills and life style.
17 Your parents behave you rudely when you
do any mistakes.
18 Your parents feel pleasure, when you help
to the other people.
19 You adopted the behavior and different
ways of life of your parents.
20 Your parents agree to get interaction or
relationships with your peer groups.
21 Your parents help you to attach with the
social media.
22 Your parents offers you love, acceptance,
appreciation, encouragement, and
23 Parents provide you the most intimate
context for the nurturing and protection as
you develop your personalities and
24 Parental influence on personality
development of any child is highly
25 Parents Make a point to praise children for
doing things well.
26 Your parents are emotionally supportive to
you children during hard times.
27 Your parents Encourage you for your
independence by allowing you time alone
without interruption.
28 Parents should also teach children that they
have some control over their feelings too.

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