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The symbiosis between fungi and plant roots

In nature there are many symbiotic relationships between different organisms.

I want to talk about the symbiosis between fungi and plant roots.

This symbiosis it is called mycorrhiza.

What are the advantages mycorrhiza?

In the case of plants, it is known symbiotic relationship between certain species of

fungi and plant roots.

. Mico- ,, "refers to mushrooms and ,, - authorize" refers to roots, the


The fungi that live and grow, they need organic substances. Not being able to do
photosynthesis, can not produce these substances. Instead, they have a very good
ability to absorb minerals from the soil.

The plants, in turn, are able to do photosynthesis.Then, they turn minerals into
organic substances, they need all the processes necessary for survival, growth,
multiplication. Plants have a limited possibility to extract minerals from the soil.
Plant roots have a limited growth rate and absorption.

In these conditions, it accomplished symbiosis of two elements: plants and fungi.

The fungi come with minerals from the soil and the plants come with organic

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