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Helios Towers Safety Alert (012)

Site Intrusion by a child

A child has been found recently inside one HT site by a Helios Towers Maintenance
Partner while the site was fenced and closed.

The child entered the site by passing under the bars of the fence. Despite the fact that
this child was exposed to safety risks by being present on a site where our equipment
were running, passing under the barriers with sharp edges is equally highly risky.
Fortunately, he was not injured and come out of the site safely.

This incident highlights the importance of ensuring our fencing is installed such that any
member of the public cannot gain access underneath it.

Fig 1 Fig 2

To prevent such kind of incident:

 All personnel working or visiting HT sites must be vigilant for any similar unsafe
fencing conditions such as the one in this bulletin and ensure that these are
reported at the earliest opportunity.

 Proactive intervention may be the last opportunity to prevent a serious injury or

fatality. As per Helios Towers Life Saving Rules, all of us have the responsibility and
authority to intervene if we observe potential or actual non–compliance to SHEQ
rules or unsafe conditions, or unsafe acts.

Monday, Sept 12, 2022 1

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