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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan for Visual Arts 4

Daniel T. Soriano

4th year BCAEd

Grade Level: Grade 10

MELC: identify art elements in the technology based production arts.

Code: A10EL-IIb-1


- Identify the 7 elements of arts in photography.

- Appreciate the art of photography using the 7 elements and how important it is.
- Participate in activities and class discussions with proper knowledge about the elements of arts
in photography.

Subject Matter:

- Digital Arts
- Cellular Phone Photography
- Materials
• Sample Pictures
• Canva Presentation
• Videos


1. Class will begin with a brain teaser using some pictures that will be identify by students what are
the pictures all about. Those pictures will determine the elements of arts in photography later
on in class. Also, in this engagement students will be motivated to know more about the
elements and to give them further understanding how important it is.
2. After the brain teaser, teacher will begin to discuss the 7 elements of arts in Photography which
is line, shape, form, texture, color, size and depth. This elements will show how it help to make a
picture more appealing and appreciated by other people. And in this topic students will attained
the understanding that they needed to understand the activity later in class.
3. Lastly students will be group into 7 and will be assign in one element per group, and students
will go outside and take a picture that is base on what element is assigned to them. After that
they will present it to the class and explain how is that element connected to their picture.


- Students will be given an assignment which is they will take a picture of an object that
represents the 7 elements of arts in photography. Students must print it out and will pass to the
teacher on the next meeting.

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