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Increased concetration ACTH in blood:

a. Cushing syndrome
b. adrenal/pituitary insufficiency
c. adrenal tumors
d. steroid administration.

2. decreased level of TSH concentration in blood:

a. primary hypothyroidism
b. thyroiditis
c. hyperthyroidism
d. thyroid agenesia
3. Hypocalcemia occurs in:
a. Hypoparathyroidism
b. Hyperparathyroidism
c. Acidosis
d. chronic pancreatitis
4. increased values of phosphate concentration in blood:
a. alcalosis
b. acidosis
c. acromion
d. obesity
5. Glucose tolerance test - interactions:
a. Alfa blockers
b. Relax
c. Furosemid
d. Watching tv
6. It is a genetic disorder:
a. ozospermia
b. Oligozoospermia
c. Aspermia
d. Oligospermia
7. The consistency, viscosity of cervical mucus is reduced:
a. during sleep
b. during follicular phase
c. during breakfast
d. during quarantine
8. The level of these substances increases very much in pregnancy.
a. Testosterone
b. estriol and pregnanediol
c. pregosteron
d. testis
9. The second meiotic division occurs :
a. in a uterine tube before ovulation
b. in a uterine tube after ovulation, but only if the secondary oocyte is not fertilized
c. in a uterine tube after ovulation, but only if the secondary oocyte is fertilized
d. the daughter cells each receives 20 chromosomes, each with a single chromatid
10. Protopatic sensitivity:
a. fine touch
b. vibration
c. crude touch
d. proprioception
11. allodynia
a. pain sensation to normally nonpainful stimuli
b. reduced sensitivity
c. lack of pain sensitivity
d. increased sensitivity
12. Dermolexia:
a. represents determination, with closed eyes, of the place where the stimulus
has been applied
b. capacity of recognition with closed eyes the letters, numbers or drawings
written/performed by the examiner on different regions of the skin
c. The lack of this sense = atopognosia
d. Ataxia
13. . lack of baresthesia
a. Abaragnosis
b. Acanthosis
c. Atopognosia
d. Apallesthesia
14. Biceps reflex:
a. this deep reflex causes extension of the arm
b. To demonstrate it, flex the arm at the elbow, holding the wrist.
c. is a deep reflex which causes flexion of the arm
d. it consists of the flexion and pronation of the forearm and flexion of the fingers
15. ankle jerk:
a. knee reflex
b. quadriceps reflex
c. Achilles reflex
d. Pattelar reflex
16. Hyporeflexia:
a. is more frequent noticed in malnutrition
b. is met when the muscle tone is increased
c. due to the loss of inhibitory control by the motor cortex
d. due to the strychnine poisoning
17. Sheehan syndrom:
a. destruction of hypophysis
b. destruction of thyroid
c. destruction of pancreas
d. destruction of hypotalamus
18. increased concentrations of thyroid hormones:
a. hypothyroidism
b. iodine deficiency
c. Cushing disease
d. Graves disease
19. A small amount of Estrogen is also secreted by:
a. adrenal cortex - zona glomerulosa
b. adrenal cortex - zona fasciculate
c. adrenal cortex - zona reticularis
d. adrenal cortex
20. Alfa receptors of estrogen:
a. Ovaries
b. Prostate
c. Lungs
d. Liver
21. Initiation of milk secretion:
a. Galactopoiesis
b. Lactogenesis
c. Lactalbumin
d. Galactosis
22. Role of testosteron in adult life:
a. Stimulates LH secretion via an action on the anterior pituitary
b. increases GnRH secretion via an action on the hypothalamus
c. stimulates protein anabolism, bone growth, and cessation of bone growth
d. inhibits erythropoietin secretion by the kidneys
23. Sertoli cells synthesize several proteins:
a. convert estrogen to androgens
b. testosterone binding protein
c. Mallarian regression factor
d. Exhibin
24. Measurement of basic metabolic rate (BMR):
a. is assessed by measuring the oxygen consumption in a certain interval of time (1
minute) and the value is multiplied by respiratory coefficient of oxygen
b. In hyperthyroidism BMR is lower than 50%
c. in hypothyroidism BMR rises up to 60 –100%
d. has no relation with oxygen
25. What was your experience regarding physiology lab in this year, only 1 answer:
a. Good
b. Bad
c. I don`t know
d. What?

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