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The word psychology was used by Rudolf Goeckle in 1590. It is derived from two Greek words
*Psyche’ & “logos’ “Psyche means “spirit” or “Soul” & “logos” means the ‘study of or “knowledge.
Therefore the earliest meaning of Psychology was study of soul.
The word soul means the spiritual or immortal element in a person & was used vaguely and
there were many interpretations that could be given to it. Therefore, William James used the
term ‘mind or ‘mental processes’ in place of “soul in 1890”.
But this meaning also become unsatisfactory because mind was abstract and could not be
seen or understood, unless what the mind did was seen. Behaviour is what the mind does. So
later on the term mind was replaced with the term ‘Behaviour. Therefore the most modern &
most widely accepted meaning of psychology is the systematic study of human and animal
2 Applied Sociology and Applied Psychology

 “Psychology is the science which aims to give us better understanding and control of
the behaviour of the organism as a whole”. William Mc Dough hall
 “Psychology may be most satisfactorily defined as the Science of human behaviour.”
Walter Bowers
 “Psychology is the scientific study of the activities of the individual in relation to his
environment.” Woodworm and Marquis
 “Psychology is the Science of Behaviour”. J.B. Watson

In 1879, the first psychological laboratory was established at the University of Leipzig, Germany
by the German Philosopher & Psychologist William Wundt (1832-1920). Wundt was the first to
measure human behaviour accurately and is known as the “Father of psychology”.

The scope of subject psychology is discussed under the following two headings as follows:
A. The field of operation and application of Psychology
B. The branches of Psychology

A. The Field of Operation and Application of Psychology

1. It studies, describes and explains the behaviour of living organisms
2. It describes all types of life activities and experiences like cognitive, conative or affective,
overt or covert behaviour conscious. Subconscious or unconscious behaviour of an organis
3. It studies not only human behaviour but also the human experience, languages and
other forms of communication.
4. Psychology is applied to all the living organisms on the earth irrespective of species,
caste, color, age, gender, mental or physical state. Thus in subject psychology all are
studied like normal, abnormal, children, adolescents, youth, adults, Old persons,
Criminals, patients, Students, teachers, parents, employee, employers etc.
5. It also studies the behaviour of the animals, insects, birds and plant life.
Introduction 3

B. The Branches of Psychology

Psychology is broadly divided in to two branches:
1. Pure Psychology: It provides the framework and theory. Its contents deal with the
formulation of psychological principles and theories. It suggests various methods and
techniques for analysis, assessment, modification and improvement of behaviour. It is
theoretical in nature.
2. Applied Psychology: Here the theory generated through pure psychology finds its
practical application. Here we discuss ways and means of application of psychological
rules, principles, theories and techniques with reference to the real practical life
situations. It is practical in nature.

Table 1.1: Branches of Pure and Applied Psychology

Branches of Pure Psychology Branches of Applied Psychology

General Psychology Educational Psychology

Abnormal Psychology Clinical Psychology

Social psychology Industrial Psychology

Physiological Psychology Legal Psychology

Para Psychology Military Psychology

Geo Psychology Political Psychology

Developmental Psychology School Psychology

Experimental Psychology

Comparative Psychology

Cognitive Psychology

1. Branches of Pure Psychology

(a) General Psychology: It deals with fundamental rules, principles and theories of
psychology in relation to study of behaviour of normal adult.
(b) Abnormal Psychology: It deals with the behaviour of individuals who are unusual. It
studies mental disorders, their causes and treatment.
4 Applied Sociology and Applied Psychology

(c) Social Psychology: It deals with the group behaviour and interrelationships of people
with other people (how an individual’s behaviour influences the group and how the
group behaviour influences the individual behaviour).
It studies various types of group phenomenon such as public opinion, attitudes, beliefs
and crowd behaviour.
(d) Physiological Psychology: It describes and explains the biological and physiological
basis of behaviour. It concerns with the structure and function of sense organs, nervous
system, muscles and glands associated with the behaviour.
(e) Para Psychology: It deals with extra-sensory perceptions, causes of rebirth and telepathy.
(f) Geo Psychology: It describes and explains the relation of physical environment
particularly weather, climate and soil with behaviour.
(g) Developmental Psychology: It studies the factors that influence the growth and
development of human behaviour from birth to old age. It also studies the influence of
hereditary and environment on behaviour. It is further subdivided in to branches like
child psychology, adolescent, adult and old age psychology.
(h) Experimental Psychology: It studies about ways and means of carrying out psychological
experiments by using scientific methods. Here research method IS applied to discover
and understand the fundamental and general causes of behaviour. It studies basic
processes such as learning and memory, sensation, perception and motivation.
(i) Comparative Psychology: It is concerned with the study of animal behaviour. The study
of animal behaviour can lead to deeper and broader understanding of human psychology.
(j) Cognitive Psychology: Is the study of human thought processes and cognitions. Cognitive
psychologists study topics such as attention, memory, perception, decision making,
problem solving and language acquisition.

2. Branches of Applied Psychology

(a) Educational Psychology: It applies the principles, theories and techniques to human
behaviour in the educational situation. It is concerned with the ways and means of
improving all aspects of the teaching/learning process.
Educational psychologist applies the psychological knowledge about learning and
motivation to increase the efficiency of learning in schools.
(b) Clinical Psychology: This is the largest sub-field of psychology. This branch describes
the causes of mental illness, abnormal behaviour of a patient and suggests treatment
and effective adjustment of the affected person in society.
(c) Industrial Psychology: This branch of psychology applies the psychological principles,
theories and techniques for the study of human behaviour in relation to industrial
Introduction 5

environment. Industrial psychologists apply psychological principles to assist public

and private organizations for hiring and recruitment programs, training and supervision
or their personnel and the improvement of communication within the Organization
and between the organizations.
They also counsel employees within the organization who need help with their
personnel problems.
(d) Legal Psychology: This branch of psychology applies the psychological principles, theories
and techniques to study the behaviour of persons like clients, criminals, witnesses etc.
It helps to understand the root cause for the crime, offence, dispute or any legal case.
(e) Military Psychology: This branch of psychology applies the psychological principles,
theories and techniques in the military science. This branch of psychology helps to
keep the morale of soldiers and citizens during war and disaster time. It also helps for
better recruitment of the personnel for the fighting capacities and to develop the
leadership qualities in the personnel.
(f) Political Psychology: This branch of psychology applies the psychological principles,
theories and techniques in studying politics, deriving political gains, origin of political
(g) School Psychology: It is a branch of psychology that works within the educational system
to help children with emotional, social and academic problems.

The nature of psychology is scientific.

Nature of Psychology Description

1. Psychology uses scientific Almost all the method used in psychology are almost sci-
methods: entific in nature. Out of these the experimental method is
the most exact one. In the experimental method depen-
dent and independent variables are distinguished, the
dependent variables controlled and the effect of the in-
dependent variables observed. Thus in experimental
method the psychologist observes a certain phenomenon
in controlled environment. Here the psychologist use new
and exact instruments to observe the phenomenon, notes
it. Compares and classifies it and finally discover: various
principles through generalization.
6 Applied Sociology and Applied Psychology

Nature of Psychology Description

2. Psychology is factual Psychology studies the facts of behaviour. The psycholo-

gist is objective in his observations and experiments. The
field of psychology is not value but facts.
3. The laws of psychology are At all times and places the laws of psychology have been
universal: round to be same under similar conditions, e.g., theory
of mind discipline.
4. The laws of psychology are By verification and re-verification psychological
verifiable: principles have been found to be true everywhere. They
can be verified by any one.
5. Psychology discovers the Psychology not only observers behaviour, but also finds
cause-effect relationship in out cause-effect relationship in it, e.g., psychology has
human behaviour: discovered why and in what circumstances a child
becomes a delinquent or a degenerate. These findings
have been put to use and round correct. Thus psychology
discovers the ‘how of behaviour together with its What
6. Psychology predicts human By discovering the cause-effect relationship,
behaviour: psychologists also predict human behaviour and these
predictions are generally correct.

Psychology is termed as the scientific study of human behaviour. Special tools and procedures
help us in gathering and organizing its subject matter or the essential facts about behaviour.
These procedures are termed as methods, which are used to study human behaviour.
The important methods of Psychology are:
Introduction 7

1. Introspection or Self Observation

Means to look within. It is internal perception or self observation. The individual himself observes
his internal activities and processes whenever and wherever he likes to do so. For example, a
patient after an operation may be asked to report how he feels. The patient will try to look
within and recall what happened and how he is feeling now.

 It does not involve any expenditure as it does not need any laboratory or apparatus.
 We get a direct knowledge of the mental experience of the individual.
 This method gives us direct, immediate and exact knowledge of the mental experience
of the individual.

 This method cannot be used by children or animal or mental deficiency patients because
they cannot introspect.
 It cannot be verified by other observer because it is purely private affair.

2. Observation Method
It consists of collection of data of an individual behaviour by the other individual. For example,
when a nurse assessed to an on a pan with an undiagnosed illness then nurse reports her
Observation such as patient’s TPR, color, facial expression, restlessness etc.
It is widely used in studying behaviour of children and animals.

Steps in Observation:
 Observation of behaviour.
 Noting of behaviour.
 Interpretation and analysis of behaviour
 Generalization

 It is economical, natural and flexible.
 Results can be verified and relied.

 By Observation method we can observe only external behaviour but not the things that
happening in the mind. Example: Some patients are expert in hiding his feelings and
emotions from others.
8 Applied Sociology and Applied Psychology

 Behaviour observed is dependent on the particular time & place & on particular
individual or groups of individuals involved. It lacks repeatability as each natural situation
can occur only once.

3. Experimental Method
The word experiment is derived from a Latin word meaning “to try”. This method made popular
by Wundt. In this method the psychologist studies the effects of dependent variables on changes
in independent variables, e.g., effect of anxiety on the behaviour.
Here the psychologists use objective observations under controlled environment conditions
to observe the behaviour performed by the individuals, e.g., effect of noise on learning.
From these observations certain conclusions are drawn and theories, principles or laws
Many experiments are being conducted on people and animals dealing with learning,
forgetting any many other mental activities. The tremendous progress of psychology during the
20th century is mainly due to this method.

 Experiments are objective.
 Experiments can be repeated for result confirmation.

 It cannot always be used due to difficulties such as dangerous to subjects, difficulty in
artificial situations of laboratory.
 It has difficulty in getting cooperation of subjects.
 It causes biases as spontaneous behaviour may qualitatively be different from artificial
behaviour of laboratory results.

4. Survey Method
It involves collection or gathering of information from a large number of people by using
questionnaire or interview method, e.g., political opinion, attitudes, health care needs etc. It is
commonly employed in social psychology.
Survey is done by means of self-report. Personal interviews and telephonic interviews by
using questionnaires, checklist, rating scales, ranking and inventories. It assesses different
aspects of behaviour, emotional experience, aptitudes, knowledge, opinions, attitudes and
Introduction 9

 A large amount of data can be collected in a shorter time
 Flexibility.
 Can be applied to many populations.
 Broadness of scope.
 Can focus on wide range of topics/can be used for many topics.

 Tends to be relatively superficial.
 Behaviour not observed directly.

5. Test Method
In this method we use carefully devised and standardised tests to measure abilities, interests,
attitudes, intelligence of individuals or group of people. It can be administered to a large number
of personnel at the same time saving a lot of time energy & dislocation of routine work.

6. Case History/Clinical Method

It is a research method that involves a thorough, in-depth analysis of an individual, group,
institution or other social units. It uses case histories, interviews, home visits and psychological
tests. It aims at studying the causes and basis of people anxieties, fears and personnel
maladjustments. It is scientific biography consisting of collecting all the information about the
individuals past. This can be done by interviewing the individual himself and/his family members
friends. Classmates teachers and others who know him and who can provide information about
his past. Documents like cumulative records, personal diaries and articles directly or indirectly
can be used. Here we use methods like observation, interview, home visit and psychological
tests to collect information.
This method is also known as clinical method because it is widely used in hospitals by
Nurses, Doctors and other health team members to collect complete data from the patient.

7. Developmental or Genetic Method

It studies growth and changes in behaviour in terms of its development from birth till death and
influence of heredity and environment in the development of the person’s behaviour and
conditions favourable & unfavourable for normal development and abnormality.
10 Applied Sociology and Applied Psychology


1. Physiology Studies Physical Activities and Structure

It is the science of physical body. It studies respiration, circulation of blood glandular and muscular
activities etc. History of prescientific psychology clearly indicates the contribution of physiology
to Psychology. Relationship is same as that of mind-body being two sides of a coin. So is the
relation between psychology and physiology.
Physiology studies bodily processes and various mental processes like learning, reasoning
etc. determined and controlled by bodily organs. Thinking, perceiving, there is relationship of
brain structure and behaviour. Unless we understand body, brain and nervous system we cannot
study physiological processes of individual. Mind is the function of brain. Wundt-Pavlov are
physiologists who have increased the field of psychology with their contributions in physiology.

1. Mental Processes depend on body and its parts.
2. Due to change in activities of body parts there may be change in mental processes. For
example, brain damage – Amnesia. T. B. – Pessimistic and Lazy.
3. Some time due to change in mental process there is change in bodily process. For
example, Motivation.
Due to close relation of physical and mental activities, a separate branch of Psychology
known as Physiological Psychology has been established for the psychological study of physical
Introduction 11

2. Relationship between Psychology and Philosophy

From the days of Plato and Aristotle, Psychology had an intimate relationships with philosophy.
For greek philosophers Psychology was the study of mind. They defined it as the science of soul.
Though they used unscientific and philosophical methods for the study and analysis of
Psychological processes; they definitely contributed to the growth and development of
psychology in their own way.
Philosophy looks to facts and values in a systematic whole. To look a whole is the
Philosophical attitude. Everything is seen in things as universal context. Philosophy
is based on Psychology- for example, what is origin of knowledge-requires psychological
explanation. Philosophy is made up of two words-Philos meaning Desire + Sophia meaning
knowledge–It is the knowledge of whole universe and man. Metaphysics, Ethics, Logic,
Aesthetics are the fields studied in Philosophy.

1. The aim of Philosophy is to gain knowledge – but the process is psychological and man
is the link.
2. Philosophy desires to get knowledge about soul to know about Soul we have to explore
3. Psychology is science of mind. What is mind ? What is the nature of mind is explained by

3. Relationship between Psychology and Education

Education modifies the behaviour. It brings such changes in the behaviour which are for his
mind. In the past the education of a child meant the filling up of the child’s mind with stuffed
knowledge. In the present-times, education is not taken in the sense of simple information.
The aim is to help child in the growth and development of child. It is a phase of social
process that is fostered by society for the purpose of fitting its members for life in the group.
Modern Education aims at the harmonious development of the personality of the child.
Psychology informs us that the needs of childhood are different from those of adulthood or
manhood. Education of the child should also be in keeping with his needs. Education and
Psychology are related. Both are concerned with behaviour. To bring effective changes in the
behaviour through Education, it is necessary that Child’s emotional, intellectual and social make-
up is studied.
 “Education has to depend on Psychology finding for what is done and how it is done.’
—B.N. Jha
 “Psychology has made a distinct contribution to education through its analysis of pupil’s
potentialities and differences. It has also contributed directly to a knowledge of pupil’s
growth and maturation during the school years”. —Davis
12 Applied Sociology and Applied Psychology

 Educational psychology covers the entire range of behaviour and personality as related
to education. —Skinner

4. Relationship between Psychology and Sociology

Sociology is the science of society, i.e., that of social relationships. It studies institutions,
traditions, culture, group behaviour. Fields of psychology and sociology are very close to each
other. Thouless. “The aim of psychology is to obtain which we may be able to understand and
predict the behaviour rules by and thought of human beings.” Sociology studies principles
underlying the function, growth and functioning of different kinds of political, social, economic,
religious, primary, secondary groups.
Sociology is interested in studying the observable characteristics of the group structure and
functions. It is, however, not interested in the individual motives or of the group members.
experiences Psychology deals with individual organism. Several individuals form Psychology
also studies the individual’s behaviour in relation to the a group. group. Study of group behaviour
also becomes necessary for psychologists. Sociology helps psychology to understand and study
group behaviour and the influence of group and society upon the activities and psychological
functioning of its individual members.


 In the Field of Education: The application of psychology in the field of education has
helped the learners to learn, the teachers to teach, administrators to administer and
education planners to plan effectively and efficiently.
Introduction 13

 In the Field of Medicine: Psychology has contributed valuable therapeutic measures

like behaviour therapy, play therapy, group therapy, psychoanalysis etc. For the diagnosis
and cure of patients suffering from psychosomatic as well as mental disorders.
 In the Field of Business and Industry: Knowledge of consumer’s psychology and
harmonious interpersonal relationships in the field of commerce and industry have all
been possible through psychology.
 In the Field of Criminology: It has helped in the detection of crimes and in dealing with
The study of psychology helps nurses to understand the individual differences found in
behaviour and personality traits of the patients and the meaning of their behaviour at
different circumstances.
 In the Field of Politics: It has proved useful to the politicians and leaders to learn the
qualities of leadership for leading the masses.
 In the Field of Guidance and Counselling: It has provided valuable help in relation to
guidance and counselling in educational, personal as well as vocational areas.
 In the Field of Military Sciences: Psychology helps in the selection, training, promotion
and classification of defence personnel.
 In the Field of Human Relationship and Self Development: It has helped the human
beings to learn the art of understanding their own behaviour, seeking adjustment with
their self and others and enhancing as well as actualizing the potentialities to the utmost


1. To understand her own self:
 The knowledge of psychology helps the nurse to get an insight into her own motives,
desires, emotions, feelings, attitudes, personality characteristics and ambitions.
 This knowledge also helps her to understand her strengths and weaknesses.
 This will let her direct her own life more productively and relate more easily with
others, enabling her to control situations and attain self discipline.
2. To understand the patient:
 The nurses are professionals meant for providing care to the patient Through
psychology, she can understand the motives, attitudes, perceptions, and
personality characteristics of patients in better way.
 The understanding will help the patient to attain quick relief and cure which is the
basic motto of a nurse.
14 Applied Sociology and Applied Psychology

3. To understand other people:

 This will help her achieve great suc-
cess in interpersonal relationships.
 Nurse will learn that people are
different and have their own indi-
4. To recognize abnormal behaviour:
 The knowledge of psychology will
help the nurse to understand the
abnormal behaviour and help the
patient in management of illness.
 It helps the nurse in recognizing
mental illnesses at general
hospitals and community health
centers and provide appropriate
guidance to deal with stress,
anxiety and other life problems.
5. To provide quality care to the patients:
 A good understanding by the nurse
can be the best support to the
 The knowledge of psychology helps her to understand what fears and anxieties
the patient faces, what he feels, what he would like to know and why does he
behave the way he does.
6. Help patient adjusts to the situation:
 Illness and physical handicap often brings about the need for major adjustments.
 A nurse trained in psychology can be an effective health educator and help in
these kinds of adjustments.
7. Helps the student nurse to appreciate the necessity for changing environment or
 God nursing care depends on the ability of a nurse to understand the situations
properly and also in obtaining the cooperation of the other people concerned.
 The change in the environment is sometimes necessary for better adjustments
and happiness.
Introduction 15

8. Help for effective studying:

 The study of psychology of learning will help the nurse to acquire knowledge in an
effective way.
9. Readjustment: A nurse needs to make the following kinds of adjustments for success in
the nursing care:
 Overcoming homesickness and self reliance.
 Adjusting to sick person who may cry or be desperate or even ventilate their anger
by making the nurse their target for abuses and curses.
 Trying to work and study together.


Applied psychology is the study and ability to solve problems within human behaviour such as
health issues, workplace issues, or education. There are various specialty areas within applied
psychology including clinical psychology, counselling services, medicinal psychology, and
forensic psychology.

Followings are the application of psychology in everyday issues:

1. Counseling
Psychology ensures counseling in our daily life. The practical viewpoints of counseling are
associated with the solution of personal, educational, and vocational issues.
 Solutions of Personal and Emotional Problems: The use of psychology is getting very
widespread and is more specialized. Even professionals, skilled persons need counseling
in their life. Counseling is an applied branch of psychology that helps people to adjust
and make a better life developing insight.
 Solutions of Educational Problems: Counseling psychology has been very successful to
solve educational problems. Psychologists diagnose different educational programs of
humankind and suggest the remedy using consultation, different assessment techniques
16 Applied Sociology and Applied Psychology

to prevent it. It helps to develop a deep sense of self-understanding, self-control and

explore the talents within an individual for future progress. It has benefited parents,
students, administrators, and also university students to solve complex academic

2. Industrial Application
Psychology is greatly applied in the industry, business through different techniques.
Psychologists design equipment, tasks to help people to perform them more easily, more
efficiently, and more accurately. Many industrial and organizational psychologists work as a
member, consultants selling their experts.

3. Develop Human Relationship

Psychology helps us to develop a good relationship with one another in our everyday life. It not
only guides one’s own behaviour but also provide insight to the behaviour of others to form
better social relation. It helps in:
 Knowing one’s Own Self: Psychology enhances understanding one’s own strengths and
weaknesses. It tries to highlight the causes of differences of behaviour between people
evaluating their own behaviour so that the individual can take necessary care for future
 Knowing others: Knowing one’s own characteristics would enhance understanding other
people and develop relationships. It helps to reduce misunderstandings, differences,
and prejudices. Psychology is helpful to develop relationships with parents, spouses,
children, and sports, and in working life.

4. Cure of Abnormal Disease

Psychology has been instrumental in removing many problems of mental health. It has been
fruitful in making people aware of many superstitions and mental diseases. People with somatic
complaints require not only physical but also psychological treatment. It has helped medicine
to cure mental health problems in a better way. It can solve problems ranging from high blood
pressure to social withdrawal.

5. Training of Organisms
Applications of principles of learning play a significant role in molding an organism’s behaviour.
The principles of extinction, reinforcement, shaping, discrimination, etc. have shown an impact
in strengthening desired behaviour and extinguishing unwanted behaviour of organisms. For
example, a dolphin play ball and the dog jumps from the burning circle. These changes in
behaviour can be possible only through the application of its different learning principles.
Introduction 17

1. The word “psychology” comes from:

a. Latin b. Spanish
c. Greek d. Italian
Ans.: c.
2. Psychology is defined as the scientific study of:
a. People and things b. Emotions and beliefs
c. Perception and religion d. Mind and behaviour
Ans.: d.
3. Psychology is a:
a. A natural science b. A biological science
c. Physical science d. A social science
Ans.: d.
4. According J.B. Watson, ‘Psychology’ is a science of:
a. Soul b. Mind
c. Behaviour d. Brain
Ans.: c.
5. Which branch of psychology deals with the study of animal behaviour?
a. Social Psychology b. Abnormal Psychology
c. Comparative Psychology d. Differential Psychology
Ans.: c.
6. Who is the father of Experimental Psychology?
a. Wilhelm Wundt b. Sigmund Freud
c. C.G. Jung d. E.B. Titchener
Ans.: a.
7. Psychology can be literally defined as the:
a. Science of mind b. Science of behaviour
c. Science of soul d. Science of consciousness
Ans.: c.

1. Define psychology.
2. Write any 5 branches of psychology.
18 Applied Sociology and Applied Psychology

3. Write experimental method of psychology.

4. Write short notes on scope of psychology.
5. How psychology significance in nursing profession?
6. How psychology is related to sociology?

1. Write scope and branches of psychology.

2. What are the methods of psychology?
3. How applied psychology solve everyday issues write in details?
4. Write in details the importance of psychology for nurses.
5. Define psychology. Write its nature and scope in details.

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