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Definition of Psychology

Neelam Hemrajani
Counselling Course 2023.
Yoga wellness centre.
What is Psychology?
• Etymology: Origin from two Greek words :- “psyche & logos”
• The word Logos = to study.
• The word Psyche kept changing time to time.
• 1st Stage : psyche=soul – study of soul. Questions arose what is soul?
How does it look like? What is its definition? There were no answers
this thus it was nullified
• 2nd Stage : psyche = mind – study of mind. Mind is an abstract concept
it cannot be studied and also cannot be felt with the 5 senses so this
meaning was cancelled.
• 3rd Stage : psyche = consciousness. Study of consciousness. This was
initiated by William james (1890) , Wilhelm Wundt and Edward
Bradford Titcher (1894). Problem was how to measure
consciousness – its abstract. Even the animals have consciousness ,
how to define their psyche. Thus this meaning was also not
• 4th Stage : logos = study, was replaced by word “science” and
“psyche as total behaviour , conscious as well as unconscious, by the
famous William Mc Dougall in 1905 .

He wrote “Psychology may be best and most comprehensively

defined as the positive science of the conduct of living creatures.”
In 1911 American professor Walter Bowell Pillsbury
defined psychology as:-

“Psychology may be most satisfactorily defined as the Science of

human Behaviour”.

Later in 1913, J.B. Watson ,also know as father of behaviourism,

proposed to elaborate the concept of behaviour by including both
animal & human behaviour. He defined Psychology as:-

“The Science of Behaviour”.

Subsequently in the 20th century , the scholars and Psychologists
Tried to similarly define psychology as science of behaviour.
• Woodworth & Marquis: (1948)
“Psychology is the scientific study of the activities of the
individual in relation to his environment”.
• N.L. Munn : (1967)
“ Psychology today concerns itself with scientific investigation
of behaviour.
Commenting on the history of evolution of the psychology definitions
Woodworth wrote in 1948 “ 1st psychology lost its soul, then its mind &
then its consciousness , it still has behaviour of sort”
Behaviour meaning and nature.
• “Any manifestation of life is activity”, says Woodworth (1948) and
• Behaviour is a collective name for all these activities. It includes:-
1. Conative (motor) activities:- swimming, dancing , walking etc.
2. Cognitive (mental) activities:- thinking, reasoning, imagining, &
feeling happy sad angry (affective activities).
• It concerns both outer behaviour & inner experiences & mental
process, happening at level of conscious ,sub conscious & unconscious
• Normal & abnormal behaviour of all organisms is studied be plants,
animals, birds, humans, insects. Thus Behaviour is a very vast term.
Nature of Psychology:
• Like sciences, it has organised& systematic body of knowledge,facts ,
principles & theories which are subject to change on the discovery of new
facts leading to emergence of new facts & theories.
• Like sciences, it believes in the cause and effective relationship. It says every
behaviour has its roots ,factor of its causes & development.
• Like sciences, it emphasizes the search of truth. It studies facts of behaviour
and laws governing it.
• Method of systematic scientific approach is used as in sciences.
• Like other sciences psychology has pure applied aspects.
• it is not perfect science like physics etc. because its based on behaviour
which is dynamic, inconsistent & unpredictable unlike natural sciences
which are predictable & accurate.
Relationship of psychology with other
Psychology while being denied the status of natural sciences , has a distinction of
falling in the category of social and behavioural sciences & has specific relations
with no. of subjects falling in the same category.

1. Sociology & Psychology: Sociology is scientific study of human society, and

psychology is study of individual human who is part of the society. They are
co-existent therefore their study id bound to be interrelated &
interdependent. Sociology focuses on study of social institutions, class
structures, traditions and culture prevalent in the society, also its focus of
research is the group as whole, where as psychology is study of an individual
people comprising the group
2. Anthropology & Psychology: Anthro. is study of past & present
cultures in various parts of the world. It Focuses mainly on values,
beliefs, and practices of cults which are
Psychology studies the behaviour of individual in relation to the
social & cultural practices of their society which helps the
anthropologist to in understanding the root cause of human
behaviour & the anthropological studies help psychologists study
the influence of differing and ever changing social and cuktural
environments on the human behaviour.
3. Economics & Psychology:
Economics is study of labour and trade. There are many possible
applications of human labour and many different ways to acquire
resources, economics hepls determine which methods help yield
the best results.
Economists are now analysing the social factors influencing
economic growth, & the psychologists are seeking co-operation
from economists for seeking solution of the behavioural and social
problems of the employees in working set ups.
4. Neuroscience & Psychology:
The overall approach in neuroscience is to understand the
psychological processes, that underlie human behaviour.
These processes are interpsychic in nature and can’t be directly
Neuroscientists rely on a combination of measureable or
observable neural & physiological responses to understand how
& why we behave in certain situations in a certain way.
Psychologists help neuroscientists with knowledge of
psychology, its theories, principles & fundamentals of studying
& observing human behaviour.
Scope of Psychology:
Where ever there is life and living organisms psychology will be needed
to study their activities and experiences which are countless.
The field of operations and applications of Psychology are too vast thus
scope psychology cannot be narrowed down or confined.
It can be divided into no. of branches and fields for proper specific
study & application.
• General psychology: Deals with fundamental rules, principles and
theories of the subject in relation to study of behaviour of a normal
adult human being.
• Abnormal psychology: Explains the behaviour of abnormal
people in relation to environment. Causes, symptoms &
syndromes, description & treatment of the abnormalities of
behaviour is the subject matter of this field.

• Clinical psychology: comes after knowledge & activity

connected with abnormal psychology have been executed.
Abnormality leads to illness & diseases a clinical psychologist
diagnosis & suggests different treatments or therapies for the
patients. If the case is complicated then its handed over to a
• Physiological psychology: Describes biological and physiological
basis of behaviour. The study of internal environment & body
structure, particularly functions of brain, which are related to
disorders like Parkisons disease, study of conative,cognitive &
affective (i:e feelings like angry, sad, happy etc.) behaviour.

• Crime Psychology: Studies behaviour of Criminals in relation to

their situations & causes through behaviour analysis techniques,
and then adopts behaviour modification devices for their
proper reform and rehabilitation.
• Social psychology: studies the human behaviour in relation to
social environment. Also one’s behaviour as a member of the
group, the process of communication and inter-personal
relationship, group dynamics & social relationship etc.
Social psychologists conduct researches to determine the
effects of various groups, group pressures, & influence on
behaviour. they investigate the effects of propoganda, prejudice,
persuation, conformity, conflict, race, integration and
aggression which helps them explain incidents which would
otherwise difficult to understand. They largely work in
universities , colleges,& other organisations.
• Experimental psychology: Describes & explains ways and
means of carrying out psychological experiments following
scientific methods in contolled laboratory conditions.The
outcome of experimental psychology is cognitive psychology
which focuses onstudy of higher mental process such as
learning, thinking, knowing, reasoning, judging, & decision-
Experiments are done using animals, birds, humans as
subjects. The famous experiment of class conditioning
by russian psychologist Pavlov
• Child psychology: study of behaviour and process of
growth and development of children from birth to the
beginning of adolescence.

• Adolescent psychology: Study the process of growth,

change in personality & character on onset of puberty.
Behavioural adjusment problems, faced by adolescents .
The psychologists help the teenagers and their elders to
understand each other & bridge the generation gap.
• Educational Psychology: Study behaviour of learner in educational environment. This
branch helps in improving all the processes and tools, methods of education to
provide better teaching, guidance, diraction & help students at all levels. It includes
study of motivation, intelligence, personality, use of rewards, & punishments, size of
class, expectations, the personality traits and effectives of teacher, student-teacher
relationship, attitudes etc. It helps teacher get an insight for bringing desirable
modification in the behaviour of the students. It is concerened with designing tests to
evaluate student performance. Educational psychologists also help to design
curriculum. Individualization of education, self-learning, child-centered approach,
caring for the students with special needs & other kind of deviants also getting them
back to the main stream, providing better guidance & counseling for the personal,
educational and vocational adjustment of students. All the aspects & dimensions of
education related with welfare of students have largely been influenced & affected by
the active involvement of theory & practical application of psychology.
• Developmental psychology: Deals with processes and
products of growth & development of humans at all stages
of life- from conception to death - and in all aspectd of the
personality. This study equips us with knowledge of
expected behaviour patterns & personality characteristics at
various stages of life.
Developmental psychologists work in variety of settings
such school, colleges, healthcare centres, business centers,
government and non-profit organisations.
They are involved in studies of the disturbed children and
advising parents about helping these children.
• Cognitive psychology: Based on psychologist Gestalt’s
principles, it studies growth & development of cognitive
abilities & capabilities of a human being. Studies cognitive
strenghts & their usage in challenging circumstances. It
emphasizes the role of ones cognitive abilities like
reasoning & thinking, analysis & synthesis, inferring &
generalising, intelligence & insight etc, in process of
learning ,problem solving , creative output, adjustment,
judgement, & decision making etc. Edward Tolman & Jean
Piaget are also associated with propogation of this school
of thought.
• Health psychology: Studies relation between psychological factors such
as anxiety, conflict, frustration, worries, stress and physical ailments and
disease. Health psychologists help in prevention, and treatement of
various psychosomatic and mental disorders by taking valuable
therapeutic measures like behaviour therapy, play theray, group therapy,
shock therapy, & psychoanalysis. They focus on health maintainance &
promotion of behaviour related to good health i:e is excercise, healthy
habits , physical and mental hygiene, at the same time discouraging
unhealthy behaviours like smoking, drug abuse and alcoholism. Health
psychologists work in health care setting and also in schools / colleges .
They conduct researches, analyse and attempt to improve the health
care system.
• Sports & Excercise psychology: study of behaviour of the palyers &
sports personnel regarding their activities, experiences, situations &
environment prevalent in the world of sports. Plays an effective role in
brinfing about desirable improvement in processes, mental & pysical
health of players. Inculcating in the players the feelings of true
sportsmanship through suitable behaviour modification & groups
dynamics tecnique for problem solving, teamwork and to understand
behaviour pattern of group or team. Sports psychologists provide
sufficient motivation and raise the morale of the players at time of
competition, devising training and coaching tecniques for excellence on
the field , individual as well as group level. Cognitive skills such as eye and
hand, track and field co-ordination are given importance.
• Environmental psychology: Focuses on the relation between
individuals , their physical and social surroundings. Environment
plays a key role in affecting & influencing behavioural patterns,
learning specific personality characteristics, disorders etc. this
branch helps to take steps for modifying & structuring
environment for social well being and facilitating in moulding
behaviour of individuals in the desired direction, solving their
personal & social problem and working towards their personal
and social progress.
• Examples: i) density of population and its relation with crime.
ii) noise pollution and its harmful effects.
iii) influence of over-crowding upon lifestyle.
• Personality psychology : Psychology in true sense is science
of life. This branch helps to explains the consistency and
change in behaviour of an individaual over time from birth
to end of life through influence of parents, siblings,
playmates, school, society &culture. It also provides means
of self-development, self-instruction, self-evaluation, and
self-actualization for individuals who strive for tuning self
with society. This branch aslo studies the individual traits
that differentiate one person from another.
• Counselling psychology :

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