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The movie "The King's Speech" provides several insights into the theories of business
communication. Here are a few key learnings:

1. **Self-Fulfilling Prophecy**: This theory suggests that an individual's expectation of an event

makes the outcome more likely to happen³. In the movie, King George VI (Bertie) initially struggles
with his speech impediment, which affects his self-efficacy and public speaking ability². However, as
he works with Lionel Logue and starts to believe in his ability to overcome his stammer, his speech
improves. This demonstrates how positive expectations can lead to positive outcomes.

2. **Symbolic Interactionism Theory**: This theory emphasizes the role of symbols and language as
core elements of all human interaction³. Throughout the movie, Lionel uses various symbols and
non-verbal cues to help Bertie understand and manage his stammer¹.

3. **Identity Management Theory**: This theory suggests that individuals create identities during
communication³. In the film, Bertie's identity as a king is constantly in conflict with his identity as a
person struggling with a speech impediment². His work with Lionel helps him reconcile these
identities and communicate more effectively.

4. **Stereotyping**: Stereotyping can often lead to misunderstandings and communication

barriers³. In the movie, Lionel initially stereotypes Bertie as a typical royal, which hinders their
communication. However, as Lionel gets to know Bertie better, he can break down these stereotypes
and improve their communication¹.

5. **Servant Leadership**: This concept emphasizes the importance of leaders serving their
followers⁴. Lionel serves as a servant leader to Bertie, placing Bertie's needs before his own
benefits⁴. This approach helps build trust and improves their communication.

6. Challenge the process: The movie shows how King George VI, who had a severe stammer,
challenged himself to overcome his speech impediment and become a confident and inspiring leader.
He did not accept his limitations but sought help from a speech therapist and practiced relentlessly
to improve his communication skills. He also challenged the conventional methods of speech therapy
and tried new and innovative techniques that suited his personality and needs. This shows how
leaders can challenge the status quo and seek new ways of doing things to achieve their goals.

7. Inspire a shared vision: The movie also shows how King George VI inspired a shared vision among
his people during the outbreak of World War II. He used his radio broadcast to communicate his
vision of a united and resilient Britain that would fight against the Nazi threat. He used emotional
appeals, rhetorical devices, and vivid imagery to convey his message and motivate his listeners. He
also showed empathy and authenticity by acknowledging his own struggles and vulnerabilities. This
shows how leaders can use communication to create a compelling vision that aligns with the values
and aspirations of their followers.

These theories highlight the complexities of communication and provide valuable lessons for
improving interpersonal and business communication.

8. Model the way: The movie also shows how King George VI modelled the way for his people by
demonstrating courage, perseverance, and passion in his speech. He did not let his stammer, or his
fears stop him from delivering his speech, but instead faced them head-on and overcame them. He
also showed commitment and dedication by preparing himself for his speech with the help of his
speech therapist and his wife. He also showed humility and gratitude by thanking his supporters and
acknowledging their contributions. This shows how leaders can use communication to set an
example for their followers and show them how to act in accordance with their vision.

9. Encourage the heart: The movie also shows how King George VI encouraged the heart of his
people by expressing appreciation, recognition, and support for them. He used his speech to thank
his people for their loyalty, courage, and sacrifice during the war. He also used positive feedback,
humour, and encouragement to build rapport and trust with his speech therapist and his wife. He
also showed compassion and understanding for his brother, who abdicated the throne to marry an
American divorcee. This shows how leaders can use communication to foster a positive and
supportive climate among their followers and stakeholders.

10. Enable others to act: The movie also shows how King George VI enabled others to act by
empowering them to act and make decisions. He delegated authority and responsibility to his
ministers, generals, and advisors during the war. He also gave autonomy and flexibility to his speech
therapist to design and implement his speech therapy program. He also respected and valued the
opinions and perspectives of his wife, who was his confidante and partner. He also listened and
learned from his people, who gave him feedback and suggestions on his speech. This shows how
leaders can use communication to facilitate collaboration and participation among their followers
and partners.


The plot of the movie The King’s Speech is based on the true story of King George VI, who had a
severe stammer since childhood and struggled to speak in public. He became the king of Britain in
1936 after his brother Edward VIII abdicated the throne to marry an American divorcee. With the
help of an Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue, he learned to overcome his stammer and
delivered a crucial radio broadcast to his nation at the outbreak of World War II.

The main message of the movie is that anyone can overcome their personal challenges with courage,
perseverance, and support from others. The movie also shows the importance of friendship, loyalty,
and leadership in times of crisis. The movie celebrates the human spirit and the power of
Lessons on Public Speaking from The King’s Speech
 Speech lessons fit for a king.
Prince Albert, known to his family as Bertie, reluctantly assumed the throne of England in
1936 and became King George VI. Cursed from boyhood with a terrible stammer, he
struggled painfully in public until his wife convinced him to seek the help of Lionel Logue, an
Australian speech therapist. Bertie conquered his stammer, found his voice, and became one
of England’s most beloved kings. For anyone who’s ever faced fears before making a
presentation or speaking in public, the king’s story contains useful tips on how we can all
learn to communicate better.

 Have faith in your voice.

As a child, Bertie was teased and ignored by the powerful men in his family. His stammer
grew worse, until he believed he could never be cured. Just as many novice presenters
struggle to get their words out, the king had to overcome a lack of faith in himself. The secret
here is to persist.

 Admit you need help.

The king checked his ego; listened to his wife, Elizabeth; and put his trust in Logue. Lesson:
We are all flawed. No one becomes a great presenter alone. Find your own Lionel and

 Put the hours in.

It wasn’t until Bertie threw himself into the exercises from Logue that he was able to
progress. There’s no substitute for preparation.

 Leverage experience.
Nothing improves public speaking like doing it, as King George VI found out. When you can’t
practice, study other people’s presentations and learn from their experience.

 Be a true version of yourself.

Bertie later spoke to more than 50 countries on live radio. He wasn’t perfect, but he was
loved by his people — his stammer humanized him and made him a hero.


In the end, what holds us back the most is ourselves and our conviction that we’re not good
enough in some way. With King George, he was convinced he’d be terrible in his role because
he couldn’t speak smoothly. He was tremendously intelligent and gifted in a multitude of
ways, but speaking was not his forte. However, with practice, he became good enough to
deliver when it counted.

In the end, what holds us back the most is ourselves and our conviction that we’re not good
enough in some way. With King George, he was convinced he’d be terrible in his role because
he couldn’t speak smoothly. He was tremendously intelligent and gifted in a multitude of
ways, but speaking was not his forte. However, with practice, he became good enough to
deliver when it counted.


The King was obviously competent, or he wouldn’t have done well in his role, no matter how
good a speaker he was. His issue was confidence. He had so convinced himself he wasn’t
capable, that even with training, delivering that speech in one of the final scenes in the
movie was, in his mind, an insurmountable challenge.

The first building block to a successful career is to establish your competence. Get good at
something. This develops a reputation for you. As you build on that reputation, your
confidence becomes greater. These are always going to be your steps, whether you’re fresh
out of school and on your first job or have been working for decades and enter a new role.


King George knew that he had to perform when it came time. In one scene, he was watching
films of Hitler with his family. At some point, his daughter asked him what the Fuhrer was
saying, to which he replied, “I don’t know. But he seems to be saying it rather well.” There
was no doubt. He had to deliver for his country. Can you imagine the weight on his

Sometimes it feels like the weight is on our shoulders, too, when we are out of work and our
family is relying on us for income. It’s a severe amount of pressure to be under. But know
this. Just as King George was able to perform under unreal pressure, so can you. Make sure
you’re getting enough rest. Start the new day off with a good breakfast. Make sure every
effort you do is getting you another step closer to your goal. Every small accomplishment is
positive and purposeful. Before you realize it, all those small efforts add up to the attainment
of your goal.


If not for Lionel Logue, King George VI probably would have always struggled with his plight.
He never would have had his voice. When you struggle and feel alone, you need some
encouragement. You need someone to hold you accountable and to drive you to attempt
what feels impossible at that moment. Lionel was there for the King until he didn’t need to
be any longer. The final scene of the movie is on a dreary, foggy day, when the speech
therapist told his Royal Highness that his services were no longer required. They shook hands
and Lionel walked off down the street and into the fog.

While we can do much on our own when we are searching for a new job or career, we can
make a lot of avoidable mistakes that prolong our transition between our old job and new
one. With the help of an expert, we can quicken the process and jump-start our career.
Behind every great athlete, there is a great coach. True, Michael Jordan was a great athlete
before he met Phil Jackson, but he wasn’t a champion until after. With a good coach, we can
be sure that everything we are doing will help us reach our full potential in our career.

Formal Email Template

Here is a template you can use the next time you are drafting a formal email:

Subject: [Brief and clear subject]

Dear [Recipient name],

My name is [your name], and I am [explain relation or relevance to recipient]. I

am writing to [state reason for contacting recipient].

[Offer some background about yourself and explain your intentions]. [Provide
any additional important information, keeping your message brief].

Thank you for your time. I hope to [speak with/hear from/meet] you soon.

[Formal closing],
[Your name]
[Professional contact information]

Formal Email Example

Here is a fictional example of a formal email sent by a student interested in a
research opportunity at their university that follows the above template:

Subject: Research Assistant Opening

Dear Professor Patel,

My name is Pranit Shah. I am a first-year graduate student in the School of Business

Management. I am writing regarding the research assistant opening the department
listed in its recent bulletin.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, I am deeply interested in studying how developments

in start-up funding have influenced the corporate structures of new companies
operating in international markets. I believe the research you are leading aligns
closely with my proposed thesis, and I am sure it would be an excellent opportunity
to apply the skills I have developed while pursuing my graduate studies. I have
attached my CV for your consideration.

Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from you soon.

With respect,
Pranit Shah

Formal Email Writing Format

Topic- Email on seeking information regarding course details

To- Recipient’s mail id

Subject: Regarding Course Details

Dear Sir,

I have passed the B.Sc. degree examination with Electronics as the main subject. I intend to
have a course in Computer Science and would like to know the details of the courses taught
at your institution. Could you please send me a copy of your brochure?

Yours faithfully,

Your name

Topic- Email on introducing a new employee to your team

To- Recipient’s mail id

Subject: Meet the New Customer Service Representative

Dear Team,

I am pleased to introduce you to (Name), who is starting today as our Customer Service
Representative. She will be providing technical support and assistance to our users and
making sure they enjoy the best experience with our products.

Feel free to greet (Name) in person and congratulate her on the new role!

Best regards,

Your name

Topic- Email on official intimation of your resignation

To- Recipient’s mail id

Subject: Resignation

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am planning to pursue my higher studies in the coming academic year, and hence I would
like to inform you of my intention to resign from the post of (Designation) at (Name of the
Institution), effective three months from now.

I appreciate the opportunities for growth and development you have provided during my
association with (Name of the Institution). It was indeed a privilege working here, and it was
a valuable work experience, which has helped me grow personally and professionally to a
great extent.

Please accept this letter as the formal intimation of my resignation.

Thank you for your guidance and support.

Yours sincerely,

Your name

Topic- Email Writing Format for Resignation

To- Recipient email id



Subject: Resignation Letter

Dear Sir,

I’m sending you this email to let you know that I’m quitting the company. According to
business policy, I must provide a month’s notice before leaving. I’m hoping you’ll be able to
find a suitable candidate for this position within this time frame. I am grateful for the chances
you have provided for me to grow. Best wishes for the future for you and the organization.

Please let me know what to expect in terms of my final work schedule and employee benefits.
It would be an honor to assist with the foregoing.
Waiting for your response.

Thanks and Regards

(Your name)

(Designation name)






Good day!

This year [COMPANY’S NAME] has steadily grown its finances since its latest release of the company’s
new product, the “[PRODUCT’S NAME]”. Upon its first week of release it was able to sell a total of
[NUMBER] units which is equivalent to $[AMOUNT] in profits for the week. In comparison to last
year’s profit, which has been financially difficult for the company, I am glad to say that we were able
to redeem all significant losses.

With that being said, I am submitting this letter along with the required fiscal year’s Financial Report.
The report contained herein includes the company’s income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow
statement which as expected will be kept in file and be used as reference for the next year.

Should you have any inquiries or concerns regarding on the contents of this report, please feel free
to approach me or contact me from [DAY] to [DAY] between the hours [TIME] to [TIME].

I look forward to the new fiscal year, and I hope you do, too!
Respectfully yours,










Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs.] [CONTACT’S LAST NAME],

Good day!

I would like to formally submit a report regarding on the [SPECIFY TOPIC] as requested by
[MANAGER’S NAME]. I have been debriefed that the purpose of such report is to keep a record of the
daily transactions as well as other relevant information to evaluate the business operations of the
Company. This report includes illustrations, tables, and graphs, which I believe would be essential in
the evaluation of such. Following the evaluation of [SPECIFY], I have been told to follow up with an
evaluation report in the same form and manner ascribed herein.

With that being said, if you have any inquiries or concerns regarding on the contents of this report,
please contact me at my department anytime from [DAY] to [DAY] from [TIME] to [TIME] so we can
arrange a meeting with the appropriate management and key employees.

Thank you.
Respectfully yours,





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