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Giảng viên hướng dẫn : Ths. Đỗ Đình Đình

Ths. Nguyễn Hồng Minh
Nhóm : Nhóm 1
Thành viên : Bùi Khánh Ly, Nguyễn Thanh Huyền, Vũ
Thùy Linh, Vũ Minh Đức, Dương Ngọc
Minh, Đinh Thị Diệu Thuần, Vũ Thị Vui
Môn : Phân tích tài chính
Mã học phần : FIB3015
Ha Noi, 2023



Giảng viên hướng dẫn : Ths. Đỗ Đình Đình

Ths. Nguyễn Hồng Minh
Nhóm : Nhóm 1
Thành viên : Bùi Khánh Ly, Nguyễn Thanh Huyền, Vũ
Thùy Linh, Vũ Minh Đức, Dương Ngọc
Minh, Đinh Thị Diệu Thuần, Vũ Thị Vui
Môn : Phân tích tài chính
Mã học phần : FIB3015

Ha Noi, 2023

A. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.....................................................................5

B. LIST OF GROUP MEMBER AND TASKS.............................................6

C. CONTENT OF THE ASSIGNMENT.......................................................7

I. Overview of electronic banking:..............................................................7

1. Definition:.............................................................................................7

2. Characteristics of electronic banking services:................................7

3. Evolution of E-banking:......................................................................7

4. Current services of E-banking:..........................................................8

II. E-banking development: A case study of the development of e-banking

in Vietnam:.......................................................................................................9

1. About BIDV:........................................................................................9

2. E-banking services provided by the bank (Development of that

bank's E-Banking service)........................................................................10

3. Results achieved by the bank in developing E-banking.................20

III. Draw lessons and open up future directions.....................................23

1. Strengths and weaknesses of research banks..................................23

2. Orientation for developing electronic banking services at Joint


3. Recommendations for Vietnam's banking industry.......................28

D. REFERENCES..........................................................................................31

A. Danh mục viết tắt
E - Banking Electronic Banking

B. Danh sách thành viên nhóm và nhiệm vụ
STT Họ và tên Nhiệm Vụ %
1 Bùi Khánh Ly
2 Nguyễn Thanh Huyền
3 Vũ Thùy Linh
4 Vũ Minh Đức
5 Đinh Thị Diệu Thuần
6 Dương Ngọc Minh
7 Vũ Thị Vui

I. Tông quan về doanh nghiệp
1. Tổng quan về doanh nghiệp CTCP Xây dựng Coteccons (HOSE: CTD)

CTCP Xây dựng Coteccons là một trong những doanh nghiệp hàng đầu trong
lĩnh vực xây dựng công trình dân dụng và công nghiệp tại Việt Nam. Công ty được
thành lập năm 2004 và niêm yết trên sàn chứng khoán TP.HCM (HOSE) năm
2008. Công ty có mạng lưới chi nhánh và văn phòng đại diện trên khắp cả nước,
cung cấp các dịch vụ xây dựng từ thiết kế, thi công, quản lý đến bảo hành và bảo
trì. Công ty đã thực hiện nhiều dự án quy mô lớn và có uy tín, như Vinhomes
Central Park, VINHOMES GRAND PARK, Vinhomes golden river, Landmark 81,
Tòa nhà Viettel vv . Công ty có đội ngũ nhân sự chuyên nghiệp và kinh nghiệm, áp
dụng các công nghệ tiên tiến và tiêu chuẩn quốc tế trong quá trình xây dựng. Công
ty cũng đặt mục tiêu phát triển bền vững, thực hiện trách nhiệm xã hội và bảo vệ
môi trường.

Coteccons không chỉ đầu tư vào các tiêu chuẩn kỹ thuật xây dựng hiện đại và hệ
thống quản lý chất lượng mà còn nghiên cứu và phát triển giải pháp từ vật liệu xây
dựng đến các biện pháp thi công. Công ty này đạt được nhiều dấu mốc quan trọng, bao
gồm việc mang đến cho khách hàng lựa chọn thiết kế và thi công (D&B) cùng các
phương pháp tiếp cận chìa khóa trao tay cho các dự án. Coteccons hoạt động đa lĩnh
vực, bao gồm quản lý thiết kế, xây dựng, cung cấp vật tư và thiết bị, mang đến giải
pháp toàn diện và tối ưu cho khách hàng.
1.1 Tình hình kinh doanh

Năm 2020, Coteccons đạt doanh thu hợp nhất 14,589,199 tỷ đồng và lợi nhuận
sau thuế hợp nhất 334,554 tỷ đồng, mặc dù giảm so với năm 2019 do ảnh hưởng của
đại dịch Covid-19. Tuy nhiên, công ty vẫn giữ vững vị thế dẫn đầu trong ngành xây
dựng và có triển vọng tăng trưởng trong tương lai.

CTD công bố BCTC quý 2/2022 ghi nhận doanh thu 3281 tỷ đồng, tăng 28,6%
so với cùng kỳ. Trong đó doanh thu từ xây dựng và cho thuê thiết bị xây dựng tăng

Đáng chú ý là trong qúy 2, chi phí quản lý doanh nghiệp tăng đột biến, chủ yếu
do phải trích lập dự phòng nợ phải thu khó đòi 242 tỷ đồng cho dự án D’Capitale. Vì
bậy nên quý 2 công ty báo lỗ 24 tỷ, trong khi cùng kỳ lãi 45 tỷ đồng.

Kế hoạch kinh doanh

Năm 2022, CTD đặt kế hoạch doanh thu 15.010 tỷ và lợi nhuận sau thuế dự kiến 20 tỷ đồng.
Như vậy, kết thúc 6 tháng đầu năm, Công ty mới chỉ thực hiện được 27,2% kế hoạch lợi nhuận năm.

1.2 Cơ cấu doanh thu theo từng loại hình dự án

Năm 2020 chứng kiến sự gia tăng tỷ trọng doanh thu đến từ các dự án chung
cư, biệt thự với mức đóng góp đến 48% vào tổng cơ cấu doanh thu so với năm 2019
chỉ chiếm 36%. Bên cạnh đó là mảng trung tâm thương mại, văn phòng cũng tăng từ
12% trong năm 2019 lên 18% trong năm 2020. Mảng khách sạn, resort và nhà xưởng
đều giảm, trong đó tỷ trọng doanh thu mảng nhà xưởng công nghiệp giảm đến hơn
50% từ 24% vào năm 2019 xuống còn 11% vào năm 2020. Điều này thể hiện rõ tác
động của dịch Covid-19 đến tình hình thị trường xây dựng, theo đó việc triển khai mới
các dự án về khách sạn và resort có sự chậm lại do ngành du lịch bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề
dẫn đến việc giãn tiến độ thi công, tài chính chủ đầu tư suy giảm và kỳ vọng vào
ngành cũng có tác động tiêu cực
1.3 Độ phủ sóng toàn cầu với những khách hàng lớn
Trong ba tháng cuối năm 2020 và đầu năm 2021, Công ty đã ghi nhận tổng giá
trị hợp đồng mới gần 10.000 tỷ đồng thông qua việc hợp tác với các đối tác lớn như
IFF Holdings, Lodgis, TTG Holding, Tập đoàn Đất Xanh và BW Industrial.
1.4 Chiến lược
Chiến lược kinh doanh của công ty: cân bằng sự phát triển kinh tế với xã hội và
bảo vệ môi trường, đảm bảo sự phát triển bền vững dài hạn.
Chiến lược phát triển trung và dài hạn: tăng tốc phát triển, mở rộng quy mô
hoạt động và khẳng định vị thế thương hiệu xây dựng hàng đầu không chỉ Việt Nam
mà còn vươn ra quốc tế.
Chiến lược phát triển bền vững: xây dựng niềm tin và gắn kết các bên liên quan,
đặc biệt là cổ đông, khách hàng, nhà cung cấp, nhân viên và quốc gia.

Chiến lược phát triển mới: phát triển lĩnh vực EPC với tập trung vào ngành
năng lượng tái tạo, góp phần giải quyết các vấn đề về biến đổi khí hậu.

2. Tổng quan về CTCP Tập đoàn Xây dựng Hòa Bình (HOSE: HBC)
Công ty Cổ phần Xây dựng và Kinh doanh Địa ốc Hoà Bình (HBC) có nguồn
gốc từ Văn phòng Xây dựng Hòa Bình được thành lập vào năm 1987. Công ty chủ yếu
hoạt động trong lĩnh vực xây dựng dân dụng và công nghiệp. Ngoài ra, HBC còn sản
xuất và kinh doanh nhiều sản phẩm như sơn Hodastone, sản phẩm mộc, trang trí nội
thất, nhôm kính và tham gia vào việc mua bán vật liệu xây dựng và địa ốc. Công ty
này đã được các đối tác lớn như Công ty Liên Doanh Phú Mỹ Hưng, Công ty Vạn Phát
Hưng, Công ty Bitexco Land và Tổng Công ty Vật liệu Xây dựng Fico tin tưởng chọn
làm nhà thầu chính cho nhiều dự án lớn.
2.1 Tình hình kinh doanh
Ngày 27/12/2006, cổ phiếu Hòa Bình (HBC) chính thức niêm yết trên sàn giao
dịch chứng khoán TP.HCM. Trong năm 2022, công ty đã ghi nhận Tổng doanh thu
thuần hợp nhất năm 2022 đạt 14.149 tỷ đồng, tăng 24,6% so với năm 2021, đạt 80,9%
so với kế hoạch đề ra. Lợi nhuận sau thuế của cổ đông công ty mẹ năm 2022 đạt
(2.567) tỷ đồng, giảm 2.594% so với năm 2021, đạt (733)% kế hoạch đề ra. Thu nhập
trên một cổ phiếu (EPS) năm 2022 đạt (10.141) đồng/cp. Thu nhập trên vốn chủ sở
hữu bình quân (ROE) đạt (97,3)%, thu nhập trên tổng tài sản bình quân (ROA) đạt

2.2 Cơ cấu doanh thu

Về cơ cấu doanh thu theo loại hình xây dựng, phân khúc Nhà ở năm 2021 có tỷ
trọng giảm so với 2020, tuy nhiên vẫn là phân khúc đem lại lợi nhuận cao nhất cho
HBC với 49%. Bù vào đó là đóng góp thêm 4% từ mảng Khách sạn, resort và 3% đến
từ mảng Công nghiệp, hạ tầng, cho thấy cơ cấu doanh thu của Hòa Bình ngày càng đa
dạng hóa khi đối mặt với thị trường đầy khó khăn và rủi ro.

Về cơ cấu doanh thu theo loại hình thầu, Thầu chính tiếp tục có sự điều chỉnh
tăng trong tỷ trọng với 58% vào 2021, phân khúc Tổng thầu vẫn duy trì tỷ trọng trên
30%. Phân khúc Thiết kế và Thi công vốn là loại hình Hòa Bình muốn tập trung đẩy
mạnh do những ưu thế về tiết kiệm chi phí cũng như nâng cao hiệu suất có xu hướng
giảm dần từ 2019 và không đóng góp cho doanh thu của Tập đoàn trong 2021.
2.3 Khung giá trị cốt lõi & chuẩn mực hành vi
Tử tế: Biết ứng xử văn minh, hành xử chính trực, biết nuôi dưỡng lòng nhân ái,
vị tha, thành tâm cống hiến cho cộng đồng, phụng sự cho xã hội bằng tất cả tài năng
cùng lòng nhiệt huyết của mình.
Tiên phong: Luôn nỗ lực phấn đấu vươn lên, khiêm tốn học hỏi tích hợp tinh
hoa của nhân loại, kế thừa truyền thống tốt đẹp của dân tộc, biết phát huy năng lực
sáng tạo của chính mình, biết nhìn xa, trông rộng để đi đúng hướng và giữ vị trí dẫn

Kỷ cương: Luôn tuân thủ nghiêm nội qui của tổ chức, luật pháp của quốc gia,
biết giữ gìn tôn ti trật tự, biết tôn trọng và luôn đem hết nỗ lực thực hiện đúng những
gì mình đã cam kết.
Kiên cường: Luôn bền gan, bền chí theo đuổi những ước mơ, hoài bão cao đẹp,
dũng cảm đối diện với mọi nguy nan, biết biến thử thách thành cơ hội, biến trở lực
thành động lực, không chùn bước trước khó khăn, thử thách và đi đến cùng trong việc thực thi sứ
mệnh của mình

2.4 Chiến lược phát triển của Hòa Bình trong 10 năm tới
Trước những bất cập của thị trường Việt Nam cả về yếu tố đầu ra (giá xây dựng) và
đầu vào (giá VLXD), Hòa Bình đã lên kế hoạch phát triển ra thị trường nước ngoài
với 4 thị trường mục tiêu là Canada (Ontario), Australia, Hoa Kỳ (Texas) và Châu
Âu do các thị trường này:
1. Có giá xây dựng cao nhưng chất lượng kém so với Việt Nam;
2. Chính sách an toàn, rõ ràng, tạo môi trường kinh doanh rõ ràng;
3. Số lượng dân nhập cư cao và ổn định;
4. Thiếu nguồn cung VLXD;
5. Thiếu hụt nguồn nhân lực hoặc chi phí nhân lực đắt đỏ;
6. Có các Hiệp định Thương mại Tự do. Tập đoàn muốn tận dụng ưu thế về chuỗi cung ứng VLXD và
nhân công rẻ trong nước, sử dụng ván khuôn gia công để thực hiện công trình nước ngoài ngay tại
Việt Nam giúp tiết kiệm chi phí xây dựng.

2.5 Kế hoạch kinh doanh năm 2023:

Giữ mục tiêu doanh thu 2023 đã xác định từ đầu năm: 12.500 tỷ đồng và lợi nhuận: 125 tỷ

Triển khai xây dựng Hệ thống Quản lý chất lượng ISO 9000 và áp dụng Quản lý chất lượng
Toàn diện (TQM).
Nhận thầu thi công nhiều dự án đầu tư nước ngoài có quy mô lớn.

2.6 Mức độ phủ sóng

Mức độ phủ sóng

Trong năm 2022, Hòa Bình đã ký kết hợp tác chiến lược với các t ập đoàn, công ty
phát triển bất động sản hàng đầu tại Việt Nam. Top 10 các chủ đầu tư Hòa Bình trúng
thầu/được chỉ định thầu hiểu nhất trong năm bao gồm: Novaland, Sungroup, Gamuda
Group, Keppel Land – Phú Long, Vingroup, DHA Group, Tân Á Đại Thành, Hưng
Lộc Phát, T ập đoàn Kim Oanh, Đại Hoàng Long Trung Yên

3. Evolution of E-banking:
There have been significant developments in the e-financial services sector in the
past 30 years. According to Devlin (1995), until the early 1970s functional
demarcation was dominated with many regulatory restrictions imposed. One main
result of this was limited competition both domestically and internationally. As a result
there was heavy emphasis on traditional branch based delivery of financial services
and little pressure for change. This changed gradually with deregulation of the in-
dustry during the 1980s and 1990s, whilst during this time, the increasingly important
The role of information and communication technologies brought stiffer competition
and pressure for a faster pace of change. The Internet is a relatively new channel for
delivering banking services. Its early form 'online banking services', requiring a PC,
modem and software provided by the financial services vendors, were first introduced
in the early 1980s. However. it failed to get widespread acceptance and most
initiatives of this kind were discon- tinued.
With the rapid growth of other types of electronic services since the mid 1990s,
banks renew their interest in electronic modes of delivery using the Internet. The
bursting of the Internet bubble in early 2001 caused speculation that the opportuni- ties
for Internet services firms had disappeared. The "" companies and the Internet
players struggled for survival during that time but e-commerce recovered from that
shock quickly and most of its branches including e-banking have been steady, and in

some drastic cases, growing in most parts of the world. One survey con- ducted by the
TechWeb News in 2005 (TechWeb News, 2005) found e-banking to be the fastest
growing commercial activity on the Internet. In its survey of the Internet users, it
found that 13 million Americans carry out some banking activity online on a typical
day, a 58 percent jump from late 2002. The spread of online banking has coincided
with the spread of high-speed broad- band connections and the increasing maturation
of the Internet user population. Another factor in e-banking growth is that banks have
discovered the benefits of e-banking and have become keener to offer it as an option to

4. Current services of E-banking:

Phone Banking (Telephone banking): This is a product that provides fully

automatic telephone banking information. Customers just need to call the Bank's total
account and follow the instructions, they will be provided with information about
bonus rates, interest rates, stock prices, as well as personal information such as account
balance, List transactions on the account, new notifications...
Mobile Banking: is a distribution channel for banking products and services via
the mobile phone network. Customers use their phone to text according to the pre-
determined form and send it to the Bank's Mobile banking service number. Mobile
Banking allows customers to access personal account information or make payments
for electricity, water, phone bills or stock transactions.
Home Banking (home banking): is the distribution channel of e-banking services,
allowing customers to sit at work and perform most transactions on customer deposit

accounts (money transfers, listings, etc.) transaction statistics, exchange rates, interest
rates, Debit reports, Credit reports...) through the internal network (Intranet) built
specifically by the Bank. Transactions are conducted at home through a computer
system connected to the Bank's computer system.
Internet Banking: is an electronic banking service that helps customers conduct
transactions with the Bank via the Internet. When participating, customers need to log
in to the Bank's website and make transactions and access necessary information.
Customers can also access other websites to make purchases and make payments with
the Bank
Bank Kiosks: is the development of banking services towards serving customers
with the highest quality and most convenience. On the street, work stations will be
placed with high-speed Internet connections. When customers need to make a
transaction or request a service, they only need to access and provide their personal
certification number and password to use the banking system's services.
II. E-banking development: A case study of the development of e-banking in
1. About BIDV:

Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam

(English transaction name: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and
Development of Vietnam) abbreviation: "BIDV".

Established on April 26, 1957, BIDV is proud to be the oldest financial institution
in the banking and finance sector in Vietnam, with top reputation and value in
Vietnam; Top 2,000 largest and most powerful companies in the world (voted by
Forbes); Top 300 most valuable banking brands globally (Brand Finance); Top 10
largest enterprises in Vietnam for 4 consecutive years. BIDV's 5 core values are:
Intelligence - Trust - Integrity - Professionalism - Aspiration

The history of construction and development of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank
for Investment and Development of Vietnam is a journey full of hardships and
challenges but also very proud associated with each historical period of protecting,
building and developing the country. Vietnamese people with4 name changes:

From 1957 - 1981: Vietnam Construction Bank.

From 1981 - 1990: Vietnam Investment and Construction Bank.

From 1990 - 2012: Vietnam Bank for Investment and Development.

From 2012 - present: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and
Development of Vietnam.

The transformation phase operates according to the Joint Stock Commercial Bank
model. This is a strong development step for BIDV in the integration process. That is a
fundamental and substantive change in mechanism, ownership and operating method
when BIDV successfully equitizes, becoming a joint stock commercial bank fully
operating according to market principles with an association orientation. import and
strong international competition.

Currently, BIDV has a network covering 63 provinces and cities nationwide with
190 branches, 871 transaction offices, 27,223 officers and employees and 57,825
ATMs and POS nationwide. In addition to offices in Vietnam, BIDV also has
commercial presence in countries and territories such as Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan,
Russia, and Myanmar.

2. E-banking services provided by the bank (Development of that bank's E-

Banking service)

a. Account inquiry service by mobile phone - BSMS:

BIDV's BSMS service began to be deployed in December 2006 as a service to

send/receive messages via mobile phone network, centralized and unified throughout
the BIDV system, allowing BIDV customers to proactively inquire. information
related to customer accounts and banking and/or receive automatic messages from
BIDV through a unique nationwide phone number (1900.54.54.99).

Utilities of BSMS service: Inquiry service sends messages to customers after the
customer sends a request to provide information to the bank via mobile phone text
message; With automatic messaging service, BIDV automatically sends customers
information according to the agreement in the service contract signed with the

Information provided through BSMS service: Deposit account information:

includes information about account balance, recently performed account transactions,
05 most recent transactions, transactions arising when the account is credited or
debited; Loan account information: includes information about the customer's next
most recent repayment period, the customer's loan repayment status, and overdue debt
transfer messages; Information about BIDV: information about BIDV's exchange rates
and interest rates (sent periodically), information about ATM locations... and other
information: BSMS service fees used by customers during the month, Cancel and re-
register for registered services, change password...

In 2012, BIDV upgraded the BSMS program. Accordingly: The capacity of the
system is significantly increased: the new BSMS program provides services to an
increased number of customers equivalent to the number of customers with payment
deposit accounts at BIDV; Service quality is improved, old program errors are
minimized; Improve convenience for customers using services, increase customer
satisfaction with modern service quality, and enhance BIDV's image and brand. Along
with the program upgrade, transaction registration procedures are also improved,
whereby customers are allowed to register/change services at any branch in the BIDV
system. The message content is edited to be simpler and more customer-friendly.

b. Internet Banking, Mobile Banking Services – IBMB:

BIDV-Direct banking service was deployed in 2005 and BIDV Homebanking

service was deployed in 2010. However, these two services have certain limitations.
Realizing the limitations of BIDV-Directbanking and Homebanking services,
moreover, the development of banks' electronic banking services is increasingly
strong, BIDV decided to deploy IBMB services in 2011.

BIDV's IBMB (Internet Banking Mobile Banking) system is a system that receives
transaction information of individual and corporate customers via the internet and

mobile phones, including 03 components: BIDV Online, BIDV Business Online and
BIDV Business Online. BIDV Mobile:

BIDV Mobile: is a service BIDV provides to individual customers, organizations

and other entities (business households, households, cooperative groups) via mobile
phones. BIDV Mobile application: Is software installed on the phone that allows
customers to perform transactions: Transfer money within the BIDV system; Transfer
money outside BIDV system; Pay bills in a variety of forms such as: buying BIC civil
liability insurance, paying BIC postpaid insurance bills purchased on the website, recharging prepaid phones, Pay for postpaid mobile
subscriptions, top up VnMart e-wallet, pay for Game cards, pay for airline tickets...
Unlimited inquiries about customer account types: checking account, savings account,
loan accounts, overdraft accounts...Credit card information inquiries; Look up a
variety of banking-related information such as: branch and ATM addresses, POS,
exchange rates, interest rates, after-hours working addresses and many other useful

BIDV Online: BIDV Online online banking services:is a service of the Joint
Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam provided to
individual customers via the Internet. BIDV's BIDV Online service provides
customers with the following services:

Transfer money within the BIDV system; Transfer money outside BIDV system

Bill payment: allows customers to pay bills including recurring bills and one-time
bills. Through BIDV Online, customers can use the following services: pay airline
ticket bills, pay AIA insurance bills, sell BIC insurance, top up VnTopup phones; Top
up VnMart e-wallet, top up Vietpay.

Issuing Online Term Deposit Account: allows customers to make term deposits on
BIDV Online without having to go directly to the transaction counter.

Service request order: Request for loan disbursement, Request for early loan
repayment, Request for check book issuance, Request for statement issuance, Request

for online loan, Request to use BIDV Mobile service , Request to issue a Debit Card,
Request to issue a new Credit Card.

Loan calculation: helps customers calculate the expected amount of money to be

paid to the bank in 02 ways: principal and interest paid monthly, fixed principal with
decreasing interest.

Look up loan account information, term deposit accounts, and demand deposits.

Look up check book information, exchange rates, and interest rates at BIDV.

BIDV Business Online: Business Online is an online banking service provided by

Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development to corporate
customers via the Internet. Service users: Corporate and organizational customers
(resident and non-resident); other entities (Business households, households,
cooperative groups). Currently, BIDV has announced to stop providing BIDV
Business Online services no later than June 1, 2022 and provide electronic banking
services on a single platform, BIDV iBank.

BIDV iBank electronic banking service for institutional customers is a diverse

online banking service ecosystem, including all the utilities of BIDV Business Online
and adding many new superior features as follows:

Non-financial services: Inquiry on international money transfer transactions; Card

acceptance unit management service; Manage documents containing digital signatures.

Financial services: Domestic money transfer; International money transfer; Salary

payment; Pay statements; Buy and sell foreign currency Online; Public services
(Payment to state budget, social insurance...); Manage credit cards…

Centralized cash flow management service: Automatic capital transfer; Cash flow
control; Cash flow management…

Mobile App application on a multi-channel platform allows seamless transactions

between two Web-App channels with many new utilities: VietQR payment,
personalization of user interface on demand...

c. BIDV Smart Banking Digital Banking Service:

BIDV's new generation SmartBanking Digital Banking service is built on the basis
of unifying online transaction platforms and replacing the bank's previous Internet
Banking and Mobile Banking services. Accordingly, the new generation
SmartBanking brings a completely new and consistent experience in terms of
interface, login information, limits, service fees, features, and utilities, allowing
customers to seamlessly perform transactions. finance and digital utilities on BIDV's
digital banking channels.

SmartBanking is provided on websites and mobile applications, allowing

customers to make transactions with the bank anytime, anywhere through devices
connected to the Internet such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, smart watch.

The new generation of BIDV SmartBanking brings many thingsunique features:

Use only 01 login name and password on multiple devices and platforms: With
only 1 login name and 1 password on the Smart Banking service, customers can
completely use their accounts on websites, mobile applications, smart watches, and
smart keyboards.

Manage personal finance: BIDV SmartBanking has a clear, easy-to-understand

interface that helps customers easily track their accounts and spending.

Open an account online using eKYC: Customers can open an account anytime,
anywhere using eKYC authentication.

Personalize the experience according to your needs and customize the interface in
real time: Customers can change their avatar, background image and arrange the
application's functions according to their level of interest and use,

Enhanced security: BIDV SmartBanking inherits security methods including login

security, transaction security and Smart OTP - a high-value transaction authentication
method that fully meets the security regulations of the State Bank.

Perform financial transactions on Apple Watch and Smart-Keyboard: BIDV
SmartBanking is currently the only banking application that allows users to perform
financial transactions on smart watches, instead of just asking for balance information,
interest rates/exchange rates and finding ATM points like regular applications. other.
In addition, with the BIDV Smartkeyboard version integrated on the keyboard,
customers can make transactions right on the interface of chat applications such as
Zalo, Viber, Messenger, Imessage, ... without having to switch back and forth between
multiple application.

In addition to the new features above, BIDV SmartBanking also allows users to
perform basic transactions:

Online money transfer (free when registering for B-Free packages); Internal BIDV
money transfer via account, card number, phone number; Money transfer outside
BIDV system (regular money transfer, 24/7 fast money transfer via account/card);
Transfer money to charity organizations.

Deposit/withdraw money online with attractive interest rates.

Pay electricity bills, telecommunications charges (phone, Internet), train tickets,

plane tickets, tuition, insurance fees, hospital fees, insurance, securities, tuition,
financial loans...

Pay domestic tax and registration tax; Pay social insurance; Pay seaport
infrastructure fees; Top up your phone; Top up your e-wallet.

Buy train tickets/bus tickets/plane tickets/movie tickets; hotel rooms….

Card service; Lock/unlock card; Make credit card payments for yourself and other
BIDV cardholders; Withdraw cash at ATMs using QR without a physical Card.

Register/cancel online payment registration.

Buy/sell foreign currency online.

d. Bankplus services
Bankplus is a cooperative service between the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for
Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) and the Military
Telecommunications Group (Viettel), allowing customers to perform banking
transactions right on their mobile phones. Fast, safe, accurate.

Bankplus is a modern service that directly attaches a mobile number to one or

more bank accounts, helping customers perform banking transactions right on their
mobile phones in the most convenient and quickest way.. Customers can check their
Bank account (account balance, transaction history), transfer money within the bank or
pay for Viettel's prepaid and postpaid telecommunications services (Mobile,
Homephone, D-com, ADSL, PSTN, FTTH, Leased Line...) with many attractive
incentives. The service is compatible with all mobile phone models and transactions
are performed quickly, ensuring safety and security.

e. Online bill payment service:

In order to diversify payment channels through banks and meet the increasing
needs of customers, from May 24, 2012, Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment
and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) has launched the Payment Service. Online bill
payment for individual customers.

This is a service that allows customers to pay through BIDV's channels (ATM,
Internet Banking, Mobile Banking...) and service provider's channels. With the desire
to meet the diverse payment needs of customers, BIDV has made connections with
many partners such as VnPay, Ngan Luong, VietPay, Onepay, VNG, VinaPay, Mobi
Vi... allowing customers to pay bills. Electricity bill, telecommunications fee, air ticket
payment, game card recharge or shopping for many other goods and services.

To use the service, customers only need to register once at BIDV transaction
points nationwide after providing information about their ID card and payment
account number at BIDV to the tellers. Online bill payment is a convenient payment
channel that helps customers be proactive with their time.

Compare e-banking services of Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and
Development of Vietnam with other joint stock commercial banks:

Level of awareness and use

According to Mibrand Vietnam's report on the E-Banking market in Vietnam, in

Figure 1, the top 3 banks with the most known E-Banking services are Vietcombank,
Techcombank and BIDV respectively. Among them, Vietcombank leads,
Techcombank and BIDV have equal recognition rates (0.3% difference).

Figure 1: Level of awareness and use of e-Banking service platforms

of Vietnamese commercial banks

(Source: Mibrand Vietnam digital banking market research report)

In addition, the report also shows that the Top 3 leading banks in terms of most
frequent usage are Techcombank, Vietcombank and BIDV, respectively.
Techcombank dominates with 23% of users using it regularly.

Customer satisfaction level

From Figure 2 we can see that private banks have an advantage over state-owned
banks in terms of customer satisfaction when using E-Banking platforms. Among
them, TPBank is the bank receiving the most positive feedback, followed by
Techcombank. BIDV only ranks 4th in terms of satisfaction.

Figure 2: Top 10 e-banking platforms in terms of satisfaction

(Source: Mibrand Vietnam digital banking market research report)

The state-owned bank with the highest awareness and number of users,
Vietcombank, is not highly appreciated by customers for its user experience, only
ranking 7th in terms of customer satisfaction.

Figure 3: Top 3 factors that make customers satisfied by each bank

(Source: Mibrand Vietnam digital banking market research report)

According to Figure 3, in general, E-Banking services are being evaluated quite

well by consumers on criteria related to convenience, speed, simplicity and cost of use.
The difference in criteria between private banks and state-owned banks is relatively
clear. While private banks such as Techcombank, TPBank, VPBank often focus on the
Low Cost factor, state-owned banks such as Vietcombank and BIDV take the
Processing Speed factor as the focus for their E-Banking services. me.

An unstable system is the biggest weakness that banks' E-Banking platforms are
facing. This instability is often noticed by consumers in the services of private banks
Techcombank, TPBank and VPBank as the factor with the highest dissatisfaction rate.

High usage costs make many customers feel dissatisfied when using E-Banking
services of state-owned banks such as Vietcombank and BIDV. Lack of variety of
amenities is also a factor that reduces customer satisfaction with these banks.

Thus, we can see that Vietcombank and BIDV are the two banks with the most
popular E-Banking platforms by customers with strengths in processing speed,
convenience and ease of use. However, the cost of use combined with the lack of
diversity in amenities is making the level of customer satisfaction when using E-
Banking services from these two banks relatively low. Techcombank is a private bank
with the most commonly used E-Banking platform besides banks with technology
platforms such as TPBank and VPBank. The attractive point when using E-Banking
service from this banking group comes from the policy of completely free usage costs.
However, systemic instability is the biggest reason why private banks' E-Banking
products are not highly appreciated by customers.

3. Results achieved by the bank in developing E-banking

Transaction size (2 main channels: Smart Banking and iBank): about 10,129,724
billion VND in the first 6 months of 2023, equal to 70% of the transaction scale
compared to the whole year 2022 (14,332,136 billion VND). This result is achieved
thanks to BIDV's successful research and implementation of many solutions on digital
distribution channels of modern banking products and services such as eKYC (eKYC),
(electronic customer), Apple Watch, Lucky Account, Insurance, etc. in Smart
Banking; Foreign currency transactions, Online deposit on iBank, Mobile app in iBank
1.5 (Omni version), etc.
Proportion of transactions: In 2018, transactions took place mainly at transaction
counters and ATM/POS trees (70%), and the number of transactions via digital
channels only accounted for 30%, but by 2022, with outstanding development of
BIDV electronic banking channel, the proportion of transactions via E-banking
channel has reached 76%, accounting for an almost absolute proportion in the bank's
transaction channels. This shows how quickly and strongly electronic banking services
at BIDV have developed in just the past 5 years.

Figure 4: Proportion of transactions via Digital Channels, Counters and ATM-

(Report to BIDV investors August 2023)

Number of online customers: According to BIDV Bank's annual report for

investors, the number of online customers in the first 6 months of 2023 is 6,732,551.
Achieved about 69% of the number of online customers compared to the whole year
2022 of 9,690,940 customers.
BIDV's transaction volume and number from 2018 to the first 6 months of 2023
on Smart Banking:
It can be seen that the number of transactions through the Smart Banking
channel in the first 6 months of 2023 is 467 million million transactions with a volume
of nearly 7 million billion VND. This number of transactions is equal to 73% of the
whole year of 2022 and an increase of 140% compared to the whole year of 2021. The
transaction value in the first 2 quarters of 2023 is also one and a half times the
transaction volume of 2021 and equal to 95% of the year's transaction volume. 2022.

Figure 5: Volume and number of transactions on Smart Banking

(Report to BIDV investors August 2023)
BIDV's transaction volume and number from 2018 to the first 6 months of
2023 on iBank:
From the report, we see that the number of transactions through iBank
channel in the first 6 months of 2023 is 3.2 million transactions with a volume of
3.1 million billion VND. This number of transactions is equal to 56% of the
whole year 2022 and almost equal to the number of transactions in the whole
year 2021 (3.5 million transactions). Transaction value in the first 2 quarters
2023 accounts for about 45% compared to the whole year 2022 and 52%
compared to 2021.

Figure 6: Volume and number of transactions on iBank
(Report to BIDV investors August 2023)
III. Draw lessons and open up future directions
1. Strengths and weaknesses of research banks

With BIDV's business strategy, information technology is identified as one of four

breakthroughs in BIDV's development strategy, whereby BIDV has actively deployed
information technology projects, built and developed infrastructure. information
technology layer to meet the specific goals and requirements of information
technology for the growing banking activities, to serve the business and management
requirements at BIDV.

In particular, the orientation of developing products and services on mobile

devices with friendly interfaces and simple connections while still ensuring high
security requirements is paid attention to by BIDV. This is consistent with the trend of
the 4.0 technology era, e-banking services are gradually replacing the office-hour
banking model.

The technology that BIDV applies to its products as well as the payment solutions
that BIDV offers are always the leading technology in the country and have high

operational efficiency. A specific example is the international standard QR pay
payment solution recognized by EMV, which BIDV and 16 other domestic banks have
used in their applications, bringing great benefits. Instead of installing a POS machine
with many costs and terms, customers only need a standard QR pay code and a link
with a payment intermediary partner to have an effective online payment tool.

When compared with other competitors, BIDV's electronic banking services are in
the top 3 most known banks: Vietcombank, Techcombank and BIDV, respectively.

Customer reviews have positive reviews when using BIDV's services compared to
other banks as follows:

 Firstly, about the fast processing speed of BIDV's e-banking service.

 Second, customers feel satisfied with the diversity of products and services
provided by the bank. The services provided are still convenient.
 Third, BIDV's electronic banking service is easy to use.

Digital transformation has been creating comprehensive changes in all areas of

BIDV's operations, which is an important basis for BIDV to serve customers better.
Recognizing those efforts, in 2021, many domestic and international organizations
honored BIDV with many awards: Sao Khue Title for Identity Account System, "Most
Innovative Electronic Bank" Award Vietnam 2021" voted by The Global Banking &
Finance Magazine... And the "Excellent Digital Transformation Enterprise 2021"
award voted by the Vietnam Digital Media Association, has just been awarded,
continuing to affirm the efforts BIDV's non-stop during the past time.

BIDV meets the diversity of service forms, integrating many features in e-banking
services to meet customer needs. BIDV is currently providing e-banking services for
individual customers with less than 5 service packages, and for businesses 3 service
packages. Thus, customers can completely choose the service that suits their needs and
the electronic device they have.

Money transfer limits are basically assessed at a level that relatively meets
customer needs, setting different limits for e-banking services for computers and
phones to ensure customer safety. limit large transactions over the phone, however
customers can request to increase the limit if absolutely necessary and frequently
transfer large amounts of money. Transaction fees are balanced to ensure revenue for
the bank and are consistent with customers' ability to pay. Transaction fees via e-
banking are much lower than over-the-counter transactions, thus attracting customers
to use them. service.

Upgraded technology software quality, contributing to accelerating transaction

processing speed and increasing security. In recent years, when many banks have
encountered risks of customers having their information and assets stolen from online
transactions, BIDV still manages security issues well, with timely dispatches to remind
them as well. The staff has also advised customers to improve safety when using the
service, so there have been no cases where customers using e-banking services have
encountered risks. With a 2-layer security system including access password and token
authentication factor, SMS OTP, customers can feel more secure when using the

Service quality is affirmed through the features and utilities that e-banking
services bring, not only money transfer and service fee payment, but BIDV has begun
to upgrade and link with public financial units. to support customers in paying taxes,
insurance, opening more online shopping channels for customers....

In addition, the quality of staff and facilities are also recognized, showing that the
quality of human resources and machinery is guaranteed quite well.

BIDV has built a specific business plan, aiming to grow retail services, focusing
on e-banking services, building regulations consistent with business realities at
branches, ensuring proper compliance. Head office promulgates professional
procedures, and regularly checks to detect suspicious and risky transactions.


Firstly, BIDV's electronic banking system is not really stable. When accessing to
use electronic banking services, users often encounter connection problems.
Customers still encounter cases where they cannot access the homepage, the bank's
application, or have to wait for a long time. This can cause discomfort and
dissatisfaction with the service for customers using the service, and can lead to account
closure even though the service has many benefits. especially when they are busy or
need to transfer money urgently.

Second, there is overlap in applications, causing new applications to be limited in

development because the features as well as limits and service fees are not much
different from existing services.

Third, BIDV's transfer fee via e-banking is still high compared to other banks,
typically Techcombank currently has free transactions on e-banking, or BIDV's
transfer fee within the same system is also higher, which means This reduces
competitiveness and greatly impacts customer satisfaction. With poor price
competitiveness while undifferentiated service features, it will not take long for
customers to lose and cause a sharp decrease in scale and revenue.

Fourth, for each customer there is no work to classify and evaluate the level of use
of each product or service, or customer services that have not been performed to have
the best customer care and advice.

Fifth, the handling of customer complaints about products and services due to
problems or errors in the technology system is not flexible, the staff's way of
responding to customers does not show full responsibility and spirit. Built to
contribute to product promotion and direct customers to use more electronic banking
products and services.

Conclusion: In general, the quality of e-banking services at BIDV achieved

relatively good evaluation results, not only receiving good feedback from customers
but also good business results, compared to other banks, the fees The service is
competitive and the transaction limit is quite high to meet customer needs, but there
are still many limitations compared to e-banking services of other banks. This is also
the motivation for BIDV to continue to improve service quality further to affirm its
position and achieve better results.

2. Orientation for developing electronic banking services at Joint Stock

Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam:

As a pioneer commercial bank in digital transformation activities, BIDV has a

vision that by 2030 it will be "the leading financial institution in Southeast Asia, with
the best digital platform in Vietnam, striving to be in the group of 100 largest banks in

Development orientation in the period 2023-2025:

 Leading in information technology and digital banking applications in

Vietnam in business operations and management, adapting to the changes
of the times.
 High quality human resources ensure the development requirements of the
banking industry in the trend of integration and Industrial Revolution 4.0;
Develop corporate culture, build and maintain a professional, modern,
learning, creative, and socially responsible working environment.
 Promote the implementation of comprehensive digital transformation in all
aspects of operations. Continue to implement BIDV Digital Transformation
Strategy for the period 2023-2025. Focus and promote the development of
information technology and digital transformation at each level and each
department. Promote innovation in all aspects of banking operations.
Accelerate the implementation progress of key technology projects,
contributing to improving BIDV's technological capacity.

Based on the vision and development orientation, in order to better meet the
increasing needs of customers, BIDV sets the following specific tasks:

By 2025, the proportion of banking products and services provided in the digital
environment will reach at least 70% and will reach 100% by 2030; Minimum number
of customer financial transactions on digital channels reaches 70% and 80%
respectively; The number of work records processed and stored in the digital
environment will reach at least 70% by 2025 and 90% by 2030...

Set up marketing strategies to expand operating markets. Improve staff skills,

strengthen staff roles in Marketing activities of branches.
Comprehensive 360-degree digitalization, meaning the entire operating process
from internal administration to product distribution channels and supply to customers
are transformed, taking the technology platform as the spearhead.

Build a digital ecosystem around BIDV's services.

Building a digital culture, digital capacity and human resource development.

Master the digital future, becoming one of the units accompanying the government
to pilot and lead the digital transformation market.

3. Recommendations for Vietnam's banking industry

a. For BIDV Bank in general and other commercial banks in particular
Enhance customer satisfaction: In the period of rapid development of smartphones
and the ability to update high technology around the world, BIDV with Smart Banking
in particular and other commercial banks in general need to grasp the technical
requirements. as well as services that bring psychological satisfaction to customers.
For corporate customers, BIDV promotes iBank service marketing and electronic tax
payment to maximize the benefits brought by this customer group. In addition, banks'
consulting teams need to grasp the psychology and needs of customers to choose
appropriate consulting services, avoiding massive introductions that make customers
confused and frustrated.
Investing in modern technology: Modernizing banking technology, on the one
hand, must be consistent with the financial potential of each bank, and on the other
hand, consistent with the general technological level of the country, region and the
world. Many information technology businesses are growing rapidly in Vietnam such
as FPT,... creating conditions for commercial banks including BIDV to develop this
distribution channel.
Create an inter-bank and inter-business coordination system: Coordinate with
relevant units such as banks, financial institutions, shopping centers, e-commerce
floors,... to build a network infrastructure of points accepting electronic payments
(from supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, and grocery stores) on a nationwide scale.
Thereby helping customers have the most convenience in buying and selling
Strengthen the implementation of digital payment models in rural areas, remote
and isolated areas associated with the implementation of the National Comprehensive
Financial Strategy; Promote electronic payment in the Government sector, public
Enhance safety and security: BIDV and commercial banks need to increase
investment in security technology, always seek and apply the most advanced security
solutions to strictly protect information security on the Internet: customer information,
management system, commercial transactions,... BIDV and commercial banks should
sign contracts to periodically check the company's security vulnerabilities with
reputable domestic companies (BKAV...) or foreign companies. (KAS,…); At the
same time, we invite more domestic and foreign technology experts to advise on the
bank's security system. From there, it can create trust and peace of mind for customers,
thereby attracting more customers to use electronic banking services.

b. Recommendation to the Central Bank

The State Bank needs to plan a general development strategy for the
commercial banking system. The State Bank of Vietnam plays an important role in
orienting the development of services to help commercial banks update financial
information as quickly as possible, cooperate with each other in a number of areas, and
avoid duplicate and wasteful investments.

The Central Bank needs to supplement and complete policies and mechanisms
to promote the application and deployment of new modern banking services. On the
basis of the State's laws, the State Bank needs to quickly build, complete, synchronize,
and promptly innovate the system of by-law documents to suit development
requirements as well as practice. International standards to guide commercial banks in
their implementation.

The State Bank needs to increase the application of science and technology in
banking operations to comprehensively innovate, especially the management
information system, interbank payment system, electronic transaction system and
remote monitoring. . The State Bank needs to seize opportunities in international
cooperation to open up banking relationships to attract and take advantage of
investment capital sources, information technology from developed countries, and
technology exchange and transfer. bank.

The Central Bank needs to have policies to encourage non-cash payments such
as collecting withdrawal fees, reducing consumption tax on high-value goods, luxury
goods, etc. if transactions are made via POS.

1. Shah, Mahmood,Clarke, Steve (2009), Electronic Banking Management, Nhà
xuất bản ĐH Kinh Tế Quốc Dân.

2. TS Đặng Thị Minh Nguyệt (2022), Nghiên cứu Phát triển dịch vụ Phát triển
dịch vụ ngân hàng điện tử tại Ngân hàng Thương mại Cổ phần Tư vấn và
Phát triển Việt Nam (BIDV), Đại học Thương Mại. Truy cập từ:


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