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BIU/BIA 3012 English for Academic Purposes

Test 1: Writing Supporting Details (20%)


Test 1 will test your ability to write coherently and accurately by presenting ONE paragraph from
your overall research paper. The sentences in this one paragraph should be separated and placed under
several headings (refer to test document). This is an individual test, therefore everyone in the group
needs to submit.

Your paragraph should fulfil the requirements of an academic research paper. Some of the criteria that
should be taken into consideration:

1. the thesis statement should be similar for everyone in the group

2. the topic sentence should be expanded with supporting details/connecting explanations
3. the supporting details/connecting explanations are integrated with evidence (citation from
4. 2-3 sources should be cited to support factual information or claims/assertions
5. in-text citation and reference section should adhere to APA/USIM style
6. the ideas presented in your connecting explanations are logical, well-organised and strongly-
7. the paragraph should be free from language errors. Include linking words/transition signals to
show the relationship between the sentences.
BIU/BIA 3012 English for Academic Purposes
Test 1: Writing Supporting Details (20%)

Name: WAFA’ AQILAH BINTI NAJAHUDIN Matric number: 1232205 Marks:

Group: BL6
/ 20


Thesis statement:
Poor academic performance, lack of social interaction and physical health disorder are the
negative consequences of gadget addiction.

Topic sentence:

Frequent use of gadgets could bring dreadful social development which reflects bad
students' social behavior and deportment.

Connecting explanation:

Subpoint: Social isolation

Addiction to gadgets have a huge negative impact on elementary school students in terms
of their social act and performance. It can also make the children lacking in social skills or
interaction in their surroundings, which effects their growing process. This behaviour could
then cause the children to experience social isolation.

(Paraphrased) Evidence / Citation:

-The child won't interact with their surroundings, parents, or peers. A child's habit of
playing with gadgets might lead to dependent behaviour, which can harm the child's social
and emotional growth. The children's individualism makes them indifferent to their
surroundings. Thus, they don't socialise in the neighbourhood. On the other hand, this
socialisation process will continue throughout maturity. Children who are still engrossed in
sophisticated technology may find it challenging to interact with those around them.

-Preoccupation gained from using a device can lead to addictive behavior. "Isolate" is one
category of socially accepted development. When a child doesn't have a best friend
among their peers, that child is considered isolated. Addiction to electronic devices can
lower children's level of activity and social skills. Kids become less talkative and would
rather spend time by themselves in their electronic comfort zones. Children may develop
an individualistic mindset as a result, showing less concern for others whether they be
friends or not.

-An excessive amount of time is spent by many students using their phones to browse the
Internet. Besides creating misleading impressions of interaction and irrational
expectations, this frequently leads to feelings of loneliness, increases in sadness, and
withdrawal from family activities (Shapira et al., 2003). As a result, they could withdraw
from social interaction and their classmates.
BIU/BIA 3012 English for Academic Purposes
Test 1: Writing Supporting Details (20%)

Connecting explanation:

From the statement above, it shows how bad the social isolation is for children who are
always using their gadgets. They could experience trouble communicating and lack of
social development because they tend to always interact with their devices. It could be
hard for the children to interact or socialise with other people, as they will find it difficult to
start a conversation. Through this, there are possibility that it is tough for them to makes
friend, which then makes them socially isolated. This happens when they are too occupied
with gadgets. Because they have a limited vocabulary, hence, it may lead to stuttering
because they did not practice speaking in real life with actual people.

Concluding sentence:

Many evidence from article or journal shows that habit of using gadgets to children lured
to solitude. With this, it is proven that excessive use of gadgets contributes to social


Suhana, M. (2017, December). Influence of Gadget Usage on Children's Social-Emotional

Development. In International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE
2017) (pp. 224-227). Atlantis Press.

Shapira, N. A., Lessig, M. C., Goldsmith, T. D., Szabo, S. T., Lazoritz, M., Gold, M. S., &
Stein, D. J. (2003). Problematic internet use: proposed classification and diagnostic
criteria. Depression and anxiety, 17(4), 207-216.

Direct quotation (you used to write the paraphrased evidence / citation section

-Child will lack of interaction with environment, parents and peers. The habit of playing
gadget in child will result in dependency behavior which can destruct child’s social and
emotional development. The individualist children cause them not care about their
surrounding environment. So, they lack of socialization in community. Whereas, this
socialization process will be continued from childhood to adulthood. If children still stuck
on technology sophistication, then they will be difficult to communicate with surrounding
community (Suhana M. 2017, p. 225).

-Addictive behavior is triggered by preoccupation obtained when using gadget. One

category of development in social acceptation is “isolate”. A child is said as isolated when
he/she doesn’t have best friend among their peers. Addictive to gadget can reduce
children activeness and their ability to interact with others. Children become less
interactive and prefer to be alone with their comfort zone with gadget. It can result in
individualistic attitude in children and they will less care about others whether their friend
or someone else. (Suhana M. 2017, p. 225).

-Many of the students spend too much time browsing the Internet on their phones. This
often results in feelings of loneliness, increases in depression, withdrawal from family
activities, and at the same time creates false senses of interaction and unrealistic
expectations. Consequently, they may become isolated from their peers and also from
social interaction (Shapira et al. 2003, p. 212).

*Your instructor will compare the quality of your paraphrased sentence above with
BIU/BIA 3012 English for Academic Purposes
Test 1: Writing Supporting Details (20%)

the direct quotation you wrote here.

Example of a direct quotation: “Agriculture is the world's second largest greenhouse
gas (GHG) emitter due to the use of fossil fuel-based fertilizers, agricultural machinery,
and the burning of biomass” (Qiao et al. 2019, p. 722)

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