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2 undifferentiated ducts (mesonephric (wolfian) & paramesoRephric (mullerian)

external structures of male repro (stp)

internal structures " " " (epididymis, vas deferens ,prostate gland,bulbourethral gland ,urethra)
segments of fallopian tube (interstitial, isthmus, ampulla, infundibullum)
exercises to strengthen perenial body (kegel, tailor sitting, squatting)
layers of ovaries (tunica albuginea, cortex, medulla)

beginning of breast development (thelarche)
beginning of mens (menarche)
production of sperm( spermatogenesis)
it separates each sac (midline septum)
what cells produce testosterone (interstitial cells/leydig's cells)
also known as cowper's glands (bulbourethral glands)
short segment between the body and cervix ( isthmus)
lowest portion of uterus which is usually 2-5cm long (cervix)
inner layer of mucous membrane innermost layer (endometrium)
middle layer of muscle fibers (myometrium)
outer layer of connective tissue (perimetrium)
condition where it will lead to hemiation of rectum to vagina ( rectocele)
overstretching lead to hemiation of bladder to vagina (cystocele)
has a similar function to clitoris (glans)
torn during childbirth & site of episiotomy (fourchette)
(paraurethral gland / skene's gland)
located in each side of vaginal opening + SECRETES ALKALINE SUBSTANCES TO LUBRICATE VAGINAL
ORIFICIE & NEUTRALIZE ACIDITY OF VAGINA (paravaginal glamds / bartholin's glands) + also the site of
elastic tissue that coverd vagina (hymen)
bartholin's cyst and infection ( bartholinitis)
a hymen so complete that blocks passage of mens until surgucally incised (imperforate hymen)
hormone of woman (estrogen)
best time for breast self exam (5-7 days aft mens)
areola appears rpugh due to sebacious glands (montgomery's tubercles)

note: inner endometrium, myometrium middle, perimetrium outer

at birth : 2 milliom immature ova
7yrs = 500T per ovsry
22 yrs = 300,000 ova
menopause: none left
segments of ft:
interstitial - most proximal, most dangerous site for ectopic pregnancy, lies within uterine 1 cm
isthmus - next distal, exteremly narrow, site of sterilization or BTL (BILATERAL TUBAL LIGATION)
ampulla = 3rd & longedt portion 5cm, site of fertilization
infundibullum= most distal, funnel shaped, rim covered by fimbriae(small hairs) that help guide to fallopian tube
//. retroversion = tipped backward
anteversion= forward
anteflexiom= m bent sharply forward at junction of cervix
retroflexion= bent sharply backward before cervix

septum= divides uterus

bicornuate uterus= horns at junction of FALLOPIAN TUBE
vagina - hollow rugated canal
fornices - recess at cervical end of vagina
bulbocavernosus muscle- voluntary sphincter (kegel's exercise strengthen the muscles)
nipple - composed of smooth muscles can cause erectioj or sucking stimulation, 15-20 small openings
mammary - divided into 15-20 lobes divided into lobules
lobules - cluster of acinar cells/acini (saclike terminal parts,,,, secretes milk & colostrum)

hormones that influ mg

estrogen - development of ductike M structure of breast
progesterone - acinar structurs of breast
human placental lactogen or hpl - breast development during pregnancy
oxytocin - letdown reflex or milk ejection rf
prolactin - stimulates milk prod.

2 division of pelvis
false pelvis - upper half ( supports uterus during late month of preg & aids in directing fetus into true pelvis for birth
true pelvis - lower half, long bony, curved canal has three parts (inlet, pelvic cavity, outlet)

anterior & lateral portion made up of>

2 innominate hipbones DIVIDED INTO:

posterior position :

linea terminalis / brim : line from sacral promontory to superior border of sp which divides pelvis into true & false pelvis

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