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Motivation Letter

My name is Annisa Rochma Sari. I am now taking cultural studies as my concern at

Faculty of Humanity Universitas Airlangga. I am interested to participate in this summit because
I would like to exchange ideas and solution on managing the complex cultural issues in
Indonesia. The lacking water, food, and energy will considerably cause those issues since
Indonesian people do not have much awareness to them regarding their unlimited supplies. This
can be directed to an immensely problem in 2045 when Indonesian youth nowadays become the
leaders and population is growing much bigger. As a future leader, I hope I can gain break-
through ideas in engaging society to develop people awareness and cultural-based problem

Indonesia is a part of global world; therefore it will need the sustainable plan and
development established with the other Asia countries altogether. For that reason, the summit
would be a great opportunity for me to understand on how the other countries make use of their
culture to manufacture healthy food and high quality water, and generate sustainable energy for
years. I also seek to make new friends and colleagues to build further collaboration for
multidisciplinary research related to the water, food, and energy nexus.

I am interested in how people shape their habit in everyday life. Human’s attitudes have
significant impact for the water, food, and energy availability. For instances, when I joint as the
committee or participant in some events; I saw many people throw their rubbish everywhere,
wasted the food they did not like, or wasted the energy. Those actions may be just the little
things; yet how if the 7 millions more people do the same thing? What I can do is utilizing the
water, food, and energy wisely. Furthermore, I join the WWF online campaign to spread the
green, clean, and healthy life through social media. I am very contented when I know those
actions work on my families and friends. As a student of Faculty of Humanity, I possess the
responsibility to change the Indonesian citizen habit steadily for making new humanized culture
to utilize water, food, and energy. I understand that it is complicated to change the culture; yet I
am sure the viable solution will be resulted by collaboration of multidisciplinary academicians in
the 1st Asian Undergraduate Summit.

After joining the 1st Asian Undergraduate Summit, I hope that I live my life with brighter
insight and practical-effective solution; and I can devote myself to the society with the new
knowledge and experience I got from the summit.

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