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Muscular tissue

The primary function of muscle cell is contraction this resulting in movement of

the body as a whole and many parts with respect to one another.

Muscle cell lie in paralled arrays they are elongated in the axis of contraction
usually are termed muscle fiber, confused with C.T fiber and nerve fiber.

Muscular tissue consist of three basic element :

1- The muscle fibers

Usually arranged in bundles, but occasionally occurring as single element

2- Capillary network
A rish capillary network that provides O2 and nutrients, eliminates toxic
waste material .

3- Fibro- connective supporting tissue

Fibroblasts , collagen and elastic fiber, blood vessels and nerves run in this
C.T also binds together the muscle fiber.

4- The protoplasm of muscle is referred to sarcoplasm, the endoplasmic

reticulum of muscle cells is called “ sarcoplasmic reticulum.

5- The muscle cell are called myocytes surrounded by membrane called


6- The bulk of sarcoplasm is occupied by myofibril these contraction element

running in the long axis of the cells, each myofibril is a bundle of small
myofilament which is composed of actin and myosin the main contractive
proteins .
There are three types of muscle classified on bath basis;
1- Functionally muscle either is under the control( voluntary or
2- Structurally it’s either show regular transvers along the length of the
fibers or un striated on this basis.

the three types of muscle are :

1- Striated or skeletal muscle attached to the bone of the limbs and body
wall (voluntary muscle).
2- Cardiac muscle ; striated un voluntary , present in the wall of heart .
3- Smooth muscle unstriated also unvoluntary , present in the wall of the
hollow viscera and most B.V.

A- Smooth muscle
It is unvoluntary , found in viscera forming the contractive portion of the
wall of digestive tract from mid-esophagus to auns, also found respiratory ,
urinary, genital system, arteries, veins, iris, ciliary body in the eye .
It’s function to moderate and maintain lumen diameter of the hollow viscera,
the smooth muscle many occur singly or in small groups, they fiber are
elongated, spindle- shaped cells with tapering ends and a wider center with
round or oval nucleus located
The length of muscle fibers in blood vessels are about 20Mm, but can reach
0.5mm in prgnamt uterus , no cross station or banding is seen

In T.S the muscle appear hawing faint myofibril adhering to sarcolemma.

The smooth muscle supplied by sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve
B- Skeletal muscle
1- Striated muscle fibers are arranged in bundle or fascicles, are paralled
and enveloped in C.T they contains b.v and nerve
2- It’s voluntary muscle that control the movement of our bones of the
3- The muscle fibers is along cylindrical, multi nuclear with the end
being rounded or tapering at the junction of muscle and tendon.
4- The nuclei in each fiber are numerous and ovoid and situated
peripheral .
5- The sarcolemma is a structure less, thin membrane, the sarcoplasma is
occupied largely by long , paralled cylindrical filament, and
6- A clear sarcoplasm lie adjacent to nuclei and these area contains,
numerous ,sarcosomes small golgi apparatus , glycogen and some
lipid droplets .
7- The muscle fiber in longitudinal section shows alternative dark (A),
and light bound (I-bound).
The A-bound stains more intensely than I-bound and show a central
H-bound that stains less intensely in the center of the H-bound a
slenda dark line called M-line
8- Each I-bound shows a distinct Z-line .
The segment between two adjacent Z- lines called a sarcomere,
having one dark bound and 2 halfs of light bounds.
So sarcomere is a linear contractive unit resulting from the specific
arrangement of myofilament in a myofibril.
In C.S
The skeletal muscle consist of fibers which are arranged in large
group called fasiculi that are bound together by C.T called
endomysium , another group C.T fiber know as perimysium ,then
several bundle are connected together by loose C.T having adipose
tissue is a know epimysium.
In C.S when me examine the distribution of myofibrile, the myofibrile
found in group called Cohnheim’s area .

Nerve supply

1- Each muscle has one or more nerve supply the nerve piercing the
epimysium at the motor point.
2- Each muscle fiber may have it’s own nerve supply , but in trunk
muscle a single nerve may supply a hundred or more muscle fibers.
3- Thus contraction is controlled by (motor end plate), but
coordination of the muscle activity , involves sensory endings
located at the , muscle (muscle spindle and tendons).

The muscle fibers have a limited capacity for regeneration and
damage is repaired by fibro- connective scar tissue.
Similarly of the nerve or blood supply is interrupted muscle
fibrous tissue , however adult muscle fiber contain satellite cells,
which are small and situated beneath the sarcoleamm may in
especial condition differentiate into muscle fiber.

C- Cardiac muscle
1- It is unvoluntary and striated it is found only in myocardium , the heart
muscle continuously show rhythmic movement through amt life originate
from special part of mesoderm to from myocardium from which the heart
muscle arise .
2- The cardiac muscle is striated like skeletal muscle , but the fiber are
branched and divided longitudinally by intercalated disc into cells, each
containg a central nucleus.
3- This disc composed of several layers of membrane which strength the
fibers and help to conduct the cardiac impulse and enable contraction to
spread rapidly and smoothly through the heart wall.
Purkinje fibers:

 Are specialized muscle cell conduct the cardiac impulse

 Are located just between the ordinary muscle fiber,
 They are large, thick and more pale stain, they have abundant central
sercoplasm, few myofibrile intercalate disc seen infrequently and
poorly developed.

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