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The 5 th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment

Environmental Analysis of Post Sand and Andesite Mining Land in Cimalaka
and Paseh, Sumedang, West Java

Conference Paper · November 2012

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2809.4725


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2 authors, including:

Arni Sholihah
Bandung Institute of Technology


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The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

Environmental Analysis of Post Sand and Andesite Mining

Land in Cimalaka and Paseh, Sumedang, West Java
Arni Rahmawati Fahmi Sholihah1 and Achmad Sjarmidi2
Biomanagement, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Labtek X of Bandung
Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, fax : +62 22 253-4107,
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Labtek X of Bandung Institute of
Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, fax : +62 22 253-4107,

Abstract. The existed conflict of interest in Cimalaka and Paseh, involving its
values of ecosystem regulation, agriculture, geothermal and mining, was
considered creating environmental damage. This research aimed to analyse
environmental impact from sand and andesite mining activities on the area by
measuring the environmental factors, including Ecosystem Function Analysis.
The value for land stability was 33.24%, water infiltration 37.2% and nutrient
cycle rate 15.28% showed the degraded land had high risk for erosion and
landslides. There are high correlation (α=0.01) between rainfall and water
discharge of Cibeureum Weir. A landslide was recorded recently in Cikondang,
covering two acres of rice-field led to crop failure. The soil indicated poor
macronutrient contents. On the early stage of post-mining land, there were 67
herbs species and 9 bushes species, which at least 40 species were invasive alien
species. It was predicted that the poor soil was unsuitable for agricultural yet
very suitable for invasive alien plant species. The reclamation was covering
5.13% area with 0.56% was revegetated. Economical loss and social conflict
caused by mining were also identified. The sand and andesite mining activities
on the area created ecological, economical and social impacts thus requires
integrated environmental management to solve the problem.

Keywords: mining, environmental impact, reclamation, invasive alien species,

integrated environmental management.

1 Introduction
Imbalance interaction of human and nature could lead to environmental damage
and natural disaster as human being has tendency to treat nature as limitless
resources (Balakrishnan, 1994; Hopkinson and Stern, 2002). This issue has been
global problem for decades, yet its implication on local management still has a
long way to go. For example, there’re still problems around the local
exploitation of sand and andesite mining in Cimalaka and Paseh, Sumedang,
West Java.

The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

About 61% of Sumedang region is covered by materials from volcanic eruption

products of Mount Sunda, Mt. Cakrabuana, Mt. Tampomas, Mt. Kareumbi-
Bukitjarian and Mt. Manglayang (Pemkab Sumedang, 2012). Cimalaka and
Paseh, which are located around Mt. Tampomas, have considerable amount of
sand and adesite deposits from breccias and agglomerate (Qyb), pumiceous tuff
(Qyt), undifferentiated young volcanic products (Qyu), Subang formation –
claystone member (Mss) and Kaliwangu formation (Pk) (Silitonga, 1973 and
Dirk, 2008). Thus, the two regions are well known for their high quality sand
and andesite for building material and play as centre for local sand and andesite

As the parts of Mt. Tampomas area, Cimalaka and Paseh also have high values
in ecosystem regulation, agriculture, geothermal as well as mining. The existed
conflict of interest within this area was considered creating environmental
damage and natural disaster, the risk that had been recognized by people as well
as the local government (Long Term Developmental Plan for Sumedang 2005-
2025). As the consequences from open pit mining technique, the sand and
andesite mining in Cimalaka and Paseh could lead to local landscapes change,
drought, top soil loss (BPK, 2008), soil nutrient loss (Mitsch and Jorgensen,
2004; Tripathi and Singh, 2008; Utami and Wasis, 2009; Pemkab Sumedang,
2012). Economically, it could create marginal land which is less usable for

This research aimed to analyse environmental impact from sand and andesite
mining activities on the environment. For there was limited existed physical
environmental data of the area, the research was conducted by measuring the
environmental factors, including Ecosystem Function Analysis (EFA) as well as
gathering information from relevant governmental departements.

2 Methods
The research was conducted in Cimalaka and Paseh, Sumedang, West Java, on
Februari to April 2011 then on Februari to Juni 2012. The area was classified
into tropical (0-600 m above sea level, 22-26.3 oC), temperate (600-1,500 m
above sea level, 17.1-22 oC), cool (1,500-2,500 m above sea level, 11-17.1 oC)
based on Junghuhn climate classification (van Steenis, 1972). On the other
hand, based on Schmidth-Ferguson climate type, the area was including type B
(wet) and C (fairly wet) climate area (Whitten et al., 2000). The rainfall rate was
1,883 mm/year to 3,772 mm/year in 2007-2010 with average daily temperature
and air humidity were 22.5-23.3 oC and 78,9% (Badan Lingkungan Hidup
Sumedang, 2008).

The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

Field study was conducted with modifying Ecosystem Function Analysis (EFA)
method from Tongway and Hindley (2004) . It was including microclimate
(light intensity, air humidity and temperature) and soil characters (including
macronutrients content) measurements and Landscape Function Analysis (LFA, With LFA, the site was described including its geographic
location with GPS receiver, type of soils, vegetation type and land use. Then,
the landscape organization was characterizing to collect information about the
type and size of each landscape patch and inter patch. Soil surface assessment
was conducted in each patch and inter patch.

Vegetation analysis was conducted using plots method, 1 x 1 m2 x 78 plots for

herbs and 4 x 4 m2 x 25 plots for bushes. Parameters measured were including
coverage, frequency, important value for herbs and coverage, frequency,
abundance, important value for bushes. The plants were identified using Flora
untuk Sekolah di Indonesia (van Steenis, 1997), Flora of Java (Backer and
Brink, 1963-1968) and The Mountain Flora of Java (van Steenis, 1972).

Reclamation and water discharge data were collected as secondary data from
related governmental institutions, such as: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan
Daerah; Badan Lingkungan Hidup; Dinas Pekerjaan Umum and Dinas
Pertambangan, Energi dan Pertanahan of Sumedang.

3 Results and Discussion

In the early closed mining area, the low vegetation cover led to high light
intensity, for about 15.2x103 ± 7.3x103 lux. The average temperature was
29.1±1.02oC with air humidity about 69.7±7.5%. In van Steenis (1972), it was
stated that average temperature at sea level in Java was 26.3oC and decreased
with 0.61oC per 100 m height. From this, we could say that the temperature of
the site at that time, 744 m above sea level, should be about 21.76 oC. There was
a big gap for about 7.34oC. It showed us that the low vegetation cover has
clearly changed the microclimate condition of the site including increase the
total radiation received by soil surface and the temperature-rise of the almost
bare site.

Still in the early closed mining area, it was common that the soil had no organic
horizon. Soil acidity as recorded was pH 6.97±0.3, soil humidity 10-21.67%,
soil temperature 24.33-29.5oC. The surface soil conditions varied locally
depended on different type of substrate, litter coverage, topography and shading
as well as vegetation coverage. Table 1 shows another soil characteristics
measured in the research and how the soil had low macronutrient content based
on assessment criteria for soil chemical properties (Hardjowigeno, 2003),

The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

including nitrogen. This low nitrogen content was a characteristic of post

mining land (Mitsch and Jorgensen, 2004), especially with open pit technique.
This result will impact on the vegetation life on site. As the land has low
macronutrient content, it would only the poor soil adaptive plants could life on
site. It would be later discussed in the vegetation analysis results.

Table 1 Soil characteristics of the early closed mining site (2011)

Parameters Sand Sandy Loam Explanations
Bulk density 0.045 0.11
Organic content (%) 4.5 11
Porosity (%) 10.74 24.43
C organic (%) 0.56 0.96 Very low, not suitable
for agriculture
N organic (%) 0.01 0.03 Very low, not suitable
for agriculture
C/N 70.5 30 Very high, not
suitable for
Fosfor Olsen (ppm) 10.3 18.3 Low
Kalium Morgan 290.05 451.4 Intermediate
K2O (HCl) (ppm) 371.55 577.5 Low

The early closed mining site landscape has the critical condition with value for
land stability was 33.24%, water infiltration 37.2%, soil nutrient cycle 15.28%
(see Table 2) thus couldn’t perform its regulation function. These low values for
stability and water infiltration were the major causes for erosion and land
sliding in the area. As stated in long term regional planning of Sumedang, sand
mining and post sand mining areas in Cimalaka are classified as disaster-prone

Table 2 Landscape Function Analysis results (2011)

Transect Stability (%) Water Infiltration (%) Nutrient Cycle (%)
1 34.42 ± 1.44 38.57 ± 0.16 18.42 ± 1.04
2 35.53 ± 2.45 37.94 ± 0.67 15.82 ± 0.98
3 35.41 ± 2.66 37.07 ± 0.84 14.52 ± 1.17
4 29.96 ± 1.06 36.40 ± 0.35 13.59 ± 0.47
5 30.89 ± 1.09 36.02 ± 0.42 13.05 ± 0.57
Average 33.24 ± 2.63 37.20 ± 1.06 15.08 ± 2.14

The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

A recent landslide was recorded in Cikondang (Figure 1), Cimalaka, covering

nearly two acres of rice-field and led to crop failure. This showed us one of the
negative economical impacts of the mining activities.

Figure 1 Cikondang landslide in mid 2012

Further, as the water infiltration rate on the mining area was low, there were
certainly impacts on ground water conservation aspect of the area. An
observation in 2012 recorded that at least there were two springs being dry in
Cibeureum, Cimalaka, those were Cigunung spring water in Cibeureum Kulon
and Cimera water spring in Cibeureum Wetan. Water discharge also decreased
in Mandalaherang and Legok Kaler. Now, people in the area need to spend
money up to Rp 2,000/m3 on fresh water for previously it was always free.

People on the area were also realizing that within rainy season, ground water
(e.g. in well) are overly abundant, yet only a short period. Soon after the last
rain, it immediately decreased. The data in Figure 2 showed that there are high
correlation (α = 0.01) between rainfall and water discharge of Cibeureum Weir.
The mining activities in the area had cleared the traditional agroforest in the
area. As the low vegetation cover had been creating low rate rainfall water
infiltration, high rate of run off alongside low water holding capacity of sandy
substrate, the water above ground and even the ground water would easily

The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

entered the water body, creating an obvious change in the weir’s water

600 Rainfall
500 (mm)
300 Water
200 Discharge
100 (m3/s)
Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov

Figure 2 Correlative relationship graph of monthly rainfall rate in Cimalaka and

water discharge of Cibeureum Weir (α=0.01). Data from November 2009 until
December 2011.

The vegetation as key factor in maintaining water conservation success on the

area was encouraged by the overall LFA results that showed that the perennial
herbs were contributing 69.45% for land stability, 70.18% for water infiltration
and 71.19% for soil nutrient cycle. It meant vegetation had the highest
contribution for landscape condition.

Despite the importance on the vegetation as land cover, the vegetation analysis
result showed us that the early closed mining site mostly only covered by herbs
and bushes. The analysis in 2011 at Layapan site, Cimalaka, resulted total
vegetation that was consisting 67 species of herbs and nine species of bushes.
Predominant herb species was Cajanus scarabaeoides which is adaptive to the
dry region (Backer and Brink, 1963; van Steenis, 1997), while predominant
bush was Mimosa pigra. Both of C. scarabaeoides and M. pigra are members
of Fabaceae.

All top five herbs species were from Fabaceae family, except for Pennisetum
polystachion from Poaceae family (Figure 3). All four Fabaceae species were
common species of disturbed open land ecosystem (Backer and Brink, 1963-
1968). The others two herbs families with high important value were Asteraceae
and Poaceae. The two were adaptive on the site due to physical condition of the

The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

open land site which was suitable for the dispersion of their seeds by wind
(Backer and Brink, 1963-1968).


15 12.96 12.77
IV (%)


Cajanus Centrosema Aeschynomene Pennisetum Mimosa invisa
scarabaeoides pubescens indica polystachion
Herb Species

Figure 3 Top five of herbs species Important Value (IV). Total IV for all 67
herbs species was 200%.

Mimosa pigra, the predominant bush had important value (IV) of 108.3%. In
SEAMEO (2011), it was stated that M. pigra is an alien invasive species.
Another bush, Eupatorium inulifolium (IV 66.8%) was known as weed and
indicator plant species for disturbed land (JICA, 2006). Other bushes found on
site were Gliricidia sepium (IV 45.8%), Calliandra calothyrsus (IV 33.3%),
Cassia siamea (IV 8.5%), Ricinus communis (IV 8.5%), Leucaena leucocephala
(IV 6.5%), Psidium guajava (IV 6.5%) and Carica papaya (IV 5.8%). Total
important value for shrubs was 300%. All of bushes species found on site were
adaptive to intensive sunlight, low soil nutrient content and drought (Backer and
Brink, 1963-1968; SEAMEO, 2011).

The land on Layapan site was mined repeatedly without appropriate reclamation
effort. Thus, the condition created then supported the invasive plants species to
cover the site. There were about 40 invasive plants species, i.e. E. inulifolium,
M. invisa, M. pudica. Gynura crepidiodes, Porophyllum ruderale, Sonchus
arvensis, Cyperus iria, Kyllinga brevifolia, C. eragrostis and Peperomia
pellucida (SEAMEO, 2011). This phenomenon led to the prediction that even
with the poor soil that was unsuitable for agricultural, the land was still enabled
plant inhabitation. Yet, unfortunately, this poor soil condition was exactly the
suitable one for invasive alien plant species.

The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

The results also showed that the site was undergoing succession. There were
Mikania cordata, Erigeron sumatrensis, Nephrolepis exaltata and Stachytarpeta
jamaicensis indicating the characteristic of young secondary forest. As well,
there were propagules of trees counted as bushes, such as Calliandra
calothyrsus, Cassia siamea, L. leucocephala and Psidium guajava. The
succession was classified as secondary succession for the site’s substrate was
not totally change (Luken, 1990).

In the management level, the bare site of post mining area was clearly addressed
to be reclaimed. The goal was to regain the function of the land, thus it would
never be an uneconomical marginal land. Yet, from the data gathered during
this research, we know that the reclamation rate was very low (Table 3). It
showed that only 5.13% area was reclaimed with only 0.56% was revegetated.
So even the reclamation program was not yet being an answer for reclaiming
the environmental function of the land.

Table 3 Reclamation rate (by the end of 2011)

Reclamation State
IUP Type Non- Total
Revegetation Other Total reclaimed
Active (ha) 1.92 0 0 1.92 33.68 35.59
1.89 0.20 0 2.09 35.86 37.95
0.80 0.30 1.25 2.35 13.95 16.30
Sum (ha) 4.61 0.50 1.25 6.36 83.49 89.85
from total
land 72.48 7.86 19.65 100 - -
from total 5.13 0.56 1.39 7.08 92.92 -
IUP (%)

Besides economical impact via drought, water scarcity and agricultural failure,
there were also social conflicts resulted by mining activities recorded in the
area. First, it was revealed that in certain area, the people opposing mining
activities were pushed by intimidation. Second, there was different level of

The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

public participation in decision making related to mining issue led to different

level of success in managing mining area. Third, there was public land, owned
by the local government, mined illegally, yet not seriously handled by the
institution. Forth, there was even mass demonstration to oppose the plan to
exploit sand from Cimerga area, the last buffer zone dividing the mining area
and public settlement.

4 Conclusion
Considering the impacts of sand and andesite mining activities in Cimalaka and
Paseh, we could say that its impacts were not limited to the physical attributes
within environment. Further, wholly, it created ecological, economical and
social aspects of the area. Thus, for solving the problems, we would require an
integrated environmental management system. The system that could handle
those three aspects in balance and in a way that the exploitation of natural
resources would not bring any damage that lead to unsustainable development
of the area.

Special thanks to: Bakrie Centre Foundation, via Bakrie Graduate Fellowship,
that has been supporting financial requirement for the research; Badan
Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Badan Lingkungan Hidup, Dinas Pekerjaan
Umum and Dinas Pertambangan, Energi dan Pertanahan of Sumedang for
giving permission to conduct research on the site and for assisting us with the
required secondary data; Mr. Uha Juhari and all members of Kelompok Simpay
Tampomas for participating in the research; as well to Rizki Putra, Arni
Muslimah Hadi Widjaja, Agus Mawardi, Vilandri Astarini, Deti Nurdianti,
Noviana Budianti, Yuliana Zahra Boru Lubis, Hadian Permana for their helps in
conducting the research.

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The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment
November 21st-22nd, 2012

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November 21st-22nd, 2012

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