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The set of values, principles, and standards that guide social workers' behavior
and decision-making in their professional practice is referred to as social work
ethics. These ethics are founded on the fundamental belief that social workers
have a duty to promote the well-being of individuals, families, and
communities while also advocating for social justice.

2. Social work ethics are critical for ensuring that social workers provide high-
quality services that are ethical, respectful, and responsive to the needs of their
clients. Ethical behavior is critical for promoting social justice, developing
positive client relationships, and preserving the integrity of the social work

1. The right of the man to keep their personal information private and the other
partner's right to honesty and transparency in the relationship The issue in the
situation is the thought of the man, who has no plan to disclose the topic to his
significant other since things are going so well.


One-time mistake that won’t ever happen again, so disclosing it to his partner would
only cause pain.

Fear of losing relationships. Opening up the topic to his partner may make things
worse or cause the end of their relationship.

justifies the decision since his partner has been doubting their relationship, which
gives him a rough patch since they were together.

Not ready for the consequences if ever he discloses the topic to his significant other,
especially the impact of it since they’re already engaged.

2. Outside influences that may be at play could include previous experiences where
disclosing a topic had negative consequences. Also the fear about the outcome of his
decision if ever he will be disclosing the affair topic, such as damaging their
relationship or receiving judgement from other people. Cultural or social norms could
also be the reasons that discourage transparency and honesty. Additionally, there is a
lack of knowledge and value in terms of the importance of honesty and openness in a
3. Validate the client’s desire to share the secret and understand their thoughts and
emotions. Explore the reasons behind the topic, then discuss the purpose of the
counseling, which talks about trust and communication in a one-on-one relationship
and the potential impact of what he has done. Through this, he will be enlightened and
encouraged in the perspective that keeping the information to himself is for the
betterment of himself, the right of his partner to know, and a healthier relationship. In
the end, it is up to the partner to come up with a decision about whether or not to
disclose the affair. As long as the essential things are to make them informed and
thoughtful, not only for themselves but also for others,

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