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Humans and natural resources are connected to each other. Humans being get all the needed things to
survive. Natural resources help human to survive for their daily life. Nowadays, peole abusing our
natural resources cutting trees, killing animals, abundant of mining minerals like gold which can result to
landslide and destruction body of water. Natural resources is very important for human, animals, and
other living organisms. Over-exploitation of natural resources harms the health of ecosystems and the
wellbeing of people. In the face of environmental crises and growing inequality, we need to act,
including developing extended producer responsibility and supply chain legislation, guaranteeing green
public procurement, supporting technical innovation to enhance resource circularity, and adopting
decision-making processes that include and respect women, Indigenous Peoples, and local communities.
As the global human population increases and people’s demands for better living conditions increase,
resources considered readily available in the past, such as land for agriculture or drinkable water, are
becoming scarcer and more valued. Natural resources are substances or materials that we get from
Earth that are used by humans to sustain life.Natural resources are substances or materials that we get
from Earth that are used by humans to sustain life. These resources are naturally available on Earth
without any human action. Natural resources have economic, ecological, scientific, aesthetic, and
cultural values in human life. These resources are naturally available on Earth without any human
action. Natural resources have economic, ecological, scientific, aesthetic, and cultural values in human
life. Human resources are the workers. Natural resources are things that come from nature and are
unchanged by human hands. Examples of natural resources are water, air, trees, minerals, and animals.
Capital resources are man-made tools and equipment used to produce a product. Natural resources are
resources that exist without any actions of humankind. This includes the sources of valued
characteristics such as commercial and industrial use, aesthetic value, scientific interest and cultural
value. On Earth, it includes sunlight, atmosphere, water, land, all minerals along with all vegetation, and
animal life. Natural resources can also be used again like sunlight, air, and wind. Human play a big role
for natural resources they used it for purpose and and survival which can help to environment but it has
also negative impact to us over using our resources can lead to shortage which can affect people lives. It
very important to educate people about our natural resources in order them to learned and be
conservative at maintaining supply of our natural resources. Do you know why we call our planet
mother earth? Earth nourishes us like a mother with many resources that are used for the sustenance
and welfare of mankind depending upon the exploitation of different natural resources. Earth is
considered a home for many life forms, and to sustain life on Earth, we need some resources for surival


When i first read the topic i learned so much that i did not know before, that natural resources has part
of our life since the creation of life on earth.Any natural substance that humans use can be considered a
natural resource. Natural resources are used to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production of
goods. All of the food that people eat comes from plants or animals. Natural resources such as coal,
natural gas and oil provide heat, light and power. Human-made resources are resources that are
obtained by modifying natural resources like Iron, steel and aluminium. Technology, knowledge and skill
are used to convert natural resources into usable forms and hence are called as Human-made resources
as well. Philippine is also the good example when it comes to natural resources as one of the fastest
growing countries in Asia, the Philippines faces environmental challenges, with disproportionate impacts
on the poor and women. Ineffective management seriously degrades the country’s significant
biodiversity resources; water and air pollution levels exceed generally accepted healthy standards;
greenhouse gas emissions are increasing from the transport and power sectors; and the country is
ranked as one of the world’s most vulnerable to the impacts of environmental disasters. The question is
how can we help? We can help by doing good things that can help conserve our natural resources like
building programs that take part to help our environment. Effective natural resource management has
increasingly become important as human interaction and destruction of resource use rises. I will
examine two types of natural resource models currently used in today’s world. The two types of systems
are International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001 Environmental Management System
(EMS) and integrated adaptive management (IAM). What do humans use resources for? Water (drinking,
agricultural, resieverything that is around us which, includes both living and nonliving things by doing
responsible use of our natural resources it will help us to get what we needed ang our environment will
produce more resources to us, it is like give and take. The more you give the more you get, Just like in
our present world the more we give importance to our environment the more resources we can get.
What i see to conserve our natural resources is we need to build greenhouses, environment programs,
cleaning and planting trees, as a student i know pretty much everything about nature, humans and
natural resources. They include minerals, forests, fertile land, and water. Some natural resources, such
as soil and water, are essential for the existence of life, Soil, Timber, Salt, oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Iron, and
many more. Like soil, water is one of the most important natural resources for the existence of life.

I woked up suddenly and realized that sometimes we do not know how to use our resources properly.
We must use our natural resources responsibly for us to conserve and to use it for future use. We get
food, shelter, clothing, transportation, infrastructure–all this from natural resources.Where do they
come from? From underground, forests and mountains, the land (think soil here), atmosphere (rain),
oceans and rivers, etc. Often from rural areas. Cities may have originally located close to resources–
rivers, sources of timber, good agricultural land, etc. I realized that as one of concern citizen we might
be able to help our nature by making program like planting trees and conserving natural energy. And
there is a question in my head that suddenly appear "how can we live our life without natural
resources?" I said by myself that we can do better for our nature by educating young ones about natural
resources, so in the future years to come the next generation will have enough knowledge on how and
where the natural resources came from. After reading the topic, i learned that there are general stages
of the resource process. That is why natural resources are very important to talk about and learn from it.
Natural resources encompass ecosystems, wildlife and habitat preservation, environmental protection,
biodiversity and conservation of forests, water and energy resources. Renewable energy and energy
efficiency promote savings and health benefits and provide opportunities for economic growth and
sustainable development. Resources are important for us as we utilise them to satisfy our wants. Many
minerals like iron, copper, mica etc. are used in industries for manufacturing various goods. Minerals like
coal and petroleum are used for the generation of electricity. Natural resources are central to human
wellbeing. We cannot live without the clean air we breathe, the plants we eat, or the water we drink.
We need natural resources to put roofs over our heads and heat our homes. ... Some resources, such as
trees and plants, are renewable because they regenerate relatively quickly. Resources are necessary for
human beings because of the following reasons: Resources when used as a raw material satisfy the
needs and comforts of human beings. Natural resources are a source of agricultural activities which adds
to the economic importance. They also provide employment opportunities. We can act as one to help
nature produce natural resources to give us what we needed for our lives and also for our survival.


In conclusion, natural resources is very important to our lives. Human can have negative and positive
impact on natural resources. Resources are abundant in nature. Educating young ones can help our
resources to grow. Building a program that can help on nature will help us to continue use our natural
resources without any worries of shortage. We tend to protect and secure our love ones in order to do
that we need take care ang protect also our natural resources not just for future use but for the next
generation to come. Natural resources are very important to the life of people when it comes to their
survival. Research suggest that we need to take responsibility to natural resources to supply and satisfy
our needs for daily life. Taking serious action about this topic will lead us to a sustainable world which
can bring back the circulation of natural resources. However we forgot to use our natural resources with
responsibility that can cause shortage or destruction to our nature. There is a study about renewable
energy that can change our lives for the better. Energy that can be get from sunlight, wind, and water.
There is also evidence that humans are cause of destruction of natural resources by overcutting trees or
what we called deforestation, mining and overfishing. This reaction paper attempts to redefine the
human–nature relationship to bring further understanding of humanity’s relationship with the natural
environment. All human societies depend on Earth's natural resources for sustenance and material well-
being. Tragically, human beings are extracting non-renewable resources at a rate that will exhaust
limited global supplies. Natural resources are central to human wellbeing. We cannot live without the
clean air we breathe, the plants we eat, or the water we drink. We need natural resources to put roofs
over our heads and heat our homes. We need them to survive and to thrive. Our role within nature
should be one of subsistence rather than commercialization. We have exploited the world for too long
and the consequences of doing so are everywhere. As everything is related to everything, we have no
right to infringe on the livelihood of any other species. In fact, our cognitive ability and understanding of
nature obliges us to maintain the integrity of the environment. So we must change how we influence
the land. We must respect the natural order of things and find a way to live accordingly. Although
making program that help to conserve our natural resources will take some difficulties, it is something
that must be done. Natural resources are materials from the earth that are used to support life and
meets peoples needs. Therfore, we need to pay attention and give more importance to our natural
resources and the best we can do is to use it responsibly.

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