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Country Music: According to Britannica, country music is a style of American popular

music that originated in rural areas of the South and West in the early 20th century1. It is
characterised by simple harmonies, stringed instruments, and repeated choruses.

2). Electronic music: Electronic music is a type of music that is made or changed by using
machines such as computers, synthesizers, or tape recorders. It can use sounds from
different sources, such as instruments, voices, or noises.

3). Latin music is a term that covers various styles of music from Latin America, Spain,
Portugal, and the Latino population in Canada and the United States. It is influenced by
African, European, and indigenous cultures. Latin music often instruments, and languages
from these regions.

4).Classical music: Classical music is a type of music that is written by trained musicians in a
Western musical tradition. It usually follows certain rules and forms, and often tells a story or
expresses an emotion. Classical music can be very old or very new, and can have many
different styles and genres.

5). Jazz music: is a type of music that was invented in the United States by African
Americans. Jazz music uses lively rhythms and melodies (distinctive sequence) that are
often made up by musicians as they play. Jazz music can have many different styles and

6). Rock music: is a genre of popular music that emerged in the 1950s and is characterized
by electric guitars, drums, and a strong beat. It has many sub-genres and styles, and is
influenced by various musical traditions.

Second short definition: Rock music is a form of music with a strong beat that uses electric
guitars and drums, and often expresses rebellion and emotion.

7). Pop music is a type of music that is popular with many people and often has catchy
melodies, simple lyrics, and a danceable beat. It can borrow elements from other genres of
music, but it usually follows the trends of mainstream culture and can be liked by many

8). R&B (Rhythm and Blues) is a type of music that uses soulful singing, stringed
instruments, horns, and a strong beat. It often expresses emotions and stories about love,
struggle, and hope.

9). Hip-hop (or Rap) is a type of music that uses spoken words, called raps, over rhythmic
backing tracks, usually made with samples or synthesizers. It often expresses opinions and
experiences about social issues, politics, and culture.

10). Salsa is a type of music and dance that originated from Cuba and other Latin American
countries. It is based on a mix of African and Spanish rhythms and melodies. Salsa music
usually features instruments like piano, trumpet, (🎺 ) and bass (low vocal or instrumental
range). Salsa dancers move their feet and hips in sync with the music, and often change
partners or do turns.
11). Soap Opera: Tv or Radio programs that feature a continuous or interrelated story.

12). Reggae: Reggae is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s. The term
also denotes the modern popular music of Jamaica and its diaspora.

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