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Performance prediction of PV modules based on artificial

neural network and explicit analytical model
Chen Zhang; Yunpeng Zhang  ; Jialei Su; ... et. al

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020)


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Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
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Performance prediction of PV modules

based on artificial neural network and explicit
analytical model
Cite as: J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432
Submitted: 12 October 2019 . Accepted: 13 December 2019 .
Published Online: 14 January 2020

Chen Zhang, Yunpeng Zhang,a) Jialei Su, Tingkun Gu, and Ming Yang

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School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

The accurate characterization and prediction of current-voltage characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) modules under different operating con-
ditions is essential for solar power forecasting and ensuring grid stability. The traditional method based on the single-diode model is inconve-
nient and complex because the current-voltage equation is implicit. In this paper, a novel method combining an artificial neural network
(ANN) with an explicit analytical model (EAM) is proposed for predicting the I-V characteristics of PV modules under different operating
conditions. The EAM makes it efficient to obtain the I-V curves from the estimated model parameters due to its simplicity and explicit
expression. The ANN based on the EAM is composed of a three-layer feedforward neural network, in which the inputs are solar irradiation
and module temperature and the outputs are the four parameters in EAM. Once the ANN is built and trained by using the measured I-V
curves, the shape parameters and I-V curve are predicted by only reading solar irradiation and temperature without solving any nonlinear
implicit equations. The accuracy and capability of the proposed method are verified by the experimental data for different types of PV mod-
ules. Moreover, the dependence of shape parameters in the EAM on solar irradiation and temperature is investigated first.
Published under license by AIP Publishing.

NOMENCLATURE R2 Performance indicator

ref Subscript that is under the reference condition
E Natural constant
RMSE Root mean squared error
f ðSj Þ Activation function
T Module temperature
FF Fill factor
Tc Cell temperature
G Solar irradiation
v Normalized voltage
i Normalized current
V Output voltage of PV modules
I Output current of PV modules
Vm Maximum power point voltage
Im Maximum power point current
Voc Open circuit voltage
Iph Photocurrent
Vt Thermal voltage
Isc Short circuit current
wij Weight on the connection from the ith input layer neu-
I0 Reverse saturation current
ron to the jth hidden layer neuron
k Boltzmann’s constant
xi Entrance vector
m Shape parameter
h Bias of each layer
Ns Number of cells in series
c Shape parameter
NRMSE Normalized root mean squared error
g Ideality factor
Pm Maximum power of PV modules
q Electronic charge
R Performance indicator I. INTRODUCTION
Rs Series resistance The photovoltaic (PV) power is becoming increasingly important
Rsh Shunt resistance with wide acceptance and integration of solar energy in modern

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-1
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
and Sustainable Energy

electric grids. Along with the rapid growth of PV application, charac- proven that the EAM is useful for characterizing I-V curves of a variety
terization and performance prediction of PV modules have become an of solar cells having different conduction phenomena (Karmalkar and
essential topic of research. The ability to precisely forecast the electrical Haneefa, 2008). The relationship between the parameters in the SDM
energy produced by PV systems is of great importance and has been and those in the EAM was studied, the extraction method of five phys-
identified as one of the key challenges for massive PV integration. As ical parameters using the EAM was given (Saleem and Karmalkar,
the performance of outdoor PV systems is significantly influenced by 2009), and an analytical derivation of this four-parameter model from
weather conditions such as solar irradiance and temperature, accurate a physical-based implicit I-V equation was demonstrated (Das and
prediction methods of photovoltaic cells/modules are required to ana- Karmalkar, 2011). A thorough validation of this EAM was presented
lyze the dependence of electrical characteristics on solar irradiance and (Karmalkar and Saleem, 2011). Additionally, a semiempirical
temperature. approach considered to determine the peak power voltage for any illu-
Many methods have been proposed to characterize and predict minated solar cell based on this model was proposed (Das, 2012). A
the I-V properties of PV modules under different operating conditions method was proposed to predict the I-V characteristics of a PV panel
based on equivalent circuit models of PV modules, including the by combining the SDM and the EAM (Zhang et al., 2017). The EAM
single-diode model (SDM) (Chenni et al., 2007; De Soto et al., 2006; has been validated to be more suitable for different types of PV mod-
Jain and Kapoor, 2004; Khezzar et al., 2009; Tian et al., 2012; Zhou ules with different physical phenomena. In these studies, the EAM is

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et al., 2007) and double-diode model (DDM) (Barth et al., 2016; Chan used for design, characterization, and parameter extraction of PV cells
and Phang, 1987; Cibira, 2018; Lun et al., 2015; Yahya-Khotbehsara and modules under a certain condition. However, little work has been
and Shahhoseini, 2018). The SDM is the most widely used model done on modeling or estimating PV performance under different
because it combines simplicity and sufficient accuracy. In the SDM, operating conditions based on the EAM. Moreover, the I-V curves
there are five physical parameters to characterize the I-V properties of vary with the changing operating conditions, which results in the vari-
PV modules, which are the photocurrent (Iph ), reverse saturation cur- ance of parameters in the EAM. The dependence of Voc and Isc on
rent (I0 ), ideality factor (gI ), series resistance (Rs ), and shunt resistance operating conditions has been investigated in the literature (Singer
(Rsh ). Five parameters were evaluated to predict the output behaviors et al., 1984). Due to the lack of physical meaning, the dependence of
of PV modules under different weather conditions in De-Soto’s the shape parameters c and m on operating weather conditions has
method (De Soto et al., 2006). The Lambert-W function was used in not been investigated yet.
Jain and Kapoor’s method (Jain and Kapoor, 2004) to extract the ana- The artificial neural network (ANN) techniques have been
lytical solutions of the parameters. Moreover, further methods have becoming extremely useful as alternate approaches to the conventional
been developed based on them. A cell-to-module-to-array detailed method recently, as it solves complex problems without requiring spe-
method for photovoltaic panels based on the five-parameter method cific knowledge and physical parameters. For photovoltaics, the ANN
in the study by De-Soto et al. was presented (Tian et al., 2012), in has been mostly used in characterizing the PV system to predict the I-
which the derivation of the modified current-voltage relationships V properties, as well as to track the maximum power (Mellit and
begins with a single solar cell and is expanded to a PV module and an Kalogirou, 2008). A comparative study shows that the ANN methods
array. Methods for solving the parameters of SDM were developed by perform better in power prediction than some conventional methods
assuming that the contribution of parallel resistance Rsh has little influ- such as polynomial regression, multiple linear regression, and
ence in the single-diode method (Chenni et al., 2007; Khezzar et al., analytical methods (Mellit et al., 2013). Nevertheless, predicting the
2009). A novel method was proposed to predict the PV module perfor- whole I-V curves of PV modules under different conditions is more
mance by using the Fill Factor (FF) to solve the maximum power informative and valuable than only predicting the output power. An
(Zhou et al., 2007), which is simple and useful for engineers to calcu- ANN method was proposed to generate I-V curves of silicon-
late the actual performances of the PV modules under operating con- crystalline and Copper Indium Diselenide (CIS) PV modules precisely
ditions, with limited data provided by the PV module manufacturers. for any irradiance and module temperature (Almonacid et al., 2009;
However, since the I-V relationship between the SDM and DDM is Almonacid et al., 2010), in which the inputs were irradiance and tem-
implicit, it requires the use of Lambert-W functions or iterative opera- perature and the output was the I-V curves. A generalized regression
tions to calculate the I-V performance, which increases the complexity neural network was used to predict the operation current of the photo-
and computing cost (Franco and Vieira, 2018; Laudani et al., 2014a; voltaic module with a good prediction precision, in which the inputs
Laudani et al., 2014b; Phang et al., 1984; Sera et al., 2008). were irradiance, temperature, and voltage, while the output was the
To overcome the inherent implicitly of the electrical equivalent corresponding current (Celik, 2011). Radial basis function neural net-
circuit model, an explicit and analytical power-law I-V model was pro- works were utilized to predict the output current accurately of a com-
posed to characterize the I-V properties of PV modules and systems mercial PV module, by only reading the data of solar irradiation and
(Karmalkar and Haneefa, 2008). In the explicit analytical model voltage (Bonanno et al., 2012). However, the characterization of the I-
(EAM), four parameters are used to characterize the I-V curve, open- V curves under different conditions given by the methods mentioned
circuit voltage Voc , short-circuit current Isc , and two shape parameters above were complex in the ANN structure and computation-
c and m. c represents the flatness of the I-V curve near the short- consuming as the I-V curves obtained directly occupy more computer
circuit current point, and m represents the steepness of the I-V curve resources. A much simpler method was proposed by using an artificial
near the open-circuit voltage point. Taking into account the intrinsic neural network to predict the equivalent circuit parameters of the
I-V properties of PV modules, the EAM simplifies the determination SDM by reading the samples of solar irradiance and temperature and
of the I-V curve, fill factor, and peak power point from a few measure- then using the SDM to calculate the whole I-V curves (Karatepe et al.,
ments as well as physical parameters in the SDM or DDM. It was 2006). In the previous work, it is needed to solve the implicity equation

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-2
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
and Sustainable Energy

in SDM based ANN methods, which is inconvenient for rapid predic- The fill factor “FF” is represented as
tion of I-V properties under different operating conditions. m
The aim of this research is to develop a novel ANN method, FF ¼ vm im ¼ vm ½1  ð1  mÞvm  vm : (5)
combined with the EAM, for predicting the output performance of PV It can be clearly seen from the formulas listed above that the
modules under outdoor operating conditions in virtue of the simple EAM is much simpler to characterize I-V curves than the SDM as it
and fast calculation of the EAM as well as the accuracy of ANN pre- has only four parameters and do not have to use Lambert-W functions
diction. The measured experimental data of different types of PV to make the current-voltage relationship explicit, which could curtail
modules under different operating conditions are used to validate the calculation complexity drastically.
proposed method. The dependence of shape parameters c and m on
module temperature and solar irradiance is investigated first by the III. THE ANN BASED ON THE EAM FOR PV MODULES
proposed method. Due to its capability of arbitrary input-output mapping, the mul-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, the EAM tilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network is the most widely used type
and the SDM are reviewed. In Sec. III, the configuration of the ANN of supervised neural network for approximation tasks and forecasting
based on the EAM is elaborated. Section IV shows the performance of (Hornik et al., 1989). The known data including input vectors and the
the proposed method for different types of PV modules. Finally, in corresponding target vectors are used to train a network until it can

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Sec. V, the relationship between the parameters of the EAM and oper- approximate a mapping function and associate input vectors with spe-
ating conditions is obtained and discussed. In the last part, conclusions cific output vectors. Reasonable answers would be given when pre-
are drawn. sented with inputs that they have not seen, after the backpropagation
II. SDM AND EAM network has been trained properly.
Photovoltaic modules can be traditionally demonstrated by the Under the premise of meeting the predicting requirements, the
SDM (Duffie and Beckman, 2013), which consists of an ideal current smallest neural network is considered for both better practical and the-
source, a diode in parallel, a shunt resistance, and a series resistance. oretical reasons. Moreover, a smaller network usually requires less
The current voltage relationship of a PV module is expressed as follows: computation in each iteration during the training phase and can avoid
    the appearance of overfitting when solving prediction problems. Since
V þ IRs V þ IRs a valid formula to determine the number of layers or neurons that is
I ¼ Iph  I0 exp 1  ; (1)
Ns g Vt Rsh suitable for the different situations has not been found, the structures
of multilayer perceptron networks are mainly determined by experi-
where Iph is the photocurrent, I0 is the reverse saturation current, g is ence (Reed, 1993). The number of hidden layer neurons within each
the ideality factor, Rs is the series resistance, Rsh is the shunt resistance, layer usually varies depending on the complexity and nature of the
Ns is the number of cells in series, and Vt represents the thermal volt- datasheet.
age. Vt is given by In order to map the relationship between parameters in the EAM
kTc and the solar irradiance and temperature, the neural network begins
Vt ¼ ; (2) with a small network and gradually adds neurons or connections as
needed up to an appropriate neural network size. Finally, sufficient
where k is Boltzmann’s constant (k ¼ 1.38 006 1023 J=K), q is the elec- results and output layer are shown in Fig. 1. The input layer has 2 neu-
tronic charge (q ¼ 1.60 218 1019 C), and Tc is the cell temperature. rons, the hidden layer has 20 neurons, and the output layer has 4 neu-
Since Eq. (1) is implicit in mathematics, it is not convenient for rons. The entrance vector xi ¼ (x1, x2) is two-dimensional, where x1 is
parameter extraction or I-V property estimation. the solar irradiance and x2 is the module temperature. The network
Karmalkar and Haneefa proposed an EAM to characterize the I- input of the jth hidden neuron is
V property of PV modules (Karmalkar and Haneefa, 2008), which
uses only four parameters c; m; Isc ; and Voc to represent the I-V char-
acteristics of photovoltaic cells. This model is expressed as follows:
i ¼ 1  ð1  cÞv  cvm ; (3)
where i ¼ I=Isc and v ¼ V=Voc indicate the normalized current and
voltage, respectively. Isc is the short circuit current, and Voc is the open
circuit voltage. Shape parameter c captures the slow decrease in cur-
rent with voltage near the short-current point. Shape parameter m
captures the rapid decrease in current near the open-voltage point.
In the EAM of PV modules, the maximum power point current
Im and voltage Vm can be calculated (Karmalkar and Haneefa, 2008),
> 1=m
> V
< m ¼ V oc ðm þ 1Þ 0:05 ð1  c Þ
>  Vm Vm m (4)
> Im ¼ Isc 1  1  cref c :
: Voc Voc
FIG. 1. Architecture of the proposed neural network.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-3
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
and Sustainable Energy

S1j ¼ wij xi  h1j ; (6)

where the factor j indicates the number of hidden layer neurons, wij is
the weight on the connection from the ith input layer neuron to jth
hidden layer neuron, and h1j for j ¼ 1, 2, … and 20 represent the bias.
A hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function was used as the
activation function of the hidden layer in the proposed method,
f1 ðSj Þ ¼ tansig ðSj Þ ¼ 2=ð1  e2Sj Þ  1: (7)
The small size of four-output network in this paper is helpful to
reduce the computational effort. This is especially of great importance
in the testing phase of the network where fast response is required.
The training process of the ANN method mentioned above is
simulated in the MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox, and the back-

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propagation algorithm function, which is suitable for simple networks,
is selected as “trainbr.” By training the network with a training set rep-
resentative enough, the relationships between inputs and outputs will
be obtained by the neural network.
The basic flow path of the proposed method for PV property
prediction is summarized in Fig. 2, which consists of three main pro-
cesses. The first process is using the recorded I-V curves and weather
conditions to calculate the four parameters (c, m, Voc , and Isc ) of each
condition for training the established neural network, and the second
process is to input unknown weather conditions to the well-trained
ANN and get the corresponding four parameters. Finally, the pre-
dicted I-V curves are obtained and therefore electrical power, by virtue
of the power-law EAM.
The root mean squared error (RMSE) and the normalized root
mean squared error (NRMSE) between the predicted and the mea-
sured I-V curves were used to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed
method. In addition, the coefficient of determination R2 was employed
in this study to measure how well the method follows the variation in
collected data. R is used to assess the agreement between the predicted
value and measured power.
These indicators have been used in publications as a statistical
tool to evaluate the performance of power or current predictions. FIG. 2. The basic flow path of the proposed ANN prediction method.
RMSE and NRMSE are defined as follows:
u d X
u1 X ðPi  Pi;m ÞðPpi  Pi;m Þ
RMSE ¼ t ðIi  Ipi Þ2 ; (8)
d i¼1 i¼1
R ¼ vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; (11)
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u d
u d uX X d
u1 X t ðPi  Pi;m Þ 2
ðPpi  Ppi;m Þ
t ðIi  Ipi Þ2 i¼1 i¼1
d i¼1
NRMSE ¼ ; (9) where Pi and Ppi are P the ith measured power
Isc Pand predicted power,
respectively; Pi;m ¼ d1 di¼1 Pi and Ppi;m ¼ d1 di¼1 Ppi are the arith-
where Ipi is the predicted value of current, Ii is the experimental mea- metic mean of the measured and predicted power, respectively.
sured data, Isc is the recorded short circuit current, and d is the total
number of measured points. IV. APPLICATION OF THE PROPOSED METHOD ON
R2 and R are defined as follows: EXPERIMENTAL DATA
d Outdoor measured I-V data of different types of PV modules are
ðPi  Ppi Þ2 used to validate the proposed method. The data were recorded by the
R2 ¼ 1  ; (10) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), where the flat-plate
2 PV modules are installed in Cocoa, Florida; Eugene, Oregon; and
ðPi  Pi;m Þ
i¼1 Golden, Colorado, including the current-voltage curves of different

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-4
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
and Sustainable Energy

PV modules associated with meteorological data (Marion et al., 2014). well-trained ANN, I-V curves and maximum power points under dif-
To ensure the accuracy, the data were recorded within every fifteen ferent operating conditions are obtained using Eqs. (3) and (4) by the
minutes from sunrise to sunset, for approximately one-year period. proposed method. The RMSE, NRMSE, R2, and R are calculated for
The recorded solar irradiances were greater than 20 W/m2 and lower each PV module to better assess the proposed method.
than 1500 W/m2 , while the recorded module temperatures were
between 34  C and 75  C. The PV module back surface temperature A. Results for mSi and xSi PV modules
uncertainty is 1.9  C, and the average irradiance uncertainties for the
The results for mSi and xSi PV modules are shown in Fig. 3,
four PV modules are mentioned below 3.4704% (mSi), 3.225% (xSi),
where the solid lines represent the I-V curves predicted by the pro-
3.1802% (copper indium gallium selenide module, CIGS), and
posed method under different operating conditions shown in Table II,
2.9755% (aSiTandem). Quality Assessment (QA) methods were
and the measured I-V data are plotted in Fig. 3 by dots. For compari-
implemented to exclude data not meeting quality thresholds. The QA
son, the ones predicted by De-Soto’s method (De Soto et al., 2006) are
methods are based on those previously established to provide
shown as dashed lines. De-Soto’s method is a conventional analytical
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17025 accredited
data for PV modules installed on the PERT at NREL. They include method usually used for single/multicrystalline PV modules.
checks for the reasonableness of the I-V curves, irradiances, PV mod- The range of the irradiance under different operating conditions in
Table II is from 224.6 W/m2 to 1137.8 W/m2 and 230.3 W/m2 to

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ule temperatures, and meteorological data.
Four different types of PV modules including multicrystalline 1053.6 W/m2 , for mSi and xSi PV modules, respectively, which
silicon module (mSi), single-crystalline silicon module (xSi), copper involves typical irradiance operating conditions for PV modules.
indium gallium selenide module (CIGS), and amorphous silicon tan- It can be seen that there is a good agreement between the two
dem junction module (aSiTandem) are used to verify the extensive predicted and measured I-V results, while the results predicted by the
applicability of the proposed method. Table I shows the specifications proposed method show a much better agreement with the measured
of these four PV modules. All values are measured at Standard Test data at all conditions. The results indicate the prominent applicability
Conditions (STC), 1000 W/m2, 25  C, AM1.5, provided by the of the proposed method within a wide range of operating conditions,
manufacturer. which is also proved by the error analysis results listed in Table III.
For each module, 200 measured I-V curves under different oper- The predicted and measured maximum power and RMSE of the
ating conditions are used to train the neural network by employing the whole I-V curves are shown in Table III. The maximum RMSE values
proposed method. Each I-V curve consists of 180–190 measured pairs calculated by De-Soto’s method are 0.1178A and 0.2513A for mSi and
of data recorded to the fourth decimal place. Both solar irradiance and xSi, respectively. The maximum values of RMSE under different con-
temperature of the training I-V data cover the whole range of operat- ditions calculated by the proposed method for mSi and xSi are
ing conditions, which were measured using a Kipp and Zonen CMP 0.0143A and 0.0729A, respectively, which are much smaller than the
22 pyranometer and Omega Model CO1-T Style I Thermocouple, former. The relative errors between the prediction maximum power
respectively. The output expectations of the training data were calculated by the proposed method and the measured maximum
obtained as follows: Voc and Isc were obtained from the measured power are less than 1.6% for the two PV modules under five different
directly, while shape parameters m and c were obtained by a nonlinear conditions, while the maximum relative errors between De-Soto’s pre-
data-fitting method based on Eq. (3). An optimization toolbox named diction results and the measured reach 12.27% at most.
“lsqnonlin” in MATLAB, which utilizes the principle of least squares The predicted and measured peak powers of mSi and xSi PV
fitting to minimize the mean square error between the function and modules on a day are shown in Fig. 4, where the red lines represent
data, is chosen to extract the parameters m and c. The computing tasks the prediction result of the proposed method, the blue lines represent
were implemented utilizing MATLAB in a computer with an Inter(R) the prediction of De-Soto’s method, and the measured data are the
Core (TM) i5–6500 @3.60 GHz CPU processor, 8 GB RAM and black dots. The results predicted by the two methods have a good
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit operating system. agreement with the measured peak power during the day for the two
Experimental data of mSi, xSi, CIGS, and aSiTandem PV mod- types of PV modules, while the prediction line of the proposed method
ules were used to validate the proposed method. For each PV module, is closer to the actual power especially at lower output power when the
after inputting solar irradiance and module temperature to the solar irradiance is low. The results show that the proposed method has

TABLE I. Specification of four NREL PV modules.

mSi xSi CIGS aSiTandem

Series cells 36 36 72 38
Parallel cells 1 1 1 1
Module area (m2 Þ 0.3429 0.647 1.75 0.79
Short circuit current (Isc) (A) 2.65 994 4.975 6.06 558 1.10 594
Open circuit voltage (Voc) (V) 22.0341 21.9851 41.6701 59.9138
Operating current at maximum power (Im) (A) 2.44 501 4.43 791 4.74 149 0.887 437
Operating voltage at maximum power (Vm) (V) 17.9879 17.3352 29.3889 44.5723

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-5
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
and Sustainable Energy

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FIG. 3. Current vs voltage for mSi and xSi PV modules predicted by the proposed method (solid lines), De-Soto’s method (dashed lines), and measured data (dots) at five
operating conditions. (a) mSi and (b) xSi.

TABLE II. Operating conditions for mSi and xSi PV modules.

mSi xSi

Conditions Irradiance (W/m2 ) Temperature (K) Irradiance (W/m2 ) Temperature (K)

C1 1048.6 323.15 1053.6 331.55

C2 827.5 310.25 863.0 326.85
C3 664.6 309.35 662.6 317.95
C4 414.7 304.35 420.0 306.85
C5 224.6 308.05 230.3 307.05

TABLE III. RMSE and maximum power computed by the proposed method and De-Soto’s method for mSi and xSi PV modules.

RMSE (A) Maximum Power Point Pm ( W )

Module Condition Proposed method De-Soto’s method Measured Proposed method Error (%) De-Soto’s method Error (%)

mSi C1 0.0148 0.0871 47.44 46.94 1.047 46.33 2.36

C2 0.0068 0.0481 35.42 35.34 0.212 35.26 0.36
C3 0.0053 0.0170 27.95 28.00 0.166 28.43 1.81
C4 0.0083 0.0410 17.67 17.78 0.626 18.04 2.18
C5 0.0065 0.0511 8.281 8.491 0.307 9.428 12.27
xSi C1 0.0729 0.2513 70.86 69.93 1.316 68.95 2.73
C2 0.0288 0.2047 60.09 59.15 1.571 58.61 2.51
C3 0.0165 0.0864 47.77 47.31 0.952 47.14 1.33
C4 0.0158 0.0665 30.35 30.49 0.458 31.92 4.95
C5 0.0034 0.0432 17.20 17.19 0.015 17.32 0.82

better applicability and accuracy than De-Soto’s method in predicting in Table IV, which are calculated based on the I-V curves recorded on
the I-V characteristics and power peak under different operating a day in Fig. 4. The values of R2 and R for the proposed method for
conditions. mSi and xSi are from 0.9983 to 0.9998 and from 0.9994 to 0.9999,
The performance indicators R2 and R in the proposed method respectively, which are higher than those in the literature (Ma et al.,
and De-Soto’s method for the two silicon-based PV modules are listed 2014) as well as than the value predicted by De-Soto’s method, which

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-6
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
and Sustainable Energy

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FIG. 4. Peak power predicted by the proposed method (red line) and De-Soto’s method (blue line) for mSi and xSi PV modules and measured power (black dots). (a) mSi on
7th Oct. 2011, Cocoa, USA and (b) xSi on 1st Sep. 2012, Golden, USA.

are from 0.9952 to 0.9979 and from 0.9986 to 0.9995, respectively. The The predicted and measured maximum powers of CIGS and
higher value of R2 and R for the two PV modules indicates that the aSiTandem PV modules on a day are shown in Fig. 6, where the red
proposed method has better performance in the prediction of the I-V solid line depicts the prediction result of the proposed method and
characteristics and output power than De-Soto’s method. black dots are the measured peak power. It is clear that the predicted
peak power has good agreement with the measured data, which indi-
B. Results for CIGS and aSiTandem PV modules cates a high accuracy of the proposed method in a wide range of oper-
ating conditions.
The prediction results of the proposed method for CIGS and The performance indicators R2 and R in the proposed method
aSiTandem PV modules are obtained and shown in this section with- for CIGS and aSiTandem PV modules are shown in Table VII. The
out comparison with the result from De-Soto’s method. The reason is values of R2 and R calculated by the proposed method for the two
that the physical parameters at the reference condition, obtained by types of PV modules are both 0.9993 and 0.9998, respectively, which
De-Soto’s method, are negative without physical meaning. are close to the value of one. The value of R2 and R for CIGS and
The predicted results under different operating conditions for aSiTandem shows that the proposed method is also accurate in the
CIGS and aSiTandem PV modules are shown in Fig. 5. The details of prediction of the I-V characteristics and output power for CIGS and
operating conditions are listed in Table V. The range of the irradiance aSiTandem PV modules, which are not able to be modeled and pre-
under different operating conditions in Table V is from 218.2 W/m2 dicted by De-Soto’s method.
to 1090.6 W/m2 and 218.0 W/m2 to 1002.4 W/m2 for CIGS and The average training times for the four PV modules are shown in
aSiTandem PV modules, respectively. It can be seen that the predicted Table VIII. The numbers of I-V curves calculated in the training phase
I-V curves show good consistency with the measured data, and the are 190 (mSi), 193(xSi), 202 (CIGS), and 196 (aSiTandem), respec-
specific data are provided in Table VI for analysis. In Table VI, the tively. The increased RAM are 106 MB (mSi), 113MB (xSi), 120MB
maximum values of RMSE for CIGS and aSiTandem are 0.0474A and (CIGS), and 118MB (aSiTandem), respectively.
0.0093A, respectively, and the errors of maximum power for CIGS The average computing times of the proposed method for the
and aSiTandem are less than 1%, except for condition 5 with lower four PV modules under each operating condition are also listed in
solar irradiation. Because of the low ratio of data under low solar irra- Table VIII, as well as the average computing time of De-Soto’s method
diation in the training data, the errors between the predicted and mea- for mSi and xSi PV modules. As inputting the solar irradiance and
sured power peak increase in the low solar irradiation region. module temperature of each operating condition, the average

TABLE IV. Performance statistics of the proposed method and De-Soto’s method on predicted power for xSi and mSi PV modules.

R2 (% ) R (% )

Module Proposed method De-Soto’s method Proposed method De-Soto’s method

mSi 99.98 99.79 99.99 99.95

xSi 99.83 99.52 99.94 99.86

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-7
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
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FIG. 5. Current vs voltage for CIGS and aSiTandem PV modules predicted by the proposed method (solid lines) and measured data (dots) at five operating conditions. (a)
CIGS and (b) aSiTendem.

TABLE V. Operating conditions for CIGS and aSiTandem PV modules.

CIGS aSiTandem

Conditions Irradiance (W/m2 ) Temperature (K) Irradiance (W/m2 ) Temperature (K)

C1 1090.6 319.85 1002.4 316.45

C2 801.8 314.25 802.7 316.25
C3 596.3 309.85 598.0 311.15
C4 413.1 303.75 413.5 304.25
C5 218.2 303.05 218.0 304.25

TABLE VI. RMSE and maximum power computed by the proposed method and measured data for CIGS and aSiTandem PV modules.

Maximum Power Point Pm (W)

Module Condition RMSE (A) Measured Proposed method Error (%)

CIGS C1 0.0474 142.2 141.5 0.214

C2 0.0383 109.1 109.1 0.014
C3 0.0320 81.17 81.05 0.146
C4 0.0461 55.17 54.76 0.743
C5 0.0234 22.85 23.73 3.872
aSiTandem C1 0.0079 39.90 39.93 0.072
C2 0.0093 31.90 31.74 0.482
C3 0.0046 24.15 24.13 0.589
C4 0.0054 17.41 17.29 0.706
C5 0.0015 8.717 9.013 3.398

computing times of the proposed method for each I-V curve are less the higher calculation speed of the proposed method is it takes advan-
than 0.01 s. tage of the EAM that contains less parameters and does not have to
The average computing times of De-Soto’s method for mSi and use the Lambert-W function or iterative calculations.
xSi are 0.6511 s and 0.6756 s, respectively, which are much higher The uncertainty analysis of the proposed method is investigated
than the sets of times of the proposed method. The possible reason for using NRMSE and massive measured data for the four PV modules,

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-8
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
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FIG. 6. Peak power predicted by the proposed method (red lines) for CIGS and aSiTandem PV modules and measured power (black dots). (a) CIGS on 7th Oct. 2011, Cocoa,
USA and (b) aSiTandem on 1st Sep. 2012, Golden, USA.

shown as Fig. 7. The numbers of I-V curves used for calculating open-circuit voltage [V/(W/m2 )], the relative temperature coefficient
NRMSE are 36165 (mSi), 11929 (xSi), 34775 (CIGS), and 39186 of open-circuit voltage (V/K), and the relative temperature coefficient
(aSiTandem). The mean of NRMSE calculated by the proposed of short-circuit current (A/K), respectively.
method and measured data for mSi, xSi, CIGS, and aSiTandem are The dependence of shape parameters c and m on irradiation and
2.44%, 2.40%, 1.99%, and 0.60%, respectively. It is obvious that the temperature has not been reported. Since the shape parameters c and
maximum NRMSE for all the four PV modules is lower than 8.1%, m lack physical meaning, it is difficult to get the analytical relationship
while the one for aSiTandem is generally lower (less than 2%) and between shape parameters and operating conditions. Using the pro-
more concentrated, indicating that the proposed method is more accu- posed method, shape parameters at different solar irradiation and tem-
rate implementing for this module. peratures are obtained and investigated. The actual values of Voc and
Isc were obtained from the measured I-V curves directly, and the shape
V. DEPENDENCE OF PARAMETERS ON IRRADIATION parameters c and m are obtained by fitting the measured I-V curve
AND TEMPERATURE with Eq. (3) using the lsqnonlin instruction in MATLAB. In the pro-
In this section, the dependence of parameters in the EAM on cess of curve fitting, the calculation precision is set as 1  106 to
ensure the reliability of the calculated results. For comparison, the
irradiation and temperature is discussed. The irradiation and tempera-
dependence of the four parameters on irradiance and temperature is
ture dependence of Voc and Isc has been discussed in the literature
also descripted analytically, using Eqs. (12) and (13) for Voc and Isc and
(Singer et al., 1984) and given by
using the relationship between shape parameters c and m and physical
G parameters Rsh , Rs , and g in SDM (Das and Karmalkar, 2011).
Isc ¼ Isc;ref 1 þ kI ðT  Tref Þ ; (12)
Voc ¼ Voc;ref ln e þ kðG  Gref Þ ½1 þ kU ðT  Tref Þ; (13)
TABLE VIII. Average training time for each PV module and computing time of two
where G and T represent the solar radiance and cell temperature and methods.
k, kU , and kI are constants that can be obtained directly from the
manufacturer and represent the relative irradiation coefficient of Average computing time
for each I-V curve (s)

TABLE VII. Performance statistics of the proposed method for CIGS and aSiTandem Average training Proposed De-Soto’s
PV modules. Module time (s) method method

mSi 17 0.0056 0.6511

Module R2 (%) R (%)
xSi 18 0.0072 0.6756
CIGS 99.93 99.98 CIGS 19 0.0096 …
aSiTandem 99.93 99.98 aSiTandem 19 0.0098 …

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-9
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
and Sustainable Energy

value of m decreases with increasing irradiation for xSi and

aSiTandem. For mSi and CIGS, the value of m increases in the low
irradiation region and decreases in the high irradiation region with
increasing irradiance. The peaks of m vs irradiation are at around 450
and 300 W/m2 for mSi and CIGS, respectively. In the most irradiation
region, the value of m decreases in the order of mSi, xSi, aSiTandem,
and CIGS. The trend is in agreement with the I-V characteristics in
Fig. 3 for each PV module because the shape parameter m represents
the rapid decrease in current near the open-voltage point. For all the
four PV modules, the parameter m decreases lineally with increasing
solar irradiance, when the irradiance is above 400 W/m2 .
The dependence of parameter c on irradiance is shown in
Fig. 8(b). Since the shape parameter c represents the decrease in cur-
rent with voltage near the short-current point, the value of c is below 1
and the variation range is relatively small in general. The value of c

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increases slightly with increasing irradiance for mSi, xSi, and
aSiTandem. The value of c is between 1 and 0.95 for mSi and xSi and
around 0.9 for aSiTandem. However, the value of c increases signifi-
cantly from 0.64 to 0.86 upon increasing irradiation from 200 to
1000 W/m2 for CIGS, which is according to the obvious decrease in
current near the short-current point in I-V curves. In general, the
FIG. 7. Boxplots of NRMSE calculated by the proposed method and massive mea- parameter c varies in a small range, but the variation tendency and
sured data for the four PV modules.
range are different among different types of PV modules. For mSi, xSi,
and aSitandem PV modules, c varies lineally within a small range,
The relationships between the shape parameters of the explicit
while c varies relatively in a drastic and unilineal way for CIGS PV
model and the physical parameters of the SDM are given by (Saleem
and Karmalkar, 2009)
Figures 8(c) and 8(d) show the irradiation dependence of Voc and
Voc Isc , respectively. The open circuit voltage Voc increases slowly with
c¼1 ; (14) increasing solar irradiance. As the irradiation is increased from 200 to
Isc Rsh
1000 W/m2, the change of Voc is 1.83 V (9.82%), 1.56 V (8.23%), 6.3 V
Voc =Ns gVt (18.84%), and 4.67 V (9.14%) for mSi, xSi, CIGS and aSiTandem,
m¼  : (15)
Rs respectively. This is in accord with Eq. (13), in which the relative irra-
1 þ hc Isc
Ns gVt diation coefficient of open-circuit voltage k is reported to be small and
negligible (Singer et al., 1984). The short circuit Isc increases nearly lin-
The relationship between physical parameters Rsh , Rs , and g on
early with increasing irradiation. This is because the short circuit cur-
irradiance and module temperature has been reported in the literature
rent Isc is approximately equal to the photogenerated current Iph and it
(Bashahu and Nkundabakura, 2007; De Soto et al., 2006; Schroder,
increases almost proportionally with irradiation in the SDM.
1998) as shown in the following equations:
It can be seen in Fig.8 that the analytical results of m decrease lin-
eally with the increasing irradiance for all PV modules. For xSi, there
Gref is acceptable agreement between the actual value and analytical results
Rsh ¼ Rsh;ref ; (16)
G at higher irradiance, while a larger deviation exists at lower irradiance.
Rs ¼ Rs;ref ; (17) For mSi, CIGS, and aSiTandem, there are larger gaps between the
g ¼ gref ; (18) actual value and analytical results although the trends are all lineally
descend. The value of c calculated by the analytical method remains
where the subscript “ref” indicates the value of parameters at the refer- almost constant with the increasing irradiance. They are close to the
ence condition. actual values for mSi, xSi, aSitandem PV modules and deviate a lot
from the actual value of the CIGS module. The results of Voc and Isc
A. The dependence of parameters on irradiation calculated by the analytical method using Eqs. (12) and (13) are close
The dependence of shape parameters on solar irradiance for dif- to the actual value apart from the relationship between Voc and irradi-
ferent types of PV modules is shown in Fig. 8. The solid lines represent ance for the CIGS module, where a larger deviation exists at lower irra-
the results calculated by the proposed method, the dashed lines repre- diance. It indicates that Eqs. (12) and (13) are acceptable tools for
sent the results calculated by the analytical method, and the dots repre- calculating Voc and Isc under varying solar irradiance.
sent the actual value. In order to study the dependence of parameters
on irradiance, data measured at a certain temperature around B. The dependence of parameters on temperature
T ¼ 320.05 K are selected for each PV module. The relationship between parameters and module temperature
In Fig. 8(a), the dependence of shape parameter m on irradiation for different types of modules is shown in Fig. 9. The solid lines repre-
shows different characteristics for different types of PV modules. The sent the results calculated by the proposed method, the dashed lines

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-10
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
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FIG. 8. Parameters vs solar irradiance for 4 types of PV modules predicted by the proposed method (solid lines),analytical method (dashed lines), and actual values (dots) cal-
culated by the measured data at around T ¼ 320.05 K. (a) m, (b) c, (c) Voc, and (d) Isc.

represent the results calculated by the analytical method, and the dots Figure 9(c) shows how the open circuit voltage of different PV
represent the actual value. For each PV module, the relationship modules changes with the module temperature. For the four PV mod-
between parameters and temperature is shown at G ¼ 800 W/m2 . ules, the dependences of Voc on solar irradiance and module tempera-
In Fig. 9, with increasing module temperature, the value of ture are similar where the open circuit voltage ascends slightly with
parameter m decreases lineally for mSi, xSi, and CIGS, while increases the increase in solar irradiance and decline linearly with the increase
lineally slightly for aSiTandem. The value of m decreases in the order in module temperature. Figure 9(d) shows that the short circuit cur-
of mSi, xSi, aSiTandem, and CIGS under certain irradiation. rent of different PV modules almost remains constant with increasing
The parameter c varies lineally with increasing module tempera- module temperature. The value of Isc decreases slightly for the consid-
ture. For mSi and xSi, the values of c are near 1 with small variation, ered PV modules except xSi where its value increases with the increase
while the value of c varies around 0.9 with relatively large variation. in module temperature.
This indicates the absolute value of the slope on the I-V curve around The value of m calculated by the analytical method decreases
Isc for mSi and xSi modules are lower than CIGS and aSiTandem. with the increasing temperature for the four PV modules, which agrees
Compared to parameter m, the variation of c with changing tempera- with the results of mSi, xSi, and CIGS. While the actual value of m for
ture could be negligible because of the small range of variation. aSiTandem increases with the increase in temperature, there is a large

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-11
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FIG. 9. Parameters vs temperature for 4 types of PV modules predicted by the proposed method (solid lines), analytical method (dashed lines), and actual values (dots) calcu-
lated by measured data at G ¼ 800 W=m2 . (a) m, (b) c, (c) Voc, and (d) Isc.

deviation from the actual value for CIGS. The value of c calculated by under different operating conditions. The proposed method consists
the analytical method increases slightly with the increasing tempera- of a three-layer feedforward neural network, in which the inputs are
ture and is close to the actual value for mSi, xSi, and aSiTandem except solar irradiation and module temperature and the outputs are the four
for CIGS. Besides, as shown in Figs. 9(c) and 9(d), the analytical parameters in the EAM. Once the neural network is trained by using
method using Eqs. (12) and (13) could capture the relationship the measured I-V curves, the four parameters of the EAM and the cor-
between Voc , Isc , and temperature in an acceptable accuracy. responding I-V characteristics are estimated by only reading solar irra-
To sum up, it can be seen in Figs. 8 and 9 that the proposed diation and temperature without solving any nonlinear implicit
method has a better agreement with the measurements than the ana- equations. The proposed method is verified by the experimental data
lytical method for the four PV modules, indicating a higher accuracy for four different types of PV modules, indicating the wider range of
and a wider range of applications for the proposed method. applications of the proposed method for I-V prediction of different
types of PV modules. The results show a good agreement between the
VI. CONCLUSION estimated and actual I-V curves under different operating conditions,
In this paper, a novel method combining the ANN with the as well as higher calculation speed of the proposed method. Using the
EAM is proposed for estimating the I-V characteristics of PV modules proposed method, the dependence of parameters in the EAM on solar

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 013501 (2020); doi: 10.1063/1.5131432 12, 013501-12
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLES
and Sustainable Energy

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