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Part 2 Exam practice (letter)
Sample answer

The answer should address these points.

The letter should reply in such a way as to answer the questions about interior decorating.

Communicative Achievement
The task should be written in the form of a letter, and it should be written in an informal style. The target
reader is a friend.

There should be a logical structure to the letter but in a natural way, as it is a reply to a letter from a

A range of appropriate vocabulary and structures to describe decorating, and suitable expressions
should be used to link information and to justify recommendations.

Sample answer

Dear Jane

I am so excited for you – you have a new home and now it is the fun part of decorating it! Thank you for asking me for my
opinions and as you know I am very good at decorating and have much experience for it. I prefer warmer colours for decorating
because I like my house to feel like a warm home so I like sunset colours – you know, orange or pink, maybe even reds
sometimes for my curtains and for carpets I would go for beige, like sand. because I used to decorating homes that is in warm
countries and often have the sea nearby – so sunset and sand are in my thinking. You live in England so it is very different and of
course, it depends on what the rest of the furniture and also how much light in the rooms. If the rooms are dark then maybe you
would be better with lighter colours. Furniture for me has to be wood and I prefer dark woods but you are in a colder place and
I think you prefer lighter woods? I think it is better if you invite me to come and stay with you and I will be your interior
designer for free stay in for a few of weeks!

Let me know what you think.


Content: 5
All necessary content points have been addressed and fully developed.

Communicative Achievement: 3
This is a rather rambling answer that does not really use letter format well.

Organization: 2
There should be more paragraphing and a wider, more complex range of linking devices and
expressions is necessary at this level.

Language: 2 99m9tjlzWqdPZylxFpp%2bMC0ouBJkwKEIdMzQ%3d%3d&id=1 13/6/23, 11 09

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There is some satisfactory language here but errors in prepositions and word order are quite frequent
and the range of structures is simple for the level. 99m9tjlzWqdPZylxFpp%2bMC0ouBJkwKEIdMzQ%3d%3d&id=1 13/6/23, 11 09

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