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Lesson 1

General knowledge
01 02 03
What’s your name? How old are you? What’s your profession?
What’s your middle name? When is your birthday? Are you a student?
What’s your surname? What’s your favourite season? Which are your hobbies?
Personal pronouns

The verb must agree with the subject in number and in person.
b.) If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well.
1. My mother
2. My friends
Let's Try! 3. My dog
4. Love
Read these 5. My sister and I
6. The air pollution
subjects and
7. Stephen
replace them for
8. Stephen and Mark
their correct
9. Stephen, Mark and I
pronoun 10. Love and peace
equivalents. 11. Friendship
12. Some ships
13. Many elephants
14. An elephant
15. A car
Verb To Be
Verb To Be
Thank you
for listening!

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