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Fixes required

Main title size and alignments

Headings should be bigger

We have:

Non related images to be changed to relevant created by
designer to fit our service Sponsored articles

Check the url

Design images according our website take inspiration from the website

Show how it can look:

Icons are the same and size issues

Icons needs to be different and relevant to the text sizes

of the icon should no be different

In the block image non related to the business to the digital magazine and icons are same and
not relevant needs to be different each point (fonts to small)
Make alignment to fit to the image size

Image to be changed - not relevant (can be generated by AI)

Heading font bigger text font bigger sizes


Please align them at last without overflowing

icons not suitable look at the reference generate with ai something similar

Fonts for some reason became uppercased

Price should be looking like this image :

Plans boxes have to be wider :

Hope it helps!!!

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