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Leadership Public Schools

Mr. Hester – 9th Grade English – Monday, August 23

Daily Students will be able to…
Objectives: 1. Learn about Mr. Hester and build investment in him.
2. Identify what their binders should look like

Materials  Have with me:

needed o Seating charts
o Speech
 Things to have on “Pick Up Here” desk
o Survey
o KWL chart
o Binder expectations page
o 9th grade homework letter + a piece of loose leaf paper
o Pencils  Have an “only if you need one” sign next to them
 On the board:
o Date, objective, agenda, homework.
o Place to record paper passing in times.
Do Now:  Students enter the classroom and greet Mr. Hester at the door.
 Mr. Hester will hand students a seating chart and will tell them where to sit.
 Students take a student survey from the table at the back of the room.
 Students sit at the desk with the number on the back of their seat.
 Students quietly complete the personal survey for eight minutes. [10 minutes]
o Teacher will calmly but sternly reprimand any student talking or not engaging
in on-task behavior at this time.
Heart of the 1. Passing in student surveys: [5 minutes – now at minute 15]
LESSON a. Hand papers along rows to the person to the left of you.  People in the
leftmost rows will collect all of the papers and then will pass the stack to
the person in front of them only when they have the papers from the person
behind them.  The person on the far left (from students’ perspective)
should now have all of the papers for the class.
b. That took __ sec. In this class, I time a lot of things. We have a lot of
learning to accomplish, and we need to make sure that we have systems to
save us time so that we can focus on learning.
2. Attendance [3 minutes – now at minute 18]
a. Teacher says that he is going to take attendance.
b. Teacher announces that during that time the students should sit quietly at
their desks, sitting up straight, looking toward the front of the room.
Teacher says: “I suggest that you look at the different posters behind me so
that you can start to see my expectations for you in this classroom. As I
take role, you are free to look at the posters, but do not talk or interact with
any of your classmates.”
c. Teacher announces that when students hear their name they should say
“Here.” Teacher models this action himself: Mr. Hester? Here. Teacher
asks the whole class to model saying of “here.”
3. Teacher takes attendance as students sit quietly. [4 minutes – now at minute 22]
4. Quiet signal – clap it quiet
Leadership Public Schools
Mr. Hester – 9th Grade English – Monday, August 23
5. Introduction to Mr. Hester: [15 minutes – now at minute 50]
a. Think/Write/Pair/Share for column one of KWL: <BHAG tickets here>
i. I want you to think about what you already know about me. It
could be as simple as the fact that I am your English teacher, but
maybe you already know something about me. Take ten seconds to
ii. I am going to give everyone one minute to write silently.
iii. Now we are going to share with the person sitting next to us. You
are going to read everything that you have written. The first person
who is going to speak is the person sitting closest to the front door.
Then the person who is closest to the library is going to share. If
you finish early, talk about what you are thinking about writing in
the middle column.
iv. Students share in pairs.
v. Three students share out.
vi. Now I want you to take ten seconds to think about what you want to
know about me.
vii. Now I am going to give everyone one minute to write silently.
viii. Now we are going to share in pairs again, but the person who went
second last time is going to go first this time.
ix. Three students share out.
b. Now I am going to give you some information about me through a short
talk. I am going to give a short speech. During this talk I expect you to be
looking either at me or at the screen. You should not be looking anywhere
else or doing anything other than listening. I also expect you to be sitting up
c. Short speech to students about me, my history, and my expectations with
visuals from last year, including Pasadena Magazine article, pictures of
debate team, etc…
d. Hot calling questions:
i. What is one sport that I played when I was younger? ….. [name]
ii. What is one city that I taught in before Richmond? ….. [name]
iii. What is another city that I taught in before Richmond? ….. [name]
iv. Do you agree? ….. [name] Why?
v. What do I hold everyone in class to? ….. [name]
vi. Where did I go to college? ….. [name]
vii. What is another sport that I played when I was younger? ….. [name]
e. Students fill in three points on the “Learned” column.
f. Students pass in KWL charts as quickly as they can and time is recorded on
the board.
6. Binder expectations
a. Pass out homework packet.
b. Review the binder expectations for Tuesday with cloze reading.
7. Homework review:
a. Read it out with cloze reading during class.
b. Review formatting of the letter.
c. Have students silently create the proper formatting.
Leadership Public Schools
Mr. Hester – 9th Grade English – Monday, August 23
8. Exit classroom:
a. “Time to clean up”
b. “Have a good day”
c. Practice until it’s perfect.
HW 1. Bring English binder to class.
Assignment 2. Write Mr. Hester a letter.

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