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Name: Elvie A.

Subject: Discovering the Truth
Time/Day: Tuesday
Topic: Color fest 2023 (Acquaintance party and teacher's day celebration)


A Colorfest-themed acquaintance party combined with Teacher's Day celebration can

create a vibrant and memorable experience.The use of colors and festivities in the party can
symbolize the diversity of talents and personalities within the student body. It can encourage
students to embrace individuality and foster a sense of inclusivity.

During Teacher's Day reflection, students can appreciate the colorful spectrum of
knowledge and wisdom that their teachers provide. Just as different colors blend
harmoniously, teachers bring together various aspects of learning. This celebration can
serve as a reminder of the importance of educators in shaping students' lives.

Colorfest and Teacher's Day together

represent the joy of learning,
self-expression, and the appreciation of those who guide us on our educational journey.

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