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Here are five examples of trajectories:

1. **Projectile Motion:** When a ball is thrown or a cannonball is shot, the curved path it follows
in the air due to gravity is a trajectory. For instance, the path of a basketball after a player
shoots it into the hoop.

2. **Orbital Trajectory:** The path followed by planets, moons, satellites, and other celestial
bodies around a larger body (e.g., Earth orbiting the Sun or a satellite orbiting Earth) is an orbital

3. **Career Trajectory:** The sequence of positions or roles an individual progresses through in

their professional life can be described as a career trajectory. This might involve promotions,
changes in job responsibilities, or career advancements.

4. **Projectile Motion in Sports:** In sports like baseball, golf, or tennis, the path taken by a ball
after being hit, thrown, or struck is a trajectory. For example, the path of a golf ball after it’s hit
by a golfer.

5. **Trajectory of a Rocket:** The path taken by a rocket as it travels through the atmosphere and
space is its trajectory. This includes the launch, ascent, and potentially re-entry into the Earth’s

These examples illustrate how trajectories can be observed in various physical, career-related, and
celestial contexts.

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