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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Presented by:
Kristine Joy Mendoza Ranselle Honey Anislagon
Jared Rogelio Joey Albert Victoriano


At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

1. State the four (4) kinds of sentences, namely, the declarative, interrogative,
imperative, and exclamatory sentences.

2. Familiarized the punctuation marks used in each type of sentences.

3. Classify sentences according to their uses.

4. Construct declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences.


A. Topic: The Four types of Sentences

B. References:

C. Materials: Laptop, Internet connection, Powerpoint Presentation & Google Meet

D. Values: Develop an understanding of the students in different types of sentences

that they commonly used and to have a genuine love for reading, writing and
expressing their feelings.



A. Preliminary Activities Our Father, who art in heaven
Holy be thy name
1. Prayer thy kingdom come
thy will be done on earth as it is
Before we start to our discussion in heaven…………….
___________, kindly lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good Morning maam, Good Morning
Good Morning, class! classmates!

3. Reminders

Before we proceed to our attendance Yes, maam/ sir

let me remind to all of you of our
some reminders in our virtual class.

First, if I start discussing or someone

who talking to our class please keep
our microphone unmute, and if you
want to tell something you could raise
you’re virtual hand icon and mute
your microphone.

Second, open cameras is not

necessary but if you are capable of
you might to open it so that we
observe you’re actions.

And Lastly, Participation and

cooperation is very important in our
virtual class you must to participate in
every discussion and activities that
the instructor would be given.

Class, Are we clear?

4. Checking of Attendance

To our secretary, kindly take a Done, maam….

screenshot of our virtual class to day
and send it to our group chat as serve
as the attendance for today.

B. Ice breaker ( Motivation )

How do you give reactions in a given pictures?

Provide and construct an appropriate sentences
in a given scenario below. WITH FEELINGS!
There’s no wrong answers in a given
pictures…. Students should express
1. their thoughts and feelings towards in a
different pictures.



C. PRESENTATION ( Discussion )

Now, Let’s Discuss your answers.

Anybody who wants to read the
slide? ( Varied Answers)

What do you notices in the given

sentences in the slide? Anyone?


“This time, let’s have our lesson

objectives for today.”

At the end of the discussion, the

students should be able to:

1. State the four (4) kinds of

sentences, namely, the
declarative, interrogative,
imperative, and
exclamatory sentences.

2. Familiarized the
punctuation marks used in
each type of sentences.

3. Classify sentences
according to their uses.

4. Construct declarative,
interrogative, imperative
and exclamatory

(Student will volunteer to read the first

“ Now, let me introduce you the four sentence: “A declarative sentence
kinds of sentences makes a statement. It ends with a period.)
according to use. Would someone
read this sentences for me?”

(Student answers: Ma’am, because it

gives an idea and it states a fact. It also
“Thanks. Now, let’s take a look at the ends with a period)
example sentences. This one is a
declarative sentence. Could you tell
me the reason why
it’s classified as declarative?”
( Varied Answers )

Well said. Now, can somebody give me an

example of a
declarative sentence?” (Student will volunteer to read the first
sentence: “An interrogative sentence
asks a question and ends with a question
“Nice answers! Now let’s talk about the mark.)
second type of sentence. Would someone
read the slide?

( Varied Answers )

Excellent!, Could someone give me an

example as well ?
Yes maam.

Very Good answer! It’s easy to understand,

right? Remember that an
interrogative sentence ends with a question
mark. Did you get it?
Yes, maam
I also want to remind you that you have to
read an interrogative sentence well. You
have to sound like you’re really asking a
question. Don’t just read it as if it’s a
declarative sentence so you won’t be
misunderstood when someone listens to you.
An imperative sentence gives a gives a
command or request or direction. It also
That is wonderful! So let’ ends with a period or exclamation
s proceed to the next kind of sentence which mark.
is the imperative sentence. Please read the
(A student volunteers and answers:
Ma’am, it’s because the sentence do not
Thanks. Now, let’s check example sentences state a fact an opinion. It states a request.)
.It ends with a period but that doesn’t mean
it’s a declarative sentence. Can somebody
explain why?

( Varied Answers )
You got it! Perfect! Now, I want you class to
give me an example of an imperative
sentence that gives an order or direction.
Anyone who wants to try?
( Varied Answers )
Well done! So, what about an imperative
sentence that expresses a request?”

(Student reads: “An exclamatory

I could see that you got a little confused with sentence expresses a strong feeling. It
the imperative sentence but I am glad you ends with an exclamation mark.”)
were able to get its uses. Nice try for
those who gave their answers! Now let’s
discuss the last type of sentence.
Exclamatory sentence. Please read the

( Varied Answers )
Thanks. That’s good. Now, I know you’ll find
it very easy to understand its uses.
Can somebody give me an example?

( Varied Answers )
“Well done, class! Do you have any
questions? Any clarifications?

“Nice. I am pleased with your participation.

Now let’s have a short oral activity.”

The teacher will be presenting different

statements in the slide and the students
would be identify the correct types of
sentences according to use. ( Oral Activity ) Answer Key:

1. Declarative
1. I love mango shake. 2. Imperative
2. Get me some tea.
3. Imperative
3. Please copy what is written on the 4. Interrogative
board. 5. Declarative
4. What is your motivation? 6. Exclamatory
5. My mom is a single mom. 7. Exclamatory
6. Oh! I really like your gift.
8. Interrogative
7. Our team won the championship! 9. Interrogative
8. How are you doing these days? 10. Declarative
9. Could you accept my friend request?
10. I am a great pretender.
E. REMEMBERING ( Abstraction ) ( Varied Answers )

Now, class, let’s remember that sentences

have four uses. They can be declarative,
interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. Can
you again tell me the differences of the four?
And let us also remember the right
punctuations to use when forming sentence.


Create an appropriate sentences in a given

scenario below. What would a possible
conversation or a type of sentences
according to use that should present in a
depicts situations.

Situation 1:

You have a small conversation to the ( Varied Answers )

strangers you’ve met in the mall.

Situation 2:

Your mom get mad on you because you

always woke up late.

Situation 3:

You and your friends are in the restaurant to

celebrate your birthday and at the middle of
the celebration you accidentally break the
glass besides you and call a crew to clean
the mess.


Read each sentence carefully and identify
their function. Write DC if it is declarative, Answer Key:
INC if it is interrogative, IMC if it is imperative
and EC if it is Exclamatory.
1. DC
1. We own a cat. 2. INC
2. What is your favorite movie? 3. EC
3. Wow, The elephant was huge! 4. IMC
4. Play the movie. 5. IMC
5. Mom, please buy me a pair of shoes. 6. DC
6. This is my favorite food. 7. INC
7. Where have you been? 8. EC
8. Yey! We won the game. 9. IMC
9. Can you make me some snacks. 10. Varied Answers
10. I love you!

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