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Progress Test 4A – Year 9

Name: _______________________________ Class: ______ No.: ___ Date: ______________________________________

Teacher: __________________ Mark: ____________________  Enc. Educação:___________________________

I – Reading (20 minutes)
Read the article.
How to be fit like a star
Health and well-being have become common words over the past few years, with lots of information about how people
should live their lives. Knowing exactly which diet to follow isn’t easy, with websites and magazines regularly promoting the
latest fashionable ideas that often have no scientific evidence. However, many celebrities have adopted healthy habits into
their lives, which have had great impact on their health.
5 Pink keeps rocking with exercise
Pink maintains an active lifestyle. “My show is pretty demanding, physically, so
on tour, I work out about five times a week,” she told Fitness Magazine. “I do an
hour of cardio and an hour of yoga with my dancers before almost every show.
It’s intense, I know. Sometimes I feel more like an athlete than a singer! I try to
10 find the time to do something active every day (when I’m not on tour), whether it’s hiking, running or doing anything else
outdoors. I like the results – I feel strong, and I think that challenging myself physically keeps me more mentally aware so I’m
better able to deal with the day-to-day life.”
Jennifer Aniston and her lack of sleep
Not getting enough sleep can have a negative impact on health. High blood
15 pressure, heart disease, diabetes and stroke are among the illnesses that can
be caused by the lack of sleep. Jennifer Aniston, an actress, once collapsed
due to exhaustion, because she didn’t get enough sleep. “We have all the
information now that shows how sleep affects every aspect of our health,” she
said. “The irony is that a lot of people forget sleep in the name of productivity. But, in fact, our productivity is reduced
20 substantially when we’re sleep deprived1. And yet we keep thinking that we can do our jobs just as well on four or five or six
hours of sleep as we can on seven or eight. When I collapsed, I started thinking about my need to stop and take care of
myself, so I decided that I would have to sleep at least for eight hours. I feel much better now.”
Sobriety = a healthy lifestyle
There are many celebrities suffering from serious problems due to living
25 unhealthy lifestyles, often as a result of drink or drugs. Bradley Cooper is a great
example of the power of sobriety, with his acting career taking off since he
confronted his addictions to drugs and alcohol during the early part of his career.
However, he handled these issues when he was 29. “If I continued it, I was
really going to sabotage my whole life,” he told GQ Magazine. “The one thing that I’ve learnt in life is the best thing I can do is
30 accept who I am and then whatever happens, happens. Life is better like that!”
in (abridged and adapted), accessed in December 2019

Word check: 1 sleep deprived – lacking something that is needed

Inglês – 9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)
A. Complete the sentences with information about the text.
1. _____________________________________ promote lots of ideas, so it isn’t easy to decide which diet to follow.
2. Even when she’s on tour, Pink ________________________________________________.
3. She likes ______________________________________ when she’s not on tour.
4. _____________________________________________ are different diseases caused by the lack of sleep.
5. Bradley Cooper felt that if he didn’t stop _____________________________________, he would lose his life.

B. Tick () the sentences TRUE or FALSE, according to the text.

1. Many habits have had a positive impact on celebrities’ health.  
2. Pink likes doing exercise with her dancers after every show.  
3. Jennifer Aniston says that lack of sleep influences people’s health.  
4. Productivity isn’t affected by lack of sleep.  
5. Celebrities’ unhealthy lifestyles are a result of drinking and gaming addiction.  

C. Answer the questions about the text. Give complete answers and use your own words.

1. Why did Jennifer Aniston collapse?


2. What did she do to solve her problem?


3. What happened to Bradley Cooper in the early part of his career?


4. What would happen if some celebrities didn’t change their lifestyle?


Inglês – 9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019-2020)
II – Language (15 minutes)
A. Complete the doctor’s prescriptions with the name of the health problem. The first letter is already given.
There is one example.
• “Well, you’re sneezing a lot and you have a runny nose. That’s definitely a cold ”.

1. “I’m not a dentist. You should find one because you have a terrible t .”

2. “You have a high temperature. If this f persists, you have to take antibiotics.”

3. “What did you eat? That painful s a is due to what you ate, I’m sure.”

4. “Well, you can’t swallow and it hurts when you speak. Take these pills for your s t .”

5. “Take this aspirin. It’s the best for your constant h .”

6. “So, many red spots on your skin, high temperature and inflamed eyes? You must stay at home as you have an
infectious disease called m .”

B. Circle the correct modal verb to complete each sentence.

1. Jennifer is pale. She should / would go to the doctor.
2. Would / May you exercise every day if you could? Yes, I would / may.
3. We must / mustn’t sleep 7 to 8 hours a night to be healthy.
4. Bradley knew that he must / would get better if he stopped his addictions.
5. Jennifer could / may work better if she had enough hours of sleep.
6. We don’t have to / can’t exercise every day to be healthier. We can do it twice or three times a week.

C. Rewrite the sentences using the connectors in brackets.

1. Pink and her friends weren’t happy with their lifestyle. They changed their habits. (therefore)
2. Some celebrities tend to change their lifestyle, but there are many more who are still addicted to drugs. (although)
3. Doing yoga is good for your health but you also need to have better eating habits. (however)
4. Bradley Cooper decided to stop drinking. However, it wasn’t easy. (even though)

D. Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun / adverb. Put it in brackets whenever it is possible to omit it.
1. Bradley talked to a friend ____________ didn’t judge him for being addicted to drugs.
2. Pink and her dancers can do the exercise ______________ they want.
3. She knows a great place ____________ they can do sports.
4. Jennifer talked to a doctor ________________ studies sleeping problems.
5. This is Pink, ______________ daughter is adorable.
6. The three celebrities stated their point of view ______________ they went on a talk show.

Inglês – 9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019-2020)
III – Writing (15 minutes)

Read the following statement:

“Teens don't always have the easiest time taking care of themselves. After all, they have other concerns – like
dating, hanging out with friends and schoolwork. But adopting a few good habits will help keep them healthy and
happy not just now but as they grow into adulthood. (…) It's easy to blame others (hello, fast-food restaurants) for
why we have an obesity or drug and drinking problem. But the fact is that, even with lots of outside influences, you
still have the choice about what you do or do not eat, drink, or smoke.”
Dr Mehmet Oz
In (adapted, accessed in January 2020))

Answer the following questions and write a comment (80-100 words) on Dr Oz’s opinion about teens’ habits:
• As a teenager, do you think it’s difficult to take care of yourself? Why?
• What other concerns have you got?
• Have you got good habits (eating, sleeping, exercising…)?
• Why do you think some teenagers have obesity or drug and drinking problems?
• Do you think those problems are caused by outside influences?

Good work! 

Inglês – 9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019-2020)
Answer key

I – Reading (50%)

A. (5 x 4% = 20%)
1. Websites and magazines | 2. works out five times a week. | 3. hiking, running or doing anything else outdoors | 4. High blood
pressure, heart disease, diabetes and stroke | 5. drinking and doing drugs / his addictive lifestyle

B. (5 x 2% = 10%)
1. True | 2. False | 3. True | 4. False | 5. False

C. (4 x 5% = 20%)
1. Jennifer Aniston collapsed because she was exhausted. / she didn’t have enough sleep. | 2. She decided she had to sleep at least
eight hours a day. | 3. In the early part of his career, Bradley Cooper had to struggle against drugs and alcohol addiction. | 4. They
would throw away their career life if they didn’t change their lifestyles.

II – Language (28%)

A. (6 x 2% = 12%)
1. toothache | 2. fever | 3. stomach ache | 4. sore throat | 5. headache | 6. measles

B. (6 x 1% = 6%)
1. should | 2. Would… would | 3. must | 4. would | 5. could | 6. don’t have to

C. (4 x 1% = 4%)
1. Pink and her friends weren’t happy with their lifestyle and therefore they changed their habits. (Pink and her friends weren’t happy
with their lifestyle. Therefore, they changed their habits.) | 2. Although some celebrities tend to change their lifestyle, there are many
who are still addicted to drugs. | 3. Doing yoga is good for your health. However, you also need to have better eating habits. |
4. Even though Bradley Cooper decided to stop drinking, it wasn’t easy. / Bradley Cooper decided to stop drinking even though it
wasn’t easy.

D. (6 x 1% = 6%)
1. who | 2. (that) | 3. where | 4. who | 5. whose | 6. when

III – Writing (22%)

Personal answer.
(Suggested answer)
I think that it’s not difficult to take care of myself because I really know what I should and shouldn’t do.
I usually eat healthy food even though my favourite dish is hamburger and chips. I try not to eat it too often. I sleep about seven
hours every night: I go to bed at 11:30 and before that I like chatting online. I don’t exercise much, but I walk to school every day and
at the weekend I play basketball with my brother.
I think that some teenagers are overweight because they eat junk food regularly and don’t exercise much. Some also deal with drugs
or alcohol because their friends say it’s cool.
In my opinion those problems are mostly caused by outside influences – some teenagers just can’t say NO to those bad things and
without noticing they become addicted to them.

Inglês – 9.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019-2020)

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