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Will robots replace humans?

Will robots replace humans? This is a question that didn’t concern us since
years before, but nowadays is a question that concern us. Currently, there are
more machines or robots that can do the things like us, and in future years it’s
possible that can be more machines doing human’s works. However, I think that
it’s good that we can have machines near us, and I’m going to show my ideas.

First of all, I reckon that having machines, robots, or something, beginning a

new technological impact in us, is a good thing, because for example, the new
IA’s that are coming soon can help us to do the things faster. For example, if
you are an engineer and you must do a lot of calculations, you can be helped
with machines.
The second reason is that these robot can help us and in consequence bring us
more leisure time for relaxing or going home and leave our job before.
Finally, I want to add that not all the things are good. One inconvenience about
this, is that these new machines can replace humans, because if they do our
things, what will we do?

To conclude, I think that these new machines and robots will be a big revolution.

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