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2The Capital Virtues

(a Tool to Build our Morality)

Bible Quote Deadly Sin Modern or Media Associated Virtue


Exodus 32:19 Anger A modern example of Meekness

this is the many road
rage incidents that
happen on the
highway quite often.
Instead we must be
calm and not get
angry. A more specific
example of this was
the teen killed in a
road rage incident in

2 Samuel 11: 2-5 Lust A modern example of Chastity

this is when the soccer
player is Zion
Williamson. This is
because he slept with
multiple women and
conceived a child with
some of them.
However, he did not
take it seriously and
was caught in the line
of fire when he re-
signed his contract
with the Pelicans.

Luke 22: 4-6 Greed A modern example we Generosity

see of greed is the
2002 World Cup in
South Korea when the
president bribed the
referees with a lot of
money in order to win
the world cup. Instead
of being generous and
acting right, they took
the money and rigged
the world cup so South
Korea would win.
Thankfully they caught
the unrighteousness,
but the tournament
was ruined.

Genesis 37: 3-4 Envy An example of this is Kindness

Will Smith being
jealous of his wife,
Jada Pinkett’s love for
the rapper Tupac
Shakur, and making
rumors on the news
about her dating
Tupac, and always
humiliating Will every
chance she gets.

James 5:5 Pride Where people who Humility

have a lot of money
disrespect the poor on
the street. Though
they are also God's
creation because they
have money and he
doesn't. He wants to
show power over that
man even though they
are equal. The person
thinks he is above the
same type of person
and is not humble
enough to donate a
dollar for the homeless

Genesis 3:3-5 Gluttony An example of gluttony Temperance

is King Charles.
Although he was never
hungry, he always ate
too much than he
needed to and could
not control himself
from eating. He would
make the cooks cook
more food than he
could have. This is

Hebrews 6:12 Sloth An example for this is Diligence

the movie “The Whale”
which is about an
obese person who’s
just really lazy and has
eating disorders


Temperance - centered on self-control and moderation based on love and reason.

Chastity - Embraces moral wholesomeness and purity in both thought and action. It treats God’s gift of
sexuality with reverence and respect.

Diligence/Persistence - the virtue shown by an enthusiastic desire to practice and share the Faith. A
moral stick-with-it-ness!

Meekness - gentleness and patience. Not weakness but gentle firmness and persistent patience. It is
the virtue of seeking resolutions to conflicts while showing forgiveness and mercy.

Humility - Gift of recognizing one’s total dependence on God and our selfless willingness to serve others.
Not trying to be something you are not.

Generosity - Showing an unlimited loving kindness, generosity, and mercy toward all others. Eagerness
to forgive.
Kindness/love - central to Christianity! True Christian Love is NOT just an emotion but a call to action.

Seven Deadly Sins:

Sloth - Failure to utilize one's talents and gifts because of laziness and or indifference (apathy).

Pride/Vanity - Is considered the most serious of the seven deadly sins and the ultimate source from
which the other deadly sins arise. Characterized by self-absorption or by a failure to acknowledge the
good work of others. Excessive love of self.

Lust - Usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires (often of a sexual nature). It can also be an
excessive desire for something that someone else has.

Gluttony - Over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste or harm. Excessive
desire for things can contribute to injustice and the withholding of necessities for those in need.

Greed - The sin of excess. Greed is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth,
status and power.
Anger/Wrath - Uncontrolled feelings of hatred, anger, and impatience. Anger, which can be self
destructive, or embraces violence and revenge.

Envy - Those who commit the sin of envy resent what others have often because they perceive
themselves as lacking it. It is an insatiable desire not limited to material goods (greed).

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