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Richmond High School

Student Report
2023 - Semester One

Year 9
VSN: 996953661

Included Subjects:
Food & Nutrition

Inspiration Project

Life Project



Universe Project
Victorian Curriculum
Richmond High School - 2023 - Semester One

Victorian Curriculum

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Beyond Level 10


Critical and Creative Thinking


Personal and Social Capability


Reading and Viewing


Health and Physical Education

Health Education

Physical Education


Measurement and Geometry

Number and Algebra




Digital Technologies

The Arts

Media Arts


The Humanities

Civics and Citizenship


Previous result, x months ago

Your child's achievement this semester

Your child's progress

The expected level of achievement

Food & Nutrition
Teacher: Kirsten PANNEKOEK
Richmond High School - 2023 - Semester One

During this semester, students expanded their knowledge about the many elements of food; nutritional value and consequences of imbalances, the
importance of breakfast and influences on food choices. Students also investigated food as a sensory experience through taste testing. Within
practical sessions, students have practiced kitchen safety while practicing a variety of cooking techniques, including frying, baking, blending and
food design.
Students also completed an inquiry project titled ‘Mystery Box Challenge’. Students created a menu based on set ingredients, while investigating the
nutritional requirements of their meal.

Work Habits

Needs Attention Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent


Meets due dates

Comes to class prepared and ready to


Completes home based tasks and


Attempts all set class work effectively

Learning Tasks
Food & Nutrition - Practical Assessment

Well done on a great semester of Food and Nutrition! You have demonstrated fantastic progress in your practical cooking skills and knowledge of
food and nutrition theory.

Areas of Achievement
In the kitchen you were able to use initiative to work independently and move through the recipe in a systematic way without teacher instruction.
You were also able to demonstrate safe and appropriate use of kitchen equipment food safety requirements by keeping workspace clean without
teacher instruction. You also demonstrated inclusion strategies and leadership by designating roles to others throughout the cooking sessions.
Well done!

Areas for growth

To continue to see success, I would encourage you to work on anticipating next steps when working through recipes to further your independence
in the kitchen and reflect on your use of kitchen equipment to further improve your own and your group's food safety skills. I would also encourage
you to explore modifications to recipes to improve or cater to your own flavour and taste preferences.

Food & Nutrition - Theory Assessment

Areas of Achievement:

You were able to identify the four main ingredients and serving size on the food label. You were also able to state whether the serving size is
reasonable or not based on your own understanding of food labels as well as identify health claims and explain their meaning. You were able to
describe similarities and differences between both food products. You identified barriers to healthy eating for teenagers and created an
infographic. You created and described a concept of a new food product to be targeted towards teenagers. You listed ingredients and created a
recipe and assigned different health claims and buzzwords.

Areas for Growth:

To improve further I encourage you to work on developing your justification skills by using evidence when explaining why serving sizes are realistic
(eg by using additional resources eg Australian Guide to Healthy Eating). This skill could have been further developed by utilising the analysis
table to justify why the food product is a healthy choice. I encourage you to continue to develop your analysis skills through using data to add
depth to your discussion on whether health claims are accurate and whether the barriers to healthy eating you discovered are backed up by
evidence. To improve your mark in the product design section and encourage you to consider the functions of specific ingredients you included in
your recipe for example what would enhance the taste, texture and shelf life of your food product.

School Attendance

Total Day Absences 15.5

Inspiration Project
Teacher: Benedict RUSSELL
Richmond High School - 2023 - Semester One

In term 1, students learnt about past and present Rights and Freedoms movements relating to First Nations Australians. After learning about 5
different movements (the Land Rights Movement, the 1967 Referendum, the Change the Date Movement, the Free the Flag Movement, and Stop
Black Deaths in Custody), students chose one to focus their project on. The project was completed over three parts: a written explanation discussing
the significance of their chosen movement, a source analysis annotating a significant photograph or image relating to their chosen movement, and a
radio advertisement relating to their chosen movement.

In term 2, students learnt about Democracy and Australia’s political system. They learnt about the process of referendums, as well as political
rhetoric and political advertisements. Students then embarked on their group project. They selected one of three referendum topics (Should the
voting age be lowered to 16 in Australia? Should Australia leave the Commonwealth and become a republic? Should conscription of Australian
citizens be allowed during wartime?) and planned a campaign designed to persuade people to vote yes or no. Their campaign included a campaign
video and physical campaign materials and needed to include persuasive and rhetorical devices.

Work Habits

Needs Attention Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent


Meets due dates

Comes to class prepared and ready to


Completes home based tasks and


Attempts all set class work effectively

Learning Tasks
Rights & Freedoms Project - Radio Ad

Talia did not submit this component of the project

Learning Tasks
Rights & Freedoms Project - Source Analysis Annotated Image 68%

Areas of achievement:
You demonstrated an ability to use information about the photographer and their perspective to uncover any bias that may be in the
source. You also used evidence from the source to justify your link to the theme of “rights and freedoms”.

Areas for growth:

While you stated the origin of the source, next time try to place the source in historical context by considering the impact of the
geographical context of the source, what was happening in relation to the topic/movement at the time, and the relationship between
the photographer and the topic. Also, next time, dig a bit deeper into the creator of the source to make a more reasoned determination
about the purpose of the source.

Rights & Freedoms Project - Written Paragraph 67%

Areas of achievement:
You were able to use statistical evidence really well and supported all of this evidence by explaining how it connected to your overall
argument. You also demonstrated excellent sentence structure, utilising a combination of simple and complex sentences.

Areas for growth:

While you presented an argument in your topic sentence, it didn't explicitly relate to why the Stop Black Deaths in Custody movement
is significant, though you did end your paragraph with a linking sentence that both reiterated your argument and outlined why the
movement is significant. Make sure next time to present your argument relating to the prompt immediately in your topic sentence.
Also, while you used fantastic statistical evidence, a key component of the task was using quotes as evidence, which you didn't
include, so next time try to incorporate a range of different types of evidence including quotes.

School Attendance

Total Day Absences 15.5

Life Project
Teacher: Brendan HOSKING
Richmond High School - 2023 - Semester One

The Life Project Term 1: The Life Project during term one was designed to be an introduction to VCE PE, where Health content paired with Physical
Education content to develop the skills to design and implement a training program for improved performance. Students explored the different
fitness components and how a training program can be tailored to an individual’s fitness goals. Students demonstrated their participation in a variety
of different training methods through live workouts, and recorded evidence of their training program. At the conclusion of the 4 week training
program, students reflected on their participation in the training program and discussed the impact their training program had on their overall fitness.

The Life Project Term 2: In term two, students investigated the health issues that are impacting the health and wellbeing of teenagers in 2023.
Students worked through an inquiry process that introduced them to the process of completing literature reviews for research and gathering
evidence to meet their area of inquiry. The evidence and data collected was then used by students to inform the development of their product that
educated or resolved their issue of inquiry.

Physical Education Term 2: Throughout the term, students explored sports and activities with the focus on tactical games. The focus was on
progressing movement and skill into a tactical environment, through participating in shortened units of Field Sports including Ultimate Frisbee,
Soccer and Lacrosse.

Work Habits

Needs Attention Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent


Meets due dates

Comes to class prepared and ready to


Completes home based tasks and


Attempts all set class work effectively

Learning Tasks
Assessment Task Term 3 - Enhancing Performance S

Areas of Achievement:
Within Part A, you were able to make strong links between your fitness components and your personal areas of
development by explaining the role these components play in your everyday life. You were able to design a training
session, this was supported by your use of resources, like fitness videos and websites. Well done with your training
reflections and being able to identify some physical and psychological responses to training.

Areas for Growth:

To further extend your justification, you should identify potential benefits that could occur in your life and sport
activities, as a result of improvement made to your selected fitness components. Within your training session plan, I
would encourage you to draw on the concepts of frequency, intensity, time and type (FITT principle), to ensure your
plan is detailed enough so you are aware of how long and hard you should be exercising.

Crazy, Good Ideas S

This Assessment Task is designed to introduce you to topics covered in VCE Health and Human Development. You will
work through an inquiry process, focusing on designing a resolution to a key health issue for teenagers. You will be
guided through the inquiry process, where you will have 6 key tasks to complete throughout this project, with your end
goal to create a product that will help to improve the health and wellbeing of students at Richmond High School, focusing
on your selected key health priority.

Throughout this project, you will complete self assessments and conferencing, that will go towards your overall mark for
this project.

Victorian Curriculum/ Key Areas:

Evaluate health information from a range of sources and apply to health decisions and situations (VCHPEP148)

Plan, implement and critique strategies to enhance the health, safety and wellbeing of their communities (VCHPEP149)

Critique behaviours and contextual factors that influence the health and wellbeing of their communities (VCHPEP151)

Analyse the significance of independence and individual responsibility in the completion of challenging tasks
Evaluate own and others contribution to group tasks, critiquing roles including leadership and provide useful feedback to
peers, evaluate task achievement and make recommendations for improvements in relation to team goals

Areas of Achievement:
Within your brainstorm, you were able to list a range of issues related to teenage health. Your inquiry question
identifies the main problem within your teen health issue. You were able to cite your literature using APA referencing as
well as use an appropriate data collection tool, google forms, to collect the relevant data. Within your product brief, you
were able to identify the target audience for your product and able to create an original product to help educate
teenagers in your chosen area of health.

Areas of Growth:
I would encourage you within your inquiry question, to also include ways to address the focus of your inquiry. You
could draw on a range of literature sources, this will allow you to develop a diverse perspective that has been
influenced by a variety of different sources. I would encourage you to strengthen your data analysis by developing
questions that support the development of a solution to your area of inquiry.

Field Sports Established

Areas of Achievement:
Throughout the unit, you were successfully able to transfer skills and movement patterns learnt in isolation to game
play situations, as well as adapt between offensive and defensive roles. It was also pleasing to see you able to
evaluate your own and others contribution to tasks in order to improve performance. Well done with this, Talia.

Areas for Growth:

To see improvements in the future, it's important for you to use your knowledge to support others in performing skills
with greater accuracy. Along with this, to take the next step in your collaborative efforts with your peers, it would be
great to think about ways that you can use different communication methods to motivate yourself and your team mates
to improve overall performance.

Well done on a great term of PE.

School Attendance

Total Day Absences 15.5

Teacher: Zachary ALAIMO
Richmond High School - 2023 - Semester One

Students discover the many facets of Media through exploration of the Media codes and conventions that are used to communicate meaning to
different audiences. Students take part in a semester-long project where they explore how Media reflects society.

Student focus is directed towards relevant media forms such a film & TV production, photography, digital and print media. They explore societal
issues and fears in the real world and work to analyse and create a film poster and music video in a particular genre style.

Through an array of individual and collaborative activities that aim to encourage and strengthen problem solving skills, students create their film
posters and film trailers about key societal fears so they develop an understanding of how Media is created for target audiences.

To create their work, students move through the various production stages which include developing, pre-production, production, post-production
and distribution of the Media work.

Work Habits

Needs Attention Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent


Meets due dates

Comes to class prepared and ready to


Completes home based tasks and


Attempts all set class work effectively

Learning Tasks SN Percentage

Common Assessment Task #1: Production Skills Project S 80%

Areas of Achievement:
You demonstrated proficiency in implementing media production skills this term. This allowed you to create
some really engaging media products. A strength was your editing skills, in particular putting together your
stop motion animation and visual effects.

Areas of Growth:
In your storyboard annotations and evaluation we could have gone further in elaborating on the intended
effect of the audience. When considering the intended effect on the audience, aim to be as specific as
possible and connect certain examples from your plan/product to how you want your audience to
think/feel/react to what they are seeing.

I really noticed your efforts to try out new skills. Well done!

Common Assessment Task #2: Poster Project S 86%

Areas of Achievement:
You have been able to demonstrate your understanding of applying media codes and conventions to
create a film poster. A key strength of yours was the effort you put into your mock up with well-constructed
drawings and visual representations of your poster.

Area for Growth:

One area of improvement for you would be extend yourself with your mock-up as your mock up needed
more annotations that connected your use of codes and conventions. You can do this by explaining what
code you are using and describe how it engages your audience.

Well done! Loved the horror concept poster!

School Attendance

Total Day Absences 15.5

Teacher: Benjamin FEILLAFE
Richmond High School - 2023 - Semester One

In their final compulsory semester of music, year 9's focus on more autonomous music making and composing. They use Soundtrap and continue
their informal music making and learning, culminating in more detailed small ensemble performances, as well as songwriting.

Work Habits

Needs Attention Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent


Meets due dates

Comes to class prepared and ready to


Completes home based tasks and


Attempts all set class work effectively

Learning Tasks
Soundtrap Task - Looping

Areas of Achievement:
Talia, you were able to compose and record an EDM song using Soundtrap. You were able to develop parts for melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic
instruments. You were able to utilise tools and effects to replicate structures characteristic of EDM.

Areas for Growth:

Try to identify what the main idea or motif of your piece of section is. Each instrument should support or add something to this idea without
overshadowing it. This clarity or focus of the main idea will simplify the recording process and create a smoother more nuanced song.

School Attendance

Total Day Absences 15.5

Universe Project
Teacher: Mia WITHERS
Richmond High School - 2023 - Semester One

In term 1, students studied measurement and Pythagoras' theorem and used their mathematical understanding of measurement to create a scaled
model building. Concepts in algebra such as simplifying expressions, expanding and factorising were studied and students demonstrated their
knowledge in a topic test. In our science unit, students studied genetics and disease, with a strong focus on analytical and research skills
throughout. The capstone project was a large research task where students investigated a disease/condition of their choice. The term concluded
with a review of index laws and scientific notation, which led to an investigation into plate tectonics and earthquakes.

Work Habits

Needs Attention Acceptable Good Very Good Excellent


Meets due dates

Comes to class prepared and ready to


Completes home based tasks and


Attempts all set class work effectively

Learning Tasks
Common Assessment Task: Disease research task

Area of Achievement
Talia has demonstrated proficiency in analyzing the evolving treatment methods for their disease, as well as examining statistical data regarding
the prevalence of the disease across different geographical locations and minority groups. They exhibited a commendable ability to draw
connections between changes in treatment over time and the impact on affected communities. Talia displayed a comprehensive understanding of
the subject matter and effectively presented their findings in a logical and coherent manner.

Area of Growth
To further enhance their academic progress, Talia is encouraged to carefully review the rubric for the assessment task, paying particular attention
to ensure that all requirements are met, including the proper implementation of Harvard referencing.
Learning Tasks
Common Assessment Task: Algebra and Equations test 60%

Talia, you have demonstrated good knowledge in algebra through a topic test.

Area of Achievement:
You have been able to collect like terms, simplify algebraic expressions involving indicies and fractions and solve worded problems
using algebra.

Area of Growth:
To review your understanding of solving for unknown variable by using the reverse BIDMAS approach.

Common Assessment Task: Measurement Test 56%

Talia, you demonstrated your understanding of measurement in a topic test.

Areas of Achievement:
Your strengths in this topic were being able to calculate the length of a hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle using Pythagoras'
theorem; calculate the area of the circle; and apply knowledge of scale factor to find lengths on a floor plan

Areas for Growth:

To improve, you should review how to find the surface area of a cylinder. When using the squared symbol, ensure that you use it in
the appropriate way, ie. when stating squared units for area.

School Attendance

Total Day Absences 15.5

Extra-curricular Involvement
Richmond High School - 2023 - Semester One

Event Dates

Y9 Music Incursion 16/06/2023

RHS Umpiring Academy (Junior) 3/05/2023

Division Athletics 23/05/2023

Intermediate Sport: Girls Football 18/05/2023

Women in Trades Expo 11/05/2023

Richmond District Refereeing 31/03/2023

City Experience - Day 2 (Tuesday 28 February) 28/02/2023

Intermediate Sport: Mixed Tennis 21/02/2023

Flourish Girl 10/02/2023

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