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NCAD School of Education SP Classroom Observation Guide

Student Teacher name: Lia McCanny

Date of Observation: 8/12/23
No. of Observation: 10
Class Profile & Details:
Duration of Lesson: 1hr 20 minutes class

Please report your findings from your observations under the following headings:
You can use the bullet points to guide your observations.

Professional Teaching Skills and Ability:

· What strategies did the teacher use to instruct learners during the class

● The teacher effectively communicated clear instructions and behavioural expectations at the
beginning of the lesson. Students understood the rules and safety guidelines, contributing to
a structured environment.
● Class Olympics: This strategy involves organising a class Olympics event where students can
participate in a range of physical challenges, earning points for their teams or themselves. By
incorporating elements of teamwork, goal-setting, and healthy competition, the Class
Olympics foster a positive and engaging learning environment.
● Differentiation: Team Formation: the teacher divides class into teams, encouraging a mix of
abilities and strengths within each group. Assigning team names and colours to create a
sense of identity and camaraderie among students.
● The Class Olympics promote physical fitness, coordination, and teamwork. Today's
challenges included relay races and obstacle courses. Students earn points based on their
performance in these challenges.
● Points System; The teacher establishes a points system to track each team’s or individual’s
progress throughout the Class Olympics. She assigns specific point values to different
challenges, ensuring that both academic and physical achievements are recognized. A visual
scoreboard is displayed in the classroom to build excitement and encourage friendly

Classroom Management:

· What were the classroom policies? (Consider seating arrangements, bathroom breaks, roll calls)

● Safety protocols were consistently emphasised and enforced. The teacher actively
monitored students to ensure proper use of equipment and adherence to safety guidelines,
prioritising the well-being of all participants.
● Awards and Recognition: Plan for awards and recognition at the conclusion of the Class
Olympics. Consider certificates, medals, or trophies for the winning team or individual with
the highest overall points. Additionally, acknowledge and celebrate individual
accomplishments, such as the most improved student or the most enthusiastic participant.

Presentation of Learning Content:

● Transitions between activities were well-managed, with minimal downtime. The teacher
seamlessly moved students from warm-up to the main activities, maintaining engagement
and focus.
● The teacher effectively utilised the Class Olympics strategy to present learning content,
transforming it into an engaging and dynamic experience. By incorporating physical
challenges, teamwork, and healthy competition, the Class Olympics not only provided a
platform for active learning but also reinforced key concepts related to physical fitness,
coordination, and collaborative effort. The use of relay races and obstacle courses as
challenges ensured a multifaceted approach to learning, catering to diverse learning styles.

Effectiveness of Planning:
● The distribution and organisation of equipment were inclusive. All students had access to
the necessary equipment, and its placement contributed to a smooth flow of activities
without causing congestion or confusion.
● Students were held accountable for their belongings and actively participated in setting up
and putting away equipment. This contributed to a sense of responsibility and ownership
among the students.
● The teacher's planning was evident in the well-structured implementation of the Class
Olympics. The challenges selected were aligned with the learning objectives, promoting
physical fitness and teamwork. The division of the class into teams, complete with assigned
names and colours, demonstrated thoughtful planning to encourage a sense of identity and
camaraderie among students. The incorporation of a points system with specific values for
each challenge further highlighted the strategic planning to track progress and recognize

Assessment and Evaluation of Pupils Work in Class:

● Positive reinforcement was evident throughout the class. The teacher praised good
sportsmanship, effort, and teamwork, creating a positive and encouraging atmosphere that
motivated students.
● The lesson concluded with a brief review and reflection on the activities. The teacher used
this time to reinforce positive behaviour, express appreciation for student effort, and set a
positive tone for future lessons.
● Assessment in the Class Olympics was multifaceted, encompassing physical achievements.
The teacher employed a points system to quantitatively measure each team's or individual's
progress. This approach not only evaluated performance in physical challenges but also
recognized academic achievements, fostering a holistic understanding of success. The visual
scoreboard prominently displayed in the classroom added an element of excitement and
motivation, contributing to a positive learning environment.

Additional Comments:

● The observed class demonstrated a high level of professionalism in teaching skills. The
innovative use of the Class Olympics strategy showcased creativity in presenting learning
content, ensuring that physical education was not only educational but also enjoyable for
the students. The teacher's meticulous planning, evident in the thoughtful team formations,
points system, and visual scoreboard, contributed to a well-organised and engaging learning
environment. This approach not only promoted physical fitness and teamwork but also
reinforced key academic concepts in an interactive manner. Overall, the class successfully
blended effective teaching strategies, comprehensive planning, and thoughtful assessment
methods for a holistic and dynamic learning experience.

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