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Campus 1: (Pahari Ground Campus) Green Belt Road, Fawara Chowk Near Pahari Ground, FSD
Campus 2: The Educators (Al Hadi Campus) Green Belt Road, Madina Town, FSD
Mobile / Tel: 0324-7609199, 0308-0121756, 0321, 4962591

E ng lis h T e s t
N am e : __________________ Ro ll N o : ________ Dat e : _______________ O b t aine d M arks : ______________
C las s : 1st Year S ub je c t N am e : Eng lish 11 T im e Allo we d : 0 hr : 30 min T o t al M arks : 34

Q ue s tio n: C ho o s e the rig ht o ptio n o f the unde rline d wo rds in me a ning s : 5 x 1 = 5

1. The boy picked up the pocket - book.

a ) battle b) courage c ) purse d) note-book
2. I managed to stand on the path by holding on to a little sapling.
a ) cliff b) weed c) plant d) lumber
3. Arthur countered.
a) contented b ) resisted c) hesitated d) confounded
4. Gulstan is a kebab of a versatile genius.
a) all round b ) fixed c) limited d) short
5. Sweat popped out on the boy's face and he began to struggle.
a ) water b ) liquid c) perspiration d) mixture
Q ue s tio n: C ho o s e the rig ht o ptio n o f the fo llo wing : 5 x 1 = 5

1. A king fell seriously ill and all hopes of his recovery _______ .
a ) endued b) perverted c) vanished d) consumed
2. Norma -------- beneath the covers.
a ) slid b) slipped c) shrieked d) revealed
3. Who opposed Gorgios creating the post court acrobat?
a) many people b ) his son c ) his wife d) his friends
4. The sergeant ordered the slave to be thrown into water, so that he could experience the true danger of life.
a) experience b) experience c) observe d ) endure
5. "But he only met with incredulity" means that he was believed __________ .
a) telling the truth b) showing his faith c ) lying d) gentleman
Q ue s tio ns : Write s ho rt a ns we rs in wo rds o f yo ur o wn 15 x 1 = 15
1. What was the reason for keeping the sick child in the kitchen?
2. Who was Nushirvan and what was the famous for?
3. Why did not the old man follow the advice of the doctors?
4. Why had the old man planted his secret garden?
5. What disease had spread in the school where the girl went to?
6. Was the Bittering family satisfied with their new life on Mars?
7. What was the effect of the behaviour of the woman with the boy?
8. Draw a character sketch of Arthur.
9. What did the people think of Mr. Hubert when they heard the return of the pocket book by some other person?
10. What were the feelings of the old man at the age of sixty?
11. What was the subject discussed at the club?
12. Why did Mrs. Luella not ask the boy about his whereabouts?
13. What did the people ask Nushirvan when he said that they should pay for the salt?
14. What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?
15. What was the condition of the bittering family on hearing the news of war on the earth?
Q ue s tio ns : T ra ns la te the fo llo wing pa s s a g e into Urdu 3 x 3 = 9
1. "Oh, yes,"he said. "Early last spring, I couldn't climb straight up the steep path. That was when the doctors didn't give me a week to live. I made
a longer, easier path so I wouldn't have to do so much climbing. Then, as I got better, he explained."I made another path that was a little steeper.
And as I continued to get better, I made steeper paths.That was one way of knowing I was getting better all the time!"
2. "Get me a smooth - handled spoon of some sort", I told the mother, "We're going through with this." The child's mouth was already bleeding.
Her tongue was cut and she was screaming in wild hystercal shrieks. Perhaps I should have desisted and come back in an hour or more. No
doubt it would have been better. But I have seen,at least, two children lying dead in bed of neglect in such cases, and feeling that I must get a
diagnosis now or never I went at it again.
3. After the meal had concluded the Chief of the police appeared on the scene. He inquired, "Is Mr. Hubert here?" Mr. Hubert seated at another
end of the table replied, "Here I am." The police officer went up to him and said, "Mr. Hubert, will you please accompany me to the mayor's
office, the mayor would like to talk to you." Mr. Hubert surprised and disturbed, followed the police officer. The Mayor, a stout serious man,
was waiting for Hubert. "Mr. Hubert," he said, "You were seen this morning to pick up the pocketbook lost by Mr. James."
Campus 1: (Pahari Ground Campus) Green Belt Road, Fawara Chowk Near Pahari Ground, FSD
Campus 2: The Educators (Al Hadi Campus) Green Belt Road, Madina Town, FSD
Mobile / Tel: 0324-7609199, 0308-0121756, 0321, 4962591

E ng lis h T e s t
N am e : __________________ Ro ll N o : ________ Dat e : _______________ O b t aine d M arks : ______________
C las s : 1st Year S ub je c t N am e : Eng lish 11 T im e Allo we d : 0 hr : 30 min T o t al M arks : 34

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