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Report Form
Biology 223: Lab 2-Classical Mendelian Genetics in Drosophila

Name: Wael Osman Lab Partner: Hussein Nesser

Date: 26/11/2020 Lab Section & Instructor: B6/ Ms Rouba Hilal

A. Monohybrid Cross
Your instructor will ask you to use the following crosses or their reciprocal crosses:

P1 female x P1 male
1118 1118
Strain 1: w /w strain 2: w+/Y
strain 3: w1118/w1118;IF/SM5;TM3/TM6b strain 4: w+/Y SM5;+
1. Observe the male and female flies in each vial and record their phenotypes with respect
to the traits specified in the table below.
Trait Sex Strain 1 Strain 2 Strain 3 Strain 4

eye color: male Red Red

(white, red, beige, orange,
etc.) female White White

eye shape/ommatidia: male Normal Normal

(round, oval, small, large/
fused ommatidia, normal) female Normal Fused
dorsal body color: male Tan Tan
(tan, ebony, grey, beige,
yellow) female Tan Tan

back bristles: male Short Short

(long, short)
female Long Long

wing shape: male Straight Torn + Curly

(curly, straight)
female Straight Curly

pupa and larva size:

(tubby, long)

1. After examining your F1 flies, tabulate your results for each of the crosses
Cross: Female 1 x Male 2
Number of males Number of females
Red 0 6

6 0

Cross: Female 3 x male 4

Number of males Number of females

2. What is the expected phenotypic ratio in the F1? Explain your answer.

F\M W+ Y
W1118 W+W1118 W1118Y

Expected Phenotypic ratio (red eyes: white eyes)  1:1

F\M SM5; + Xa

IF ; + IF; TM3
IF; TM3 SM5 ; TM3 Xa

IF ; + IF; TMB6
IF; TMB6 SM5 ; TM6B Xa

SM5 ; + SM5; TM3

SM5; TM3 SM5 ; TM3 Xa

SM5; TMB6 SM5 ; + SM5; TMB6

SM5 ; TMB6 Xa

SM5 is lethal when homozygous  25% of offspring will die.

Expected Phenotypic ratio (torn wings: curly wings)  2:1

3. What is the ratio obtained experimentally?

Observed/Experimental ratios:

Red eyes: White eyes  29:26

Torn wings: Curly wings  13:9

4. Test the goodness of fit of your results in each cross using Chi-squared statistics.
Justify your choice of p-value. Discuss your results, make a conclusion with justification
and give possible sources of error.

Null hypothesis  results are statistically insignificant.

Alternative hypothesis  results are statistically significant
A significance level of 10% is chosen given that the sample size is not very larger.

Eye color:
Expected ratio red to white is 1:1
Expected red: 50% of total cross 1 progeny  55  27.5
Expected white: 50% of total cross 1 progeny  55  27.5

Observed red: 29
Observed white: 26

Phenotypes Observed Expected d d2 X2

value Value (o-e)
Red eyes 29-27.5 = 2.25 (2.25 +2.25)
29 27.5 1.5 27.5
White eyes 26-27.5 = 2.25 = 0.163
26 27.5 -1.5

df = 1

For df 1 and X2 = 0.163

The Alternative hypothesis is rejected since P>10%

Wing shape:

Expected ratio torn to curled  2:1

Expected torn: 66.66% of total cross 1 progeny  22  14.6652
Expected curled: 33.33% of total cross 1 progeny  22  7.3326

Observed torn: 13
Observed curled: 9

Phenotypes Observed Expected d d2 X2

value Value (o-e)
Torn wings 13-14.6652 2.77 (2.77) + (2.78)
13 14.6652 = -1.6652 14.6652 7.3326
Curled 9-7.3326 = 2.78 = 0.568
wings 9 7.3326 1.6674

df = 1

For df 1 and X2 = 0.568

The Alternative hypothesis is rejected since P>10%

The results present statistical insignificance likely because the sample size is too small. A
larger sample size would decrease the chances of error or increase the chances the
alternative hypothesis not being due to chance.

5. What did you learn from, what did you appreciate about, and how would you improve
this lab activity?

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