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The Arab Environment Ministers and officials met
on this day in Tunisia in 1986 with the aim of
developing cooperation between Arab countries.

On this date, the participants of this meeting set in motion

the creation of the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for
the Environment or Camre.

Specifically, Arab officials sought to promote

cooperation in environmental issues and find solutions
to create a more sustainable world.

For leaders and policy-makers, Arab Environment Day is a

perfect reminder of the need to work together to rally behind
the common goal of saving the environment and finding new
solutions for existing and emerging problems faced in this
side of the globe.

For individuals, it is the perfect opportunity to do one’s part

in helping resolve these issues.
What are the environmental issues in the
Arab world?

The countries of the Middle East, especially

Arabic-speaking ones, are among the world's most
exposed states to the accelerating impacts of
human-caused climate change
• It includes soaring heat waves, declining
precipitation, extended droughts, more intense
sandstorms and floods, and rising sea levels
• Various environmental challenges such as water
scarcity, water pollution, and desertification.
• Other challenges include electronic waste, an increased use of energy and the impact of
services/environment-and-energy/environmental- climate change.
What about the progress on climate action?
Many obstacles have hindered progress needed by the Arab
states. The Arab Spring - a series of protests, rebellions, and
uprisings against the government in several Arab countries such
as Tunisia and Egypt during the early 2010s - had a major
downscale on the environmental actions that were in progress at
the time. Other countries have been in unstable conditions due
to war in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. For the other countries still,
political and economic struggles are the primary concern of its
people. Citizens are less likely to invest their time and energy
into environmental and climate action when they are suffering
from poverty, lack of national security, and public services.

There is hope in the future!

Though most of the Arab countries are focused more on climate
adaptation than mitigation, climate change policies have set
ambitious targets for the coming decade. Some countries plan to
cut GHG emissions by up to 15% in 2030. Youth in the Arab
countries are now much more aware of and concerned about
their country’s climate actions. However, there is an absence of
youth participation in almost all Arab country’s decision-making.
It is now, more than ever, required that youth in the Arab world
push for the opportunity to decide on their future and the future
of their environment.
What are the consequences of climate change in the region?
The Arab region is one of the most affected regions by climate
change. Rising temperatures and severe heat waves are leading to
water scarcity and drought posing a continuous threat to food and
water security. Pollution and mismanagement of resources are adding
pressure on the available resources and ecosystem services that can
be utilized. Many Arab countries face severe water shortage periods
during the summer months and some have only 3 hours of water
supply during the day. The lack of environmental awareness has also
led to the exploitation and harm of the environment. This ranges from
illegal hunting activities to plastic pollution in coastal habitats to
human-inflicted forest fires to unmanaged urban expansion and illegal
groundwater wells.
• What are the consequences of climate change in the
The Arab region is one of the most affected regions by
climate change. Rising temperatures and severe heat
waves are leading to water scarcity and drought posing a
continuous threat to food and water security. Pollution and
mismanagement of resources are adding pressure on the
available resources and ecosystem services that can be
utilized. Many Arab countries face severe water shortage
periods during the summer months and some have only 3
hours of water supply during the day. The lack of
environmental awareness has also led to the exploitation
and harm of the environment. This ranges from illegal
hunting activities to plastic pollution in coastal habitats to
human-inflicted forest fires to unmanaged urban expansion
Invasive species,
carbon footprints,
limited water
waste generation,
air pollution and
land degradation
are posing an
threat to the UAE.
You can do your part
You can make every day Arab Environment Day in your own little way. As small as these
actions may be, these are significant and can go a long way, especially if more people try
these tips.

Here are a few simple and easy but effective ways to become more eco-friendly:

•Don't waste food

Annually, millions of tons of food are wasted. Apart from being a big waste of resources and money, throwing away food
contributes to the increase of CO2 levels emitted by landfills. As such, fill your plate only with what you can consume.

•Eat less meat

In order to cope with the demand for meat, people around the world are converting lands to support livestock. On top of
that, this demand for meat comes at a steep price: an increase in greenhouse gases.
Of course, you do not need to completely abstain from eating meat altogether. Two or three days of going meat-free is a
significant contribution.

•Go paperless
Whether it is for your assignments or your utility bills, if there is an option to go paperless, go for that option. If it is not
possible, at least aim to recycle the paper you use.Producing paper requires cutting a significant number of trees which, in
turn, can alter the landscape of different environments. This can lead to numerous problems, including flooding.
•Ditch the plastic bag
Instead of using a plastic bag to carry your groceries, why not invest in a reusable canvas bag? For a relatively small
investment, you can help save the environment. Plus, you can use your canvas bags for other purposes, like carrying your

•Switch to eco-friendly alternatives

LED light bulbs and the latest appliances have features that save both the environment and your spending. These devices
require less power, which translates to both less energy demand and more savings for you over the long term.

•Buy second-hand
Need a new outfit, piece of furniture, or appliance? Why not consider visiting secondhand shops or online stores that offer
pre-owned objects? On one hand, you are giving a new lease on life for items that would otherwise be thrown away. Second,
you can end up saving more money.
Alternatively, you might want to consider borrowing an item instead of purchasing a new one, especially if you are only going
to use it once.

•Be mindful of your consumption of water and electricity

Turn off the TV, lights, and other appliances when you are leaving a room. Use a cup when brushing your teeth. Turn off the
shower when you are applying soap and shampoo while bathing. These small actions lead to less water and electricity waste.
Thank you

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