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a. Mean natural longevity and Physiological longevity (4)

b. Sink habitat and Source habitat (4)
c. Hydrological cycle and Gravitational water (4)
d. Nocturnal organisms and Crepuscular organisms (4)
e. Paleocommunity and Uniformitarianism (4)
f. Commensialism and Parasitism (4)
g. Phenotype and Phenotypic plasticity (4)
h. Endotherms and Ectotherms (4)
i. Food chain and Food web (4)
j. Tolerance range and the Range of the optimum (4)
k. Inter-specific competition and Intra-specific competition (4)
l. Paradigm and Paradigm shift (4)
m. Poikilotherms and Homoiotherms (4)
n. Sessile organisms and Motile organisms (4)
o. Biotic factors and Abiotic factors (4)

Choose the correct letter (definition) for each of the below terms (e.g., 1. A, 2. D. etc.,). Each letter can
only be chosen once. (10)
Choose the correct letter (definition) for each of the below terms (e.g., 1. A, 2. D. etc.,). Each letter can
only be chosen once. (10)

Choose the correct letter (definition) for each of the below terms (e.g., 1. A, 2. D. etc.,). Each letter can
only be chosen once. (10)


Name 5 characteristics of r selection organisms. (5)


Discuss the possible reason for and effects of allelochemicals on animals and the environment.

Name and discuss the four types of existence energy. (8)


What are the means in which the standing crop of a trophic level is increased or decreased (for both
consumers and producers)? (6)


Complete the diagram on the CARBON cycle below (A-J). (9)


Marine organisms are known for building and controlling their own environments. One such example
is the mangroves found in estuaries. In which way does a mangrove forest contribute as a driver of
atmospheric and ocean composition? (5)


Plants often use chemical defence mechanisms against herbivores. However, herbivores can use these
defences for their own means. Discuss the three ways in which they can do so. (6)


Discuss the factors which limit population size in a density independent fashion. (9)


Complete the diagram below on the pathways rainwater will take when falling on vegetated land. (7)

The addition of organic components, through various processes, leads to the formation of humus.
Complete the diagram on humus formation below (A-E). (5)


Very few animal populations follow the exact pattern presented by any of the three currently used
survivorship curves (TYPE I-II-III). Using a figure, explain why this is the case? (10)

Which five factors are used to assess or describe community structure? (5)


Complete the diagram below, noting what the population (for predators and prey) patterns will be
(INCREASE/DECREASE) in blocks A-D, according to the Lotka-Volterra Predator-prey interaction
model. (6)


When will an organism be able to occupy a new area? (3)


Plant use various dispersal agents to reach new areas. Name the five agents and provide a single plant/seed
adaptation which have evolved in order to use the specific agents. (10)


In what way does social pressure act as a population regulator (4)


Complete the diagram below (A-I) noting each component of the energy flow through the
environment. (9)

Discuss the use of carrion by invertebrates and vertebrates, noting any specialise adaptation to this
feeding niche. (6)


With the help of figures define the three types of survivorship curves, characteristics unique to each
and an example of a species for each curve. (10)


While cannibalism is rare in nature, we find siblicide in quite a few species. However, for siblicide to
occur, a few animals and/or environmental factors must be present. Name these three factors. (6)


Certain plants required specific photoperiods to grow. Describe the three different plant growth types in
this regard. (6)


Discuss five means in which group living can lead to increased foraging efficiency? (9)

Name the community types/states indicated by A-C, as well as the production to respiration patterns
(energy use vs energy production) in each community or state. (6)


Describe the two types of predators which we can define based on their hunting methods? In addition
to this, why is it oFten difficult to place predators into these categories. (6)


Complete the below life table (10)

Age (x) Survivorship (lx) Mortality (dx) Mortality rate (qx)

0 1000 A B
1 500 C 0.5
2 D E 0.2
3 50 10 F
4 G H I
5 20 J 1.00

Name the main disadvantages and benefits of social formation of groups? (7)


Name the three primary mating systems found within nature. (3)


The energy humans put into crops result in energy gains for consumption purposes. However, this
type of energy expenditure on crop lands also accomplishes several ecological functions. Discuss
these three functions. (6)

Briefly describe the two actions a species can perform if it is involved in a coaction with another
organism that is harmful to itself. (5)


Poikilothermy and homoiothermy are both important alternative strategies used by organisms. Discuss
both strategies in terms of energy conservation and output. (4)


Name and discuss the fossil types used for paleoecological reconstruction. (8)


Name and discuss the means of plant defence against animals. (10)


It is important to understand the flow of energy through a community. Draw the energy flow through a
community, including an energy source, plant life, antelope, and leopard (as well as aspects not mentioned
here required to complete the diagram). Be sure to include the correct symbols and arrow direction for
each aspect of this diagram. (10)


Why do birds and mammals have a higher diversity of parasites compared to reptiles? (2)


Name and briefly discuss the five main parameters used to describe community structure? (5)


With the use of a diagram, illustrate the carbon cycle. (12)


Raunkiaer (1934) proposed a life form system for categorising plants based on the method of which
they survive the coldest seasons. Choose from the lifeforms provided next to the figure and add it to the
correct letter (A-E). In addition to this, include one key aspect of how each plant lifeform survives cold
periods. (10)




Discuss the three types of fire in detail. (10)


Discuss the different forms of mycorrhyzae, as well as the benefits each of the organisms derive from
the mutualistic relationship. (10)


Fully discuss the three basic mating systems which you will find in nature. (10)


Why, according to Pimm (1982), are food chains so much shorter than we might think they should be?


Describe the 5 ways an organism/species can cope phenotypically with environmental change. (10)


Complete the below diagram on photosynthesis, noting the components (A-E) (5)


Name (A-C) and define the different types of interactions you would find within an ecosystem as
indicated by the below figure. (6)

One measure of the dominance of an organism is the extent to which it monopolizes and directs the energy
flow of the system to which it belongs. Discuss the two ways in which humans impact net primary
production globally. (5)

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