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Debut: a person's first appearance or performance in a particular capacity or


He made his singing debut at a very young age.

2. Professional: relating to or belonging to a profession.

A person engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather

than as a pastime.
Example: a professional boxer.
3.Career: an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life
She had a short career as a writer.
4. idol: a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered.

She is the idol of countless teenagers.

5. Enraged: to make extremely angry; put into a rage; infuriate.
His supercilious attitude enraged me.
6. Hone: a) sharpen (a blade).

Example: He was carefully honing the curved blade

b). refine or perfect (something) over a period of time.

Example: some of the best players in the world honed their skills playing street
7. Apearance: a).the way that someone or something looks.

Example: She checked her appearance in the mirror

b). an act of performing or participating in a public event.

Example: He is well known for his television appearances"

8. Embodiment: a) a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling.

Example: She seemed to be a living embodiment of vitality.

b) The representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form.

Example: a wedding ring can be the embodiment of love.

9. Maneuver: a plan for attaining a particular goal; act in order to achieve a

certain goal
10. Spearheaded: lead (an attack or movement).

Example: he's spearheading a campaign to reduce the number of accidents at

11.Glory:a) high renown or honour won by notable achievements.

Example: to fight and die for the glory of one's nation"

b) magnificence or great beauty.

Example: The train has been restored to all its former glory.
12. Coveted: greatly desired or envied.
Example: I gave up a coveted job that of editor-in-chief.
13. Slam: Strike violently; shut (a door, window, or lid) forcefully and loudly.

Example: He slammed the door behind him as he left.

14. Goodwill: friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude.

Example: a) the scheme is dependent on goodwill between the two sides.

b) The established reputation of a business regarded as a quantifiable asset
and calculated as part of its value when it is sold.

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