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I am not going
You/We/They are not going
1 Forma (aren‘t)
He/She/It is not going
I/You/We/They go
He/She/It goes Am I going?
I/You/We/They do not go Interrogativa Are you/we/they going?
(don‘t) Is he/she/it going?
He/She/It does not go
2 Ortografía para la terminación -ing
Do I/you/we/they go?
Does he/she/it go? • L
a mayoría de los verbos añaden -ing al infinitivo:
study studying, work working
 os verbos que acaban en -e la pierden antes de añadir -ing:
• L
2 Ortografía en la tercera persona del singular
live living, take taking
• L
 a mayoría de los verbos añaden -s para formar la 3ª (excepto los acabados en -ee: agree agreeing)
persona del singular: stops, walks, develops, employs
• L
 os verbos que acaban en vocal acentuada
• L
 os verbos acabados en -ch, -o, - sh, -ss y -x añaden -es: y consonante doblan la consonante:
teaches, goes, finishes, passes, fixes put putting, stop stopping, refer referring
• L
 os verbos que acaban en consonante + -y cambian la • L
 os verbos que acaban en vocal + -l doblan la consonante:
-y por -ies: travel travelling
carries, studies

3 Expresiones de tiempo
3 Expresiones de tiempo
Se usa: now, at the moment, nowadays, today, this
• A
dverbios de frecuencia: always, usually, often, morning / afternoon / evening / month / year.
sometimes, never. Se colocan delante del verbo Normalmente se colocan al final de la oración aunque
principal pero detrás del verbo to be. también pueden colocarse al principio.
Companies sometimes prefer to give jobs to New He comes from Pakistan and he’s staying with some
Zealanders. people from his country this month.
It is always hard to emigrate. At the moment I’m having a great time living in such
a multiethnic city.
• O
 tras expresiones: every day / every week / every
month / every year, on Sunday / Tuesday / Friday, once
a week, twice a year. Normalmente se colocan al final 4 Uso
de la oración. • Acciones que están ocurriendo en el momento.
Small shops don’t open on Sunday. I’m sitting outside a café in Hackney in north London
A large number of people emigrate from their country and it reminds me of Vietnam.
every year. • H
 echos o acciones temporales, que no tienen por qué
Congolese people meet once a week. estar ocurriendo ahora.
My girlfriend and I are looking for an apartment in
this city.
4 Uso
• Acciones repetidas, hábitos o rutinas.
I do my shopping in chain stores.
• Hechos que son siempre verdaderos. Y PRESENT CONTINUOUS
Immigrants tend to live in one particular area of the
city. En algunas ocasiones cuando en inglés se usa present
continuous, en español usamos presente simple.
• Hechos o acciones permanentes.
We’re staying with friends until we find a flat to rent.
My father works in a local shop. (Nos alojamos con unos amigos hasta que encontremos un
piso para alquilar.)
PRESENT CONTINUOUS Small shops aren’ t closing this Sunday. (Las tiendas
pequeñas no cierran este domingo.)

1 Forma
Este tiempo se forma con el presente del verbo to be y STATE VERBS
el verbo principal terminado en -ing.
She’s visiting her parents in Bangladesh. En inglés existe un grupo de verbos que normalmente no
I am going se usan en tiempos continuos porque describen estados
(‘m) y no acciones. Entre los más comunes se encuentran
You/We/They are going verbos relacionados con:
He/She/It is going
Verb Tenses
las emociones y los care, hate, hope, like, love,
sentimientos prefer, want, wish Fíjate
Tanto have / has been como have / has gone se usan
agree, believe, forget, know, como present perfect de go pero tienen diferente
el pensamiento y la imagine, suppose, think
opinión significado.
(creer), understand
belong, have (poseer), need, She’s been at the doctor’s. (Ha ido al médico y ha
la posesión vuelto.)
He’s gone to the dentist. (Ha ido al dentista y sigue allí.)
los sentidos hear, smell, taste, see (ver)

 xpresiones de tiempo frecuentes con present

Fíjate perfect
Algunos de estos verbos pueden usarse en tiempos
continuos pero con un significado diferente que describe • Recently, lately, in the last years, several times, lots of
una acción y no un estado. times, all my life, etc.
We have worked very hard lately.
He’s thinking of learning French. (think = pensar) Prices have gone up in recent years.
He thinks French is a useful language. (think = opinar) I have tried to contact you several times this
I’m having lunch now. (have = tomar) morning.
My daughter has loved horses all her life.
I have a house by the sea. (have = poseer)

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE No puede utilizarse present perfect con ago, hay que
usar past simple.
1 Forma We have gone to Barcelona a year ago.
I/You/We/They have seen We went to Barcelona a year ago.
He/She/It has seen
I/You/We/They haven’t seen • Ever y never
He/She/It hasn’t seen  n oraciones interrogativas, ever se utiliza con
Have I/you/we/they seen? present perfect para preguntar sobre experiencias
Interrogativa vitales pasadas.
Has he/she/it seen?
Have you ever been to Paris?

2 Uso  n oraciones negativas, podemos añadir énfasis a la

• Este
 tiempo se emplea para describir una situación que negación sustituyendo la partícula not por never.
comenzó en el pasado y sigue vigente en el presente. I have never been there.
I have lived in Brighton all my life.
• How long?, for y since
• P
 uede referirse a un momento pasado ya terminado  ow long se usa para preguntar por la duración de
pero sin mencionar el momento en el que ha ocurrido. una acción o situación.
My parents have lived in Germany. How long has he lived in this country?

• E
 n algunas ocasiones describe acciones ocurridas en el  or y since sirven para delimitar el tiempo de una
pasado que afectan directamente al presente. acción o situación.
My brother has hurt his hand, so he can’t write.
He has lost his job. He’s looking for work.
Indica la duración de la acción y se
• E
 l present perfect puede indicar que la acción comenzó for utiliza con periodos de tiempo.
en el pasado y continúa en el momento presente. (durante / My friends have had this problem for
desde hace) several weeks.
She has studied a lot for the past two weeks.
I’ve had this car for eight years.
• Se puede utilizar para referirse a acciones repetidas.
She has come several times this week, but you were Señala el comienzo de una acción o un
never here. estado.
We have been to Rome lots of times. since Many people have moved in since
I have lived in London since 2012.
4 Just, Yet y Already My father has been smoking too much for many years.
Estas expresiones suelen ir con present perfect. My friends have been calling me a lot lately.
• Just • Se
 utiliza para describir acciones o actividades
Expresa una acción que acaba de ocurrir. Se coloca recientes de las que podemos ver el resultado.
delante del participio pasado. My hair is wet because I have been swimming.
We’ve just read about the invention of dynamite. I Sorry I’m late. I’ve been working all morning.
can explain everything to you.
• Describe
 una acción continua o repetida que se lleva a
• Already
cabo durante un periodo de tiempo.
Se usa en oraciones afirmativas e interrogativas para
I’ve been seeing the dentist for the last three months.
indicar que una acción ha ocurrido o se espera que My friends have been uploading pictures on their web
ocurra antes de lo esperado. Se coloca delante del page since their last trip.
participio pasado.
Has he already turned in his physics assignment?
They’ve already visited the Science Museum. Now Y PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS
they want to go to the National Gallery.
• Y
 et Estas dos formas verbales se utilizan para referirse a
Se usa en oraciones negativas e interrogativas para acciones pasadas que afectan al momento presente.
hablar de acciones que no han ocurrido todavía. Se La diferencia de uso entre ambas suele estar en el énfasis
coloca al final de la oración. sobre la duración de una acción o en si ha terminado o no.
The new gadgets exhibition hasn’t started yet. • S
 e utiliza present perfect para describir una acción que
Have you been to the Faraday Museum yet? comenzó en el pasado y que ha finalizado o acaba de
Yes, I have. It was very interesting. finalizar.
I have done my homework.
CONTRASTE DE PRESENT SIMPLE Y (Indica que lo he terminado.)

PRESENT PERFECT Pero si se usa el verbo en present perfect continuous

se expresa un resultado o consecuencia en el presente.
En algunas ocasiones cuando en inglés se usa present I have been doing my homework. I didn’t have time
perfect, en español usamos presente simple.
to set the table.
I know Reza. He’s from Iran. (Conozco a Reza. Es de Irán.)
I ’ve known my best friend Reza since he arrived in this • S
 e utiliza present perfect para indicar que se ha hecho
country. (Conozco a mi mejor amigo Reza desde que llegó algo recientemente.
a este país.) We have worked together to finish this.
He has a British passport. (Tiene pasaporte británico.)
He’s had a British passport for 8 years. (Tiene pasaporte  ero se puede utilizar present perfect continuous para
• P
británico desde hace 8 años.) enfatizar la duración de lo que se ha hecho.
We have been working all this time.

En español los verbos de las dos oraciones en present PAST SIMPLE
perfect se traducen por presente, igual que las oraciones
en present simple. 1 Forma
Los verbos regulares forman el pasado añadiendo -ed
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS al verbo mientras que los irregulares tienen una forma
propia (ver lista en página 128).
1 Forma Afirmativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They lived / went

I/You/We/They have been eating Negativa

I/You/We/They did not live / go
Afirmativa He/She/It (didn’t)
He/She/It has been eating
Interrogativa Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they live / go?
I/You/We/They haven’t been eating
He/She/It hasn’t been eating

Have I/you/we/they been eating? 2 Ortografía para el pasado de los verbos regulares
Has he/she/it been eating? • L
 a mayoría de los verbos añaden -ed para formar el
participio pasado: talk talked, climb climbed
2 Uso • L
 os verbos que acaban en -e añaden solo -d: arrive
Esta forma verbal tiene distintos usos, aunque siempre arrived, live lived
destaca que la acción es continuada.
 os verbos de una sílaba con vocal + consonante al
• L
• Expresa
 hábitos o acciones desarrolladas a lo largo del final doblan la consonante: rob robbed
• E
 n los verbos que acaban en consonante + -y se cambia
He’s been seeing her a lot lately. la -y por -ied: carry carried, study studied
Verb Tenses
3 Expresiones de tiempo 2 Uso
yesterday, two hours / days / weeks / months / years • P
 ara referirnos a una acción que había ocurrido antes
ago, last Sunday / week / month / year, on the 7th May, que otra acción en el pasado.
in 1999 / the 14th century. The film had started when she arrived at the cinema.
Suelen ir al final de la oración aunque también pueden I had lived in London for one year when I decided to
colocarse al principio. move to Brighton.
Josephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher in 1886. When we got to our friends’ house, they had already
made dinner.
Yesterday I bought my first mobile.
4 Uso • C
 on frecuencia, la acción expresada en past perfect
actúa como una causa anterior que da lugar a la acción
• A cciones y situaciones acabadas en el pasado.
principal, en past simple.
Thirty years ago, people didn’t have mobile phones.
She left her job because she had received a better offer.
He bought a microwave three weeks ago.
• Estados en el pasado.
When I was young, I didn’t have a computer. Compara:
They left when the film finished. (= They left after the
film finished.)
They had left when the film finished. (= They had left
before the film finished.)
1 Forma
Se forma con el pasado del verbo to be y el verbo principal
en -ing (ver página 118 para la ortografía de esta forma). • E
l pasado perfecto puede ir acompañado de las
He was working on a new project last night at 9 o’clock. siguientes expresiones de tiempo: after, as soon as,
before, by the time (that), when.

I/He/She/It was going after We were really worried after she

Afirmativa (después) had told us the news.
You/We/They were going
I/He/She/ It was not going as soon as As soon as we had entered the
(wasn’t) room, we started to feel the
Negativa (tan pronto como)
You/We/ They were not going excitement.
(weren’t) before Before I answered the phone,
Was I/he/she/it going? (antes) the caller had already hung up.
Were you/we/they going? by the time He had already started to work as a
(en el momento en que) translator by the time he graduated.
2 Uso y expresiones de tiempo
when When he called me, I had
• A
 cciones en progreso en un momento concreto del (cuando) already made a decision.
pasado (at the time, at 10 o’clock yesterday morning,
during the flight, etc).
At the time, he was trying to make money from his
1 Forma
We were watching a programme about new technology
Este tiempo se forma con used to + verb.
at 7 o’clock yesterday evening.
• W
 hen y while introducen oraciones temporales y se Afirmativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They used to go
usan con los tiempos past simple y past continuous I/You/He/She/It /We/They (didn’t) did not
para expresar: Negativa use to go
- acciones simultáneas. I/You/He/She/It/We/They never used to go
While he was talking on the mobile, his mother was Interrogativa Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they use to go?
acciones que se ven interrumpidas por otras. 2 Uso
While he was cleaning the dust, he had a brilliant idea. Se utiliza para expresar hábitos o estados en el pasado
When she was doing an experiment, he phoned her. pero que ya no ocurren en el presente.
We used to have a video when we were younger but
now we have a DVD.
PAST PERFECT When I was a child, I didn’t use to chat online with my
1 Forma
My father never used to buy new gadgets when he
Se forma con el pasado del verbo have (had) más el was younger but now he does.
participio del verbo principal. Did you use to wear contact lenses when you were at
I/You/He/She/It/We/They had arrived /
I/You/He/She/It/We/They hadn’t Fíjate
arrived /spoken Para expresar hábitos en el presente se utiliza usually +
Had I/you/he/she/it/we/they arrived / present simple.
spoken? They usually buy their kitchen appliances at Ikea.

WOULD Afirmativa
I/You/He/She/It/We/They will go
1 Forma
I/You/He/She/It/We/They will not go
Este tiempo se forma con would (‘d) + verb. Negativa

Interrogativa Will I/you/he/she/it/we/they go?

Afirmativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They would play

Negativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They wouldn’t play 2 Uso

Interrogativa Would I/you/he/she/it/we/they play Expresa predicciones basadas en una opinión.
They don’t think technology will change a lot in a few
2 Uso Verbos como think, believe, expect, suelen introducir un
 e usa would + verb para acciones que se repetían
S futuro o will.
en el pasado (no se utiliza con estados). Tiene una I don’t think she’ll be home now.
connotación nostálgica.
I expect we won’t use so much petrol in the year 2030.
When I was young, my friends and I would go to the
cinema every Saturday.
1 Forma
Se forma con el presente del verbo to be + going to + verb.
• A
 veces pueden usarse indistintamente used to o
I am going to help
past simple.
She used to live by the sea in the 1950s. You/We/They are going to help
She lived by the sea in the 1950s. Afirmativa
• P
 ero cuando se utilizan verbos que indican acciones He/She/It is going to help
únicas acabadas en el pasado solo se puede usar (’s)
past simple. I am not going to help
He used to design strange appliances when he was You/We/ They are not going to help
young. (Solía diseñar aparatos raros cuando era joven. Negativa
Se refiere a un hábito que ya no tiene.) He/She/ It is not going to help
He designed a strange appliance when he was (isn’t)
young. (Diseñó un extraño aparato cuando era joven. Am I going to help?
Acción única en el pasado.) Interrogativa Are you/we/they going to help?
Is he/she/it going to help?


PRESENT PERFECT Normalmente evitamos usar be going to go.
They’re not going (to go) to school tomorrow.
La diferencia de uso entre estos dos tiempos es la
relación que establecen con el pasado. 2 Uso
• Se usa past simple para expresar una acción Expresa planes e intenciones decididas de antemano.
finalizada en el pasado. Suele ir con una expresión She’s going to do a master’s degree to improve her CV.
de tiempo que indica cuándo se realizó dicha acción. They’ve won the lottery but they aren’t going to change
People made millions of mobile calls last year. their lives.
My life changed when I bought my hearing aid two Are you going to celebrate your birthday?
months ago.
• S
 e usa present perfect para hablar sobre una acción que
comenzó en el pasado y tiene relevancia en el presente. PRESENT CONTINUOUS PARA
People have made millions of mobile calls since its EXPRESAR FUTURO
Present continuous también se utiliza para referirnos
Life has changed with new technology.
a acciones futuras ya planeadas y programadas para
una fecha fijada.
FUTURE SIMPLE (WILL) She’s starting a master’s degree next week. She has
already enrolled and paid for it.
1 Forma Are they interviewing him in their programme
Este tiempo se forma con will (‘ll) + verb. tomorrow evening at 10 o’clock?
I think we’ll work longer hours in the year 2030.
Verb Tenses
No llevan -s en la 3ª persona singular del presente.
EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPO She can break her record in the next Olympics.
Se utilizan con los tiempos que expresan futuro y, • No llevan do / does / did en la forma negativa e interrogativa.
como otras expresiones de tiempo, suelen colocarse al Could they train yesterday?
final de la oración. We may not win the World Cup this year.
Tonight, tomorrow, soon, in the future, tomorrow • 
La forma negativa se hace añadiendo not al verbo.
afternoon / evening / night, next Monday / week / He cannot swim so fast.
month / year, in a minute / a few hours... They should not insult the referee.
I think we’ll see Clara tomorrow afternoon. I must not be late for the training session.
Are you going shopping next weekend? Normalmente, se utilizan las formas contraídas: can’t,
shouldn’t, mustn’t.
They aren’t meeting Sheila tonight.
Sin embargo, may or might no suelen contraerse: may
not, might not.
Van seguidos de infinitivo sin to (excepto ought to).
PRESENT CONTINUOUS He must be one of the best players in the world.
She couldn’t compete in the Beijing Olympics because
Ambas formas se utilizan para referirse a planes para she broke her foot.
el futuro.
• A veces son intercambiables.
We’re going to travel to Costa Rica soon.
Para expresar habilidad se usan can, could, be able to.
We’re travelling to Costa Rica soon.
• S
in embargo, es más frecuente usar present CAN
continuous cuando hablamos de planes ya
confirmados con otras personas. Expresa habilidad en presente.
Nowadays, we can play better thanks to our new
We’re going to get married soon. (Intención, no hay graphite rackets.
preparativos.) I cannot swim as fast as my teammates.
We’re getting married in two months. (La boda está Can Heather jump 1.70 metres?
preparada y con fecha.)

BE ABOUT TO Expresa habilidad en pasado.

They could take part in the competition.
Jessica Ennis couldn’t run the 200 metres in 22.8
1 Forma seconds two years ago.
Este tiempo se forma con el verbo to be, la expresión Could you run so fast when you were 10?
about to y el infinitivo del verbo correspondiente.
I am (‘m) Se usa be able to para expresar habilidad en:
Afirmativa He/She/It is (‘s) about to verb
• Pasado
You/We/They are (‘re) Usain Bolt was able to win three gold medals in
London 2012 Olympics.
I am (‘m) not
They weren’t able to win the match although they
Negativa He/She/ It is not (isn’t) about to verb
trained hard.
You/We/They are not (aren’t) En este caso, could y was / were able to pueden
usarse indistintamente.
Am I
• Futuro
Interrogativa Are you/we/they about to verb?
We will be able to go to the final match.
Is he/she/it
They won’t be able to compete in the next Olympics.
Will spectators be able to interact with what’s on TV
2 Uso in a near future?
Indica que la acción futura está muy próxima al presente, • Infinitivo
a punto de comenzar. I would like to be able to attend the final.
He has taken a ring out of his pocket. Sportspeople don’t want to be able to play matches
without spectators.
Oh, he’s about to propose to her.
Are you about to split up? I can’t believe.

MODALES Para expresar la probabilidad de que algo ocurra se
usan may, might, y could.
En este uso se suelen añadir adverbios y expresiones
Los verbos modales son can, could, may, might, must, will, como maybe, perhaps, I’m (not) sure, I (don’t) think,…
would, should y ought to.

I may go to the match on Sunday. • Expresa

 consejo de forma autoritaria. Implica una
I’m not sure but Jameson might not play next Sunday amenaza velada.
because he’s got a cold. • 
Had better no es usual en la forma interrogativa.
Could basketball become more popular than football in You’re putting on weight. You’d better start doing
the future? some exercise.
We’d better not change our Mediterranean diet.
May indica mayor seguridad.

Para indicar que es necesario o importante hacer algo se

usan must, have to y need to.
Para hacer deducciones se utilizan must y can’t. MUST

MUST Indica que la obligación viene de la persona que habla.

Solo se utiliza en presente. Para expresar obligación en
Expresa certeza de que algo es verdad. otros tiempos se utiliza have to.
Boxing must be the most violent sport, definitely. I must study harder if I want to pass the exam.
How many times must we repeat the lesson to learn it?

Expresa certeza de que algo no es verdad. HAVE TO

He can’t have a gold medal because he finished
third in the 100-metre final. Indica una obligación impuesta por otros, por ejemplo
en órdenes o normas.


Para expresar voluntad y rechazo se usan will y won’t. I/You/We/They have to

He/She/It has to verb
Do I/you/we/they have to
Does he/she/it have to verb?
Expresa voluntad de hacer algo.
Will you join our classes tomorrow? Yes, I will. We have to hand in our homework today.
The council will support young players. She has to be on time for class.
How many times do I have to tell you?
Expresa rechazo a hacer algo.
I won’t stop doing exercise if it’s not necessary. I/You/We/They
Afirmativa had to verb
DAR CONSEJOS Interrogativa Did
have to verb?

Para dar consejos se usan should, ought to (ver página They had to study for their exams.
105) y had (‘d) better.
Did she have to wear a uniform at school?


Indica una obligación o recomendación.

You should eat less fast food.
We shouldn’t drink too much alcohol. • 
Should they bake the cake first? I/ You/ We/ need to
Afirmativa They verb
He/She/It needs to
Do I/you/we/they
• Expresa
 consejo en ocasiones más informales. Interrogativa need to verb?
Does he/she/it
• Las formas negativa e interrogativa son poco
comunes. I think you need to buy a new tracksuit for our judo
I ought to change my diet. lessons.
He oughtn’t to have so much fat. Does she need to study French?
What things ought we to buy to prepare that recipe?
Verb Tenses
Pasado I was tired, but I didn’t need to stop.
Students didn’t need to get approval from other
I/ You/ We/ students, but from their teachers.
Afirmativa They/He/ needed to verb
Interrogativa Did they/he/she/ need to verb? PERMISO

They needed to look up new words in the dictionary Para expresar permiso se usan can, could, may, be
to do their homework.
allowed to y let someone do something.
Did you need to take that exam too?

Se usa para indicar permiso en presente.
Para indicar que no es necesario o importante hacer algo You can go out when you finish your homework.
se usan not have to y not need to. Can I see your answers?


Indica ausencia de obligación, que no es necesario Se utiliza para dar y pedir permiso en presente de
hacer algo. manera formal.
Presente You may talk to your tutor after class.
May I ask you a question?
do not have to verb
does not have to verb?
He/She/It Se usa para expresar permiso en pasado.
Teachers could smoke in class in the 1970s.
University students don’t have to participate in Could you chew gum in class when you were at
extra-curricular activities if they don’t want to. school?
She doesn’t have to hand in her paper until next week.


I/You/We/They did not have to verb Expresa un permiso legal (normas, leyes, órdenes,…).
He/She/It (didn’t) • 
In my time, we didn’t have to study two languages at I am (‘m)
school. allowed to
Afirmativa He/She/It is (‘s)
She didn’t have to bring her dictionary to class. We You/We/They are (‘re)
can take them from the library.
Am I
allowed to
Interrogativa Are you/we/they
Is he/she/it
Students are allowed to ask questions after class.
Tiene el mismo uso que not have to. Are teachers allowed to punish their students?
do not need to verb
(don’t) I/ He/She/It was allowed to
You/We/They were verb
does not need to verb
Were you/we/they allowed to
Students don’t need to come early on Monday Was I/he/she/it verb?
morning. Their science class has been cancelled.
Mary doesn’t need to look words up in the dictionary. They were allowed to have tattoos at school when
She has a good command of vocabulary. they were young.
Was he allowed to borrow books without a library
Pasado card?

I/You/We/They did not need to verb

He/She/It (didn’t)
Must y have to se usan en afirmativa para expresar
Indica quién impone la obligación.
obligación pero en negativa expresan algo totalmente
Presente diferente: mustn’t indica prohibición mientras que not
have to es ausencia de obligación.
I/You/We/They let
Afirmativa IO verb You mustn’t tell your classmates.
He/She/It lets
(No debes decírselo a tus compañeros)
Do I/you/we/they let You don’t have to tell your classmates.
Interrogativa IO verb?
Does he/she/it let (No es necesario que se lo digas a tus compañeros)

My maths teacher lets us work in pairs.

Do they let you use your mobile in class? NOT BE ALLOWED TO

Pasado Indica una prohibición impuesta por otras personas
(reglas, leyes…).
I / You/ We/They Se usa en lugar de cannot y mustn’t en otros tiempos
Afirmativa let IO verb
He/She/It diferentes al presente.
I / You/ We/They
Interrogativa Did let lO verb? I am (‘m) not
He/She/It is not (isn’t) allowed to verb
Did your teachers let you use a calculator in the 60s? You/We/They are not (aren’t)
My mum let us watchTV when we got home from school.
We aren’t allowed to smoke on school grounds.
Eating in class isn’t allowed.

I/He/She/It was not (wasn’t)

Para expresar la ausencia de permiso o prohibición allowed to verb
se usan cannot (can’t), could not (couldn't), must not You/We/They were not (weren’t)
(mustn’t), not be allowed to y not let someone do She wasn’t allowed to speak Spanish in her English class.
Students weren’t allowed to be late to class.

Se usa para indicar prohibición en presente. Indica quién impone la prohibición y a quién o a quiénes
You can’t check the answers with your classmates. se la impone.
do not let IO verb
Se usa para expresar prohibición en el pasado.
does not let IO verb
Women couldn't attend university in the 18th century. He/She/It

MUST NOT (MUSTN’T) Of course, my father doesn’t let me play truant.

Teachers don’t let us cheat in exams.
Se usa para indicar prohibición en presente al igual • 
que cannot (can’t).
You mustn’t speak when the teacher is speaking. I/You/We/They did not let IO verb
He/She/It (didn’t)

Her science teacher was really strict. She didn’t let

her students misbehave.
I didn’t let my daughter be late for class.
Verb Tenses
La voz pasiva en inglés es más frecuente que en español,
1 Forma que utiliza más la construcción impersonal con ‘se’.
German is spoken here. (Se habla alemán.)
Sujeto + be + participio pasado
We weren’t invited to the wedding. (No se nos invitó a la
Sujeto + am / is / are + participio
simple English is taught in this course.
How is leather produced? • Se utiliza la pasiva habitualmente para:
− Describir procesos y consecuencias.
Sujeto + am / is / are + being + participio
Present Oranges are picked in wintertime.
continuous The hotel room is being cleaned. He’s been sacked.
My questions aren’t being answered.
− Referirse a algo de manera impersonal en contextos
Sujeto + was / were + participio formales.
simple He was invited to the party. The conference was badly organised.
The walls weren’t painted properly. A few people were interviewed this morning.
Sujeto + have / has been + participio − Describir algo en contextos científicos o académicos.
Present It is argued that communication is global.
perfect They have been told to wait.
She hasn’t been called yet. An observation was introduced here.

2 Uso En inglés, un verbo con dos complementos puede tener
• A
 l usar la voz pasiva damos mayor énfasis a un dos estructuras en pasiva.
elemento de la oración, colocándolo en primer lugar,
como sujeto. Usamos la voz pasiva para: Flowers were sent to my mum by my sisters.
My mum was sent flowers by my sisters.*
− Mencionar quién recibe una acción más que quién (*Esta estructura no es posible en español)
la realiza, bien porque no es relevante, es obvio o lo
No one was injured.
He was told not to come back.
What has been done so far?
She has been offered a job.
The room is being cleaned.

− Poner el tema del que se habla en su posición natural,

la de sujeto; el complemento de un verbo activo se
convierte en el sujeto de un verbo pasivo.
Spain produces a lot of olive oil.

A lot of olive oil is produced in Spain.

• S
 i se quiere indicar quién realiza la acción, se añade al
final de la frase el complemento agente introducido por
la preposición by.
This house was bought by my father.
The Pyramids were built by the Egyptians.

• N
 o podemos usar la voz pasiva con verbos intransitivos
como: die, arrive, go…

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