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[HUMSS_DIASS / Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences]

[Settings of Social Work]

Settings of Social Work

At the end of the topic the students should be able to:
1. Describe social work in a government setting;
2. Describe social work in a private sector setting;
3. Describe social work in a civil society setting;
4. Describe social work in a school setting; and
5. Describe social work in a community setting;

Government Setting
The government setting offers the widest space for a variety of social work
services. Social work is present almost everywhere, from social policy
formulation and analysis, advocacy, and implementation to enhance the
wellbeing of societal members, to providing social services through
appropriate government departments and agencies.

Private Settings
In the private sector, particularly corporate setting, occupational social work
is practiced. The type of social work typically has five structures within
which it generates interventions: employee assistance programs, labor union
social services, human resource management offices, community relations
offices and organizational development initiatives (Segal, Gerdes, & Steiner

Civil Society Setting

The civil society sector sees itself as a champion of the people with regard to
ensuring accountability in government services; hence, social workers in civil
society tend to work for advocates of human rights and social justice. Their
work ensures the delivery to concerned sectors of universal basic needs that
may range from physical needs, intellectual development, emotional
development, social growth, and spiritual growth.

School Setting
The school is a social service and within it lies similar situations that arise
elsewhere: violation of human rights, violence, sexual harassment,
discrimination, and so on. Internally, social work embedded structures see to
it that where violations occur, social workers can respond appropriately.
Externally, the school does also work with communities in its extension
Course Module
services and community service where students and teachers work with
communities to delivery voluntary services. Here, the social workers can
facilitate school entry into community, understanding the community,
engagement with community, selecting and implementing correctly social
development intervention, and exit strategically.

Community Setting
A community consists and represents all kinds of social work services. It is
the locus of social work challenges. It is in the community where human
rights of individuals and groups are denied or violated; it is in the community
where injustices are made and committed; it is in the community where
marginalization for individuals and groups occur. Racism, sexism,
homophobia (fear of lesbians and gay men), classism, ableism
(discrimination of people with disability), ageism, anti-Semitism and
islamophobia (fear of followers of Islam) exist in the community caused
generally by the presence of mainstream or dominant groups who tend to
enjoy certain privileges which are built in their lives. (Segal, Gerdes, &
Steiner 2005)

Community Setting – this is for the people in the community who seeks to
improve the settings who shares in a common belief.
Civil Society Settings – this is the settings wherein these areas of civil society
concerns provide a unique setting that may call for distinct social work
specializations and general practice.
Government Setting – this is a the place of the social worker wherein in the
government they exchange ideas and opinions on what is good to others.
Private Sector Setting – this is intended for the private sector place wherein
they exchange opinions on what will be the things that they can contribute
for the development of others.
School Setting – this is a setting wherein the social worker helps the
stakeholders of the school to make it improve.

Dela Cruz, A. et al. (2017), Disciplines and ideas in Social Sciences (Padayon)
Series) Rex Book Store, Inc.
Mendoza, D.J. et al., (2016), Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences,
Phoenix Publishing House.
Sampa, E.M. (2017) Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Science, Rex
Bookstore, Inc. First Edtion.
Tatel, C.P. (2017) Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences, Rex Book
Store, Inc. First Edition.

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