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Here are 10 more examples of joints that exhibit schindylesis:

● Temporoparietal joint: This joint between the temporal bone and the parietal
bone in the skull demonstrates schindylesis.
● Nasal-ethmoidal joint: The joint between the nasal bone and the ethmoid bone in
the skull is an example of a schindylesis joint.
● Palatine-maxillary joint: This joint between the palatine bone and the maxillary
bone in the skull exhibits schindylesis.
● Maxillo-zygomatic joint: The joint between the maxilla bone and the zygomatic
bone in the skull demonstrates schindylesis.
● Radioulnar joint: The joint between the radius bone and the ulna bone in the
forearm is an example of a schindylesis joint.
● Carpometacarpal joints: These joints between the carpal bones and the
metacarpal bones in the hand exhibit schindylesis.
● Metatarsophalangeal joints: These joints between the metatarsal bones and the
phalanges in the foot demonstrate schindylesis.
● Atlanto-occipital joint: The joint between the atlas (C1 vertebra) and the occipital
bone in the skull exhibits schindylesis.
● Costochondral joints: These joints between the rib cartilages and the sternum
demonstrate schindylesis.
● Sacroiliac joint: The joint between the sacrum and the ilium bones in the pelvis is
an example of a schindylesis joint.

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