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I. Identify what is being describe in the sentence. Choose your answer from the bo

Physics  Mechanics Optics Electricity and magnetism

Wave motion and sound General relativity Special relativity

Nuclear physics Quantum mechanics Particle physics

Measurement Fundamental quantity Derived quantity Accuracy


________1. It is the science that deals with concepts such as force, energy, mass, and charge.
_______2. It deals with motion, force, work, energy and fluids.
_______3. It deals with the study of light and its properties.
_______4. It deals with phenomena associated with electrical charges (whether static or moving),
magnetism, and the relationship with between electricity and magnetism.
_______5. It deals with properties, transmission, and perception of different types of waves.
_______6. It tells how matter curves space-time and how the curvature of space-time dictates the
trajectory of matter and light.
_______7. It deals with phenomena associated when an object moves with speeds approaching the
speed of light in vacuum.
_______8. It deals with the properties of and the reactions within the atomic nucleus.
_______9. It deals with the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic
_______10. It deals with the building blocks of matter called elementary particles.
_______11. The size or magnitude of something, or a comparison of an unknown quantity with some
known quantity of the same kind.
_______12. are all those units which are independent of any other unit (including themselves)
_______13. all those units which are obtained by multiplying and/or dividing one or more fundamental
units with or without introducing any other numerical factor.
________14. Represents how close a measurement comes to its true value. This is important because
bad equipment, poor data processing or human error can lead to inaccurate results that are not very
close to the truth.
________15. is how close a series of measurements of the same thing are to each other.

II. Find the Speed, Distance and Time on the given sentence. Show your solution in separate paper.

1. If a car travels 400m in 20 seconds how fast is it going?

2. If you move 50 meters in 10 seconds, what is your speed?
3. You arrive in my class 45 seconds after leaving math which is 90 meters away. How fast did you
4. A plane travels 395,000 meters in 9000 seconds. What was its speed?
5. It takes Serina 0.25 hours to drive to school. Her route is 16 km long. What is Serina’s average speed
on her drive to school? TIME
6. How much time will it take for a bug to travel 5 meters across the floor if it is traveling at 1 m/s?
7. You need to get to class, 200 meters away, and you can only walk in the hallways at about 1.5 m/s. (if
you run any faster, you’ll be caught for running). How much time will it take to get to your class?
8. In a competition, an athlete threw a flying disk 139 meters through the air. While in flight, the disk
traveled at an average speed of 13.0 m/s. How long did the disk remain in the air? DISTANCE
9. How far can you get away from your little brother with the squirt gun filled with paint if you can travel
at 3 m/s and you have 15s before he sees you?
10. How far can your little brother get if he can travel at 2.5 m/s and in 5 seconds you will discover that
his squirt gun has run out of paint?

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