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0 JUNE 2007

Guriga Dhaxdiisa
Around the House

This lesson will introduce you to:

- Basic vocabulary related to the home (types of rooms, furniture, etc.)

1. Listen to the vocabulary below and repeat after the speaker.

Bathroom Musqusha Office Xafiis

Bedroom Qolka jiifka Basement Qolka hoose
Dining room Qolka Qadada Yard Jardiino
Door Albaab Kitchen Jiko
Floor Dhulka Living room Qolka fadhiga
Window Daaqad One-story Hal dabaq
Garage Garaash Two-story Labo dabaq
Roof Saqaf First floor Dabaqa koowaad
Antenna Anteeno Second floor Dabaqa labaad

2. Match the Somali words in the left column with their English equivalents in the right
column. Check the answer key.

1. Musqusha A. Basement
2. Qolka Jiifka B. Yard
3. Qolka Qudada C. Garage
4. Albaab D. Living room
5. Dhulka E. Bathroom
6. Daaqad F. Kitchen
7. Garaash G. Bedroom
8. Qolka Fadhiga H. Door
9. Xafiis I. Dining room
10. Qolka hoose J. Floor
11. Jardiino K. Office
12. Jiko. L. Window

3. Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks from the list of words
written in the box below. Check your work with the answer key.

garaash qolka jiifka anteeno jardiino jiko qolka fadhiga iyo qolka qadada.

1. Waxaa saaran _________ saqafada guriga.

2.Waxaa ku yaal ________ inta u dhaxaysa xafiiska iyo musqusha

3. Waxaa ku yaal _________ Guriga hortiisa.

4. Waxaa ku yaal jiko inta u dhaxaysa ___________________________.

4. Draw a plan of your house and tell your partner in Somali the types of rooms you have
and where they are located. Work in pairs or in small groups.

5. Match the following questions with the correct answers. Check your work with the
answer key.

A Waa halkee musqushu? 1. Haa, Waxaan leenahay garaash yar.

B. Waa halkee jikadu? 2. Qolka jiifku waxa uu ku xigaa qolka fadhiga.

C. Waa halkee qolka jiifku? 3. Haa, Waxaanu leenahay qol hoose oo weyn.

D. Ma leedahay qolka cuntada? 4. Waxaanu leenahay sadex qol oo jiif..

E. Ma leedihiin garaash? 5. Jikadu waxay ku taal dabaqa koowaad.

F. Meeqa qol ayaad leedahay? 6. Musqushu waxay ku xigtaa qolka jiifka.

G. Ma leedihiin qolka hoose? 7. Maya, ma haysano qolka qadada.

6. Pretend that you want to buy a house. Your classmate will be the real estate agent.
Make up a dialogue using the model below. Work in pairs or in small groups.

Model: A. I want to buy a two-story house.

A. Anigu waxaan doonayaa inaan iibsado guri labo dabaq ah
B. There is a nice small house next to the market.
B. Guri fiican oo yar ayaa ku yaal suuqa agtiisa.
A. How many bedrooms does the house have?
A. Meeqa qol ayuu gurigu leeyahay.

B. It has one bedroom.
B. Waxa uu leeyahay hal qol.
A. How many bathrooms are there in the house?
A. Meeqa musqulood ayaa ku yaal guriga?
B. There is a big wonderful bathroom in the house.
B. Musqul weyn oo fiican ayaa ku taal guriga.
A. Is there a kitchen in the house?
A. Jiko miyaa ku taal guriga.
B. Yes, there is.
B. Haa, wey ku taal.

7. Familiarize yourself with these terms for furniture and furnishings. Listen and
repeat after the speaker.

Baafka Sariir armaajo Kursi armaajo

Bathtub Bed Bookcase Chair Closet

Miis Firintijeer Miis weyn Nal Miykrowayf

Table Refrigerator Dresser Lamp Microwave oven

Raadiyo Kaarbet Waji dhaq Fadhi Makiinada

Radio Carpet Sink Sofa Stove

Telefoon Taleefishin Dube Musqul

Telephone Television Toaster Toilet

8. Below is a chart with rooms you would find in a typical home. Under each room, list the
furniture and furnishings (from the list above) that you would expect to find there. Some
items will be used more than once.

Jiko Qolka Qadada Qolka fadhiga Qolka jiifka Musqul

9. Using the chart above, ask each other questions about the furniture in your rooms.

For example: 1. Maxaa kuu yaal jikada? - I have a stove, a…. in my kitchen.
2. maxaa kuu yaal qolkaada qadada ? – I have a table, a….in my dining room.

10. Listen and read along as the speaker talks about his home, then answer the
questions about the passage. Check your work with the answer key\.

Magacaygu waa Warsame. Aniga, xaaskayga iyo labadeena caruurtaa waxaanu ku nool nahay
Xamar. Waxaanu leenahay guri yar oo labo dabaq ah. Aabahay ayaa nala nool anaga. Gurigu
waxa uu leeyahay sadex qol: Mid waa aniga iyo naagtayda, midna waa labadeena wiil, iyo mid
aabahay. Laba qol waxay ku yaaliin dabaqa labaad, iyo hal qolna waxay ku taal dabaqa
koowaad. Waxaanu leenayahay laba musqulood. Waxaanu lenahay jiko weyn oo leh makinada
cunatada, burjiko, sinki, iyo firintijeer. Jikada waxaa yaal miis weyn oo aanu wax ku cuno. Ma
lihin qolka qadada. Qolka fadhina waxaa yaal kursi,miis iyo labo kursi oo kale iyo taleefishin
yar. habeenkii cashada ka dib, aniga iyo qoyskeenu waxaan daawanaa taleefishin.

A. Xagee bay qoysku ku nool yihiin?

B. Meeqa qofood ayaa ku nool guriga?

C. Gurigani ma hal dabaq baa mise waa labo dabaq?

D. Meeqa qol jiif ayaa ku taal, yaase seexda qol walba?

E. Meeqa qol jiif ayaa ku taal dabaqa koowaad?

F. Meeqa musqulood ayaa guriga ku yaal?

G. Halkee ayay cunatada ku cunaan?

H. Maxay qoysku sameeyaan habeenkii cashada ka dib?

End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Listen to the speaker and circle the terms that you hear. Check the answer key.

1. bedroom bathroom living room

2. lamp oven stove
3. toilet bathtub sink
4. sofa chair bed
5. carpet floor window
6. chair dresser radio
7. first floor second floor one-story
8. garage basement roof

2. You have a guest in your home. Give him/her answers, in Somali, to the following

Waa halkee musqushu?

Waa halkee jikadu?

Meeqa qol ayaad leedahay?

Aaway telefoonkii?

Ma fiirsan karaa telefishin?

Goormeed cuntaa cashada?

Goormeed ka kacdaa subixii?

Waqtigee ayaad aadaa shaqada?

Vocabulary List
Basement Qolka hoose
Bathroom Musqusha
Bathtub Qubays
Bed Sariir
Bedroom Qolka jiifka
Bookcase Armaajada buugaagta
Chair Kursi
Closet Armaajo
Table Miis
Dining room Qolka Qadada
Door Albaab
Dresser Miis weyn
Floor Dhulka
Garage Garaash
Kitchen Jiko
Lamp Nal
Living room Qolka fadhiga
Microwave oven Miykrowayf
One-story hal dabaq
Oven burjiko
Radio raadiyo
Carpet Kaarbet
Second floor Dabaqa labaad
Sink Sinki
Sofa/couch Fadhi
Stove Makiinada cuntada
Television Teleefishin
Toaster Dube
Toilet Musqul
Two-story Laba dabaq
Window Daaqad

Answer Key

1. Musqusha E. Bathroom
2. Qolka Jiifka G. Bedroom
3. Qolka Qudada I. Dining room
4. Albaab H. Door
5. Dhulka J. Floor
6. Daaqad L. Window
7. Garaash C. Garage
8. Qolka Fadhiga D. Living room
9. Xafiis K. Office
10. Qolka hoose A. Basement
11. Jardiino B. Yard
12. Jiko F. Kitchen

garage bedroom antennae yard kitchen the living room and the dining room

1. There is a/an antennae on the roof.

2. There is a bedroom between the office and the bathroom.
3. There is a yard in front of the house.
4. There is a kitchen between the living room and the dining room.

garaash qolka jiifka anteeno jardiino jiko qolka fadhiga iyo qolka qadada.

1. Waxaa saaran anteeno saqafada guriga.

2.Waxaa ku yaal garaash inta u dhaxaysa xafiiska iyo musqusha

3. Waxaa ku yaal jardiino Guriga hortiisa.

4. Waxaa ku yaal jiko inta u dhaxaysa qolka fadhiga iyo qolka qadada.

A Where is the bathroom? 6. The bathroom is next to the bedroom.
B. Where is the kitchen? 5. The kitchen is on the first floor.
C. Where is the bedroom? 2. The bedroom is next to the living room.
D. Do you have a dining room? 7. No, we don’t have a dining room.
E. Do you have a garage? 1. Yes, we have a small garage.
F. How many bedrooms do you have? 4. We have three bedrooms.
G. Do you have a basement? 3. Yes, we have a big basement.

My name is Warsame. I live with my wife and two children in Xamar. We have a small two-
story house. My father lives with us. The house has 3 bedrooms: one for my wife and I, one for
our two sons, and one for my father. Two bedrooms are on the second floor, and one bedroom is
on the first floor. We have two bathrooms. We have a large kitchen with a stove, oven, sink and
refrigerator. In the kitchen there is a large table where we eat. We do not have a dining room.
Our living room has a sofa, a table, two chairs, and a small television. In the evening after
dinner, my family and I watch TV.

A.Where does the family live? Xamar

B. How many people live in the house? five
C. Is the house one story or two story? two-story
D. How many bedrooms are there? three
E. How many bedrooms are on the first floor? Who sleeps there? one, husband and wife
F. How many bathrooms are there in the house? two
G. Where do they eat their meals? in the kitchen
H. What does the family do in the evening after dinner? watch television

End of Lesson Tasks

1. bathroom Musqusha
2. lamp Nal
3. sink Sinki
4. bed Sariir
5. window Daaqad
6. radio raadiyo
7. first floor dabaqa koowad
8. roof Saqaf


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