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Q1: Which tag allows you to add a row in a table??

a <tr> and </tr>

b <cr> and </cr>

c <th> and </th>

d None

e None

f <td> and </td>

Q2: Which of the following is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker

a Docker Hub

b Docker Cloud

c None

d Docker Swarn

e Docker Hub

f None

Q3: In a LIKE clause, you can could ask for any value ending in "qpt" by writing?

a LIKE %qpt

b LIKE ton$

c None

d None

e LIKE *ton

f LIKE ^.*ton$

Q4: You are logged in as a normal user and you see a file with 444(-r--r--r--) permission.
Can you delete it with the `rm` command??
a No, we don't have the proper permissions

The correct Answer is: None

c We can delete it only from the GUI but not from CLI.

d We can't be certain, it depends on the permissions of the parent folder

e Yes, can delete it without a problem

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: Which of the following is NOT available in MySQL:?

a None





f None

Q6: Which one of these variables has an illegal name??

a $myVar

b None

c $my-Var

d $my_Var

e None

f $MyVar

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