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Dear sir/madam
Writing part 2:
It is believe that cdc is always a controversial issue. While there are some
advantages of this trend, I would agree that it is disadvantages are more significant.
Therefore, both positive and negative points are presented in this essay.
On the one hand, the benefits of cdc should not be understimated.
The first benefit is that cdc + ly do 1
The second benefit is that cdc + ly do 2
The third benefit is that cdc + ly do 3
In short, there are several important benefits for cdc
On the other hand, I support the view of those who believe that the disadvantages
of cdc outweight the advantages.
Firstly cdc + ly do 1
Secondly cdc + ly do 2
Thirdly cdc + ly do 3
In brief, there are some disadvantages of cdc
In conclusion, despite the drawbacks of cdc I believe the benefits outweight the
disadvantages. It is suggested that the government individual should balance both
advantages ang disadvantages of cdc.

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