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Theresia Meiliana1, Lilie Suratminto2

Universitas Buddhi Dharma
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 41 Karawaci Ilir, Tangerang, Indonesia 1, 2
Magazine as a media to gives information and knowledge to the reader. Magazine health in Indonesia is
more benefit to inform the reader about prevented or inform some diseases also advice for healthy living.
Choice of words must be precise, therefore use words of verbs and adjective are important to make some text
especially in magazine for the reader understand. Therefore, this research titled “Analysis of Verbs and
Adjectives in Mediakom Kemenkes (2020 – 2022) by Using Corpus Linguistics” purpose to find out the most
of verbs and adjective that appear in Mediakom Kemenkes in 2020 – 2022 and to know the role of verbs and
adjective by categorized. This research using quantitative method to gains the data by the table. The source
data is twelve title magazines each year. To Collection data use application AntConc to know most frequently
each year and TagAnt to gain the part of speech. The result shows the most frequently 2020-2022 is verbs
than adjective and the role of verbs is verbs of creation and transformation, then the role of adjective is
descriptive adjective. The conclusion from this research that most frequently is verbs of creation and

A magazine is a product that periodically publishes to give trends and information happening in some
regions. Moreover, according Arsyad (2009:4) said that magazine as media that means a medium that
conveys information for learning or messages with an instructional intent. Media is a way to communicate
ideas and information. Also, most magazines give information about the economy, business, politics, and
design or fashion. However, Indonesia has a different magazine because it does not tell about information in
general. This magazine is Mediakom Kemenkes published in. Also, this Times talks about health how to
prevent some diseases and gives solutions and advice to improve our healthy life. Mediakom Kemenkes
provide the information with words to make the reader understand health and fitness, even more citizens in
Indonesia that have minimal knowledge about diseases and don’t know how to prevent that. Therefore, this
media is a solution to increase awareness of health and reduce some symptoms of the disease. On the other
hand, it is not easy to make a magazine about health, considering the choice of words to make interest when
the reader reads the magazine. One must choose the right words when expressing any ideas that make the
reader enthusiastic to read every page.
The choice of words in some media is important to make the reader curious and comprehend the news that
they read. Even so, the diction for the magazine Health needs attention because it gives information about the
disease and also the Times should make it simple to make the reader always read and get the meaning of
every disease. Therefore, the appearance of words in Mediakom Kemenkes can show the happenings of
health in Indonesia. Also, the diction words can impact the reader on what they can get for the information.
Thus, the frequent words for this magazine should be a concern, especially in the period this magazine in
2020-2022, how the writer Mediakom uses proper words to educate the reader.
Word frequencies that appear in health magazines can show how the writer gives medical perception
without making the reader confused. Also, difficult to make the reader read about health because they don’t
feel it before. However, health needs attention to prevent some diseases in our body. Therefore,
communication about health to citizens should be selected, using proper words and grammatical in any
language. In the same way when citizens talk with the doctor about their illness, the doctor should give
advice for the diseases. Thus, the explained about health must be concerned, furthermore, regardless of
whether they have any independent reality in nature, health and illness are phenomena that profoundly affect
humans and must therefore be "explained" in language (Fox 1993: 6)
These days, we are able to get the frequencies of words in magazines, books, or other text writing using
Corpus. Despite the fact that W. Nelson Francis and Henry Kucera, the creators of the Brown Corpus, are
now hailed as pioneers and visionaries in the corpus linguistics community, in the 1960s their attempts to
develop a machine-readable (Charles F. Meyer, 2004). The studies of Corpus linguistics have been
researched from around the world because Corpus is useful to get more frequencies of words that appear in
articles or books. A corpus is a group of texts assembled for the purpose of linguistic analysis that are thought
to be representative of a particular language. In most cases, it is assumed that the language recorded in a
corpus is naturally occurring, that it was collected in accordance with specified design criteria, for a specific
reason, and with the assertion that it represents bigger language chunks chosen in accordance with a
particular typology (Elena Tognini Bonelli, 2001).
The present day, the studies of the corpus have been developed, because corpus has more advantages to get
frequency words that appear in articles or books. Also, in linguistics, corpus can give the perception of
language that is used in context writing such as articles, magazines, books, and etc. There are previous studies
that talk about corpus, the research conducted by Alda Kharisna Noor talks about the most frequent verb in
fairy tales using corpus. This research seeks how the verb has a role in fairy tales story telling. Also, used to
communicate to the reader the impact verbs when the speaker tells to the listener and make it simply the
message with the verbs line in fairy tales. The percentage of verbs of communication in this research is
The other previous studies talk about used adjectives in the children short stories for middle school
students by Mia Rohmawati. Using adjectives in children's short stories give some comprehension the
students know about the characteristic such as place, people, and etc. Other than that, the type of adjective
appears to know every single word that give meaning in short stories that proper in middle school.
The last study conducted by Siti Uswatun Khasanah, examine about using corpus to seek about using
vocabulary to acquire the appropriate to teach the student in text book by English teacher forum of junior
high school in Tuban. This research aims to know how English Language Testing (ELT) that have specific
and precise to teach the students. Also, this research purpose to finds out the most frequently vocabulary that
includes nouns, verbs, and determiners.
This current study wants to research about the health communication in magazine. Then, the writer curious
about Mediakom Kemenkes because not magazine talk about health in Indonesia and citizen always read
magazine about news, politic, business and etc. Therefore, the writer interested to find out the verbs and
adjective in health magazine, as we know to deliver news about healthy must concern and accurate. Thus, the
writer conducted research entitled Analysis of Verbs and Adjectives Words in Mediakom Kemenkes (2020-
2022) By Using Corpus Linguistics.


In these days, linguistic is a theory to support human do communication with another people. We can speak
and talk with other that is a linguistic we can understand and able to receive and deliver what we want to say.
Linguistic have many types such as sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, semantics, phonetics and etc. But this
research wants to appoint corpus linguistics as theory to support this thesis. Current development many
experts improve research about Corpus linguistics.
According by many experts by McCharty& O’Keeffe (2010), Sinclair (1991), and Martin Weisser (2016)
that explain Corpus linguistics is a collection of spoken or written to be used for linguistic analysis and using
detail of design criteria that make impact for purpose and scope. The language in the many contexts has
purpose to give some perception and function what they used, also corpus linguistics in this case to gather the
data, a chunk of languages to know the meaning want to share. Meanwhile, Elena Tognini (2001) defined
corpus linguistics as a collection of text assumed to be representative of a given language put together, so
corpus linguistics as tools for analysis words in the language that occurred to give some significance in some
To support this research, researcher use the theory to explain about verbs and adjective. The Oxford
Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines a verb as a word or phrase that denotes an action, an event, or a state
(1995:1323). The primary component of a sentence's predicate is formed by the verb. The auxiliary verbs
(auxiliaries) and ordinary verbs are two categories of verbs in English, according to Thomson & Martinet
(1986: 73). Common verbs are commonly referred to as primary verbs. Main verbs, such as walk, write, read,
cook, see, etc., appear on their own in a phrase and express the entire meaning of the action. Auxiliaries,
often known as assisting verbs, are a sort of verb that aids in the formation of a tense or an expression. It
appears with the primary verbs to signify.
Other than that the theory for this research using adjective types to show the data result. For starters,
adjectives provide information about the nouns they describe by responding to queries such as "what kind,"
"which one," and "how many'': Three kisses, the purple flower, and a diligent student. However, there are
adjectives and then there are adjectives in English. The second set of people are more adjective than the
others since the qualifications they express can also be applied to themselves. Our cue comes from the term
more; real adjectives can contrast one thing with another. The comparative and superlative forms of
adjectives with two or more syllables are more and more (more captivating; the most enthralling). With
infrequent spelling modifications, monosyllables and some disyllables that happen to end in -y change form
by adding -er and -est: smart, smarter, and smartest; happy, happier, and happiest.


The research approach is the main point of how the researcher aims to gather the data with the method
which has existed. The definitions of research approach, inductive or deductive that explains the deductive
research tests and validates the theory or hypothesis using more quantitative techniques, such as statistical
analysis. The theory or hypothesis is tested using numbers in this manner, and unbiased findings are reached.
While, to uncover patterns and themes in the data, inductive research uses more qualitative analysis
techniques, such as textual or visual analysis.
According to Matthews and Ross (2010) that examines quantitative methods to collect the data by number,
graphics that support the fact of the result of the observation. The data has been scientifically and accurate to
gain the final data. The Quantitative method is the proper method to gather the data by using corpus because
the text from Mediakom Kemenkes is so much.
Data types in this research using secondary data because we used Mediakom Kemenkes as a key to gain the
words of verbs and adjectives. Secondary data is the type to gather the data by another source. The secondary
data used has existed data such as books, articles, journals, and etc. The researcher wants to analyze the detail
from the source and seek the most frequent words, verbs and adjectives. The data will be collected by using
corpus and selected to get the specific data from the existing data. Mediakom Kemenkes as a media to
provide data for research analysis and to see the words that appears the most for use in the magazine. The
data from this research involves the analysis by existing databases from corpus.
A data source could be the place where data first appears or the place where physical information is first
converted to digital form, but even the most specialized data could function as a source as long as another
process can access and use it. A data source can specifically be a database, a flat file, real-time measurements
from physical objects, web data that has been scraped, or any of the countless static and streaming data
services that are abundant online. The data source in this research is magazine from Mediakom Kemenkes
period 2020 – 2022 also the application to gain the data is AntConc for corpus application and to gain the part
of speech is TagAnt.
The technique data analysis, the first step is collecting the data from Mediakom Kemenkes. The magazine
shows the context all about health in Indonesia. After that the researcher downloaded PDF files. Next step,
the PDF or Word document files were then converted to plain format or TXT files in order to retrieve the
corpus. In this study, NOTEPAD software was utilized by the researcher to convert Word or PDF documents
into TXT files. After the researcher gained and saw the data from AntConc, the researcher could see the
frequency of verbs and adjective words in Mediakom Kemenkes. Then, from the data the researcher chooses
the 100 top lists in verbs and adjectives to be analyzed.


The word frequency in Mediakom Kemenkes
This research shows the most verbs frequently appear in Mediakom Kemenkes, to look how much the
using of words and also to give the most frequent words. By using the application of AntConc the
researchers can to gain the data in Mediakom Kemenkes by period year
Table 4.1 The Word Frequency in Mediakom Kemenkes 2020-2022

2020 2021 2022

Ran Ran Ran

Type k Freq Type k Freq Type k Freq

yang 1 4052 yang 1 5770 yang 1 5600

dan 2 3485 dan 2 5270 dan 2 5566

di 3 2374 di 3 3018 di 3 3257

dengan 4 1757 dengan 4 2346 untuk 4 2231

untuk 5 1482 untuk 5 2200 kesehatan 5 2185

ini 6 1341 ini 6 2075 dengan 6 2086

dari 7 1275 kesehatan 7 1739 pada 7 1835

dari 8 ini 8
n 8 1121 1685 1819

pada 9 1083 pada 9 1583 dari 9 1582

tidak 10 1031 dalam 10 1548 dalam 10 1528

The results of the most words in the Mediakom Kemenkes that can be taken are showing annual results,
because the author inputs annually so that it is clear in providing the data. The data in 2022 by corpus have
14.561 types of words appear in that magazine, and the words shows 2021 is 14.531 types of words, the last
in 2020 the types of words that appear is 12.713 words. For types of words that appear, the researcher has
been identified by types of verbs using Tagant to seek the part of speech of each word that input in the
AntConc. The below is the 100 top words of verbs in Mediakom Kemenkes 2020 – 2022

Table 4.3 Word Frequency List of Verbs in Mediakom Kemenkes 2022

Rank Type Translate Freq Pos Tag
1 adalah is 896 VBZ
2 menjadi to 711 VB
3 kata word 599 VB
4 memiliki has 441 VB
5 telah have 437 VBZ
6 menurut according to 401 VBG IN
7 hal it 349 VB
8 dilakukan done 347 VBN
9 terjadi happen 311 VB
10 melakukan conduct 304 VB
Table 4.4 Word Frequency List of Verbs in Mediakom Kemenkes 2021
Rank Type Translate Freq Pos Tag
1 adalah is 725 VBZ
2 menjadi to 680 VB
3 kata word 609 VB
4 dilakukan conducted 434 VBN
5 memiliki have 431 VB
6 hal thing 381 VB
7 melakukan done 356 VB
8 telah has 344 VBZ
9 menurut according to 331 VBG IN
10 terjadi occurred 313 VB
Table 4.5 Word Frequency List of Verbs in Mediakom Kemenkes 2020
Rank Type Translate Freq Pos Tag
1 menjadi be 564 VB
2 adalah is 512 VBZ
3 hal thing 331 VB
4 dilakukan conducted 324 VBN
5 melakukan conduct 297 VB
6 memiliki have 264 VB
7 telah has 217 VBZ
8 merupakan is 215 VBZ
9 membuat made 205 VB
10 terjadi occurred 203 VB
The most of adjective in Mediakom Kemenkes from corpus linguistic revealed in 2022 there are 1.448
adjectives, in 2021 there are 1.394 adjectives and in 2020 there are 1.247 adjectives. From three years
magazine have been inputted, the average adjectives 1.363 adjectives. This table above give the Part of
Speech tagged that based on the table has adjective (JJ), adjective comparative (JJR) and adjective superlative
(JJS). In 2022 the adjective is 1.412 words, while adjective comparative is 20 words then adjective
superlative is 16 words. In 2021, the adjective is 1.355 words, whilst adjective comparative is 23 words and
then adjective superlative 16 words. Last in 2020, the adjective is 1.218 words, while adjective comparative
is 11 words and adjective superlative is 18 words.
Table 4.6 Word Frequency List of Adjective in Mediakom
Kemenkes 2022
No Type Translate Freq Tag
1 masyarakat society 492 JJ
2 lain other 399 JJ
3 sakit sick 386 JJ
4 pasien patient 369 JJ
5 sehat healthy 337 JJ
6 baik good 323 JJ
7 utama primary 303 JJ
8 pandemi pandemic 276 JJ
9 baru new 267 JJ
10 tinggi high 243 JJ

Table 4.7 Word Frequency List of Adjective in Mediakom

Kemenkes 2021
No Type Translate Freq
1 masyarakat society 596 JJ
2 lain other 502 JJ
3 pasien patient 500 JJ
4 sakit sick 490 JJ
5 pandemi pandemic 413 JJ
6 baik good 376 JJ
7 utama primary 298 JJ
8 baru new 296 JJ
9 sehat healthy 293 JJ
10 salah wrong 254 JJ

Table 4.8 Word Frequency List of Adjective in Mediakom

Kemenkes 2020
No Type Translate Freq Tag
1 masyarakat society 467 JJ
2 sakit Sick 366 JJ
3 pasien patient 324 JJ
4 lain other 275 JJ
5 sehat healthy 249 JJ
6 baru new 234 JJ
7 baik good 219 JJ
8 salah wrong 187 JJ
9 utama main 170 JJ
10 pandemi pandemic 166 JJ

The Roles of verbs classes by using Levin’s theory

The most verbs that appear in table 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 that the result from Mediakom Kemenkes, therefore the
researcher needs to know what the class verbs. According to Beth Levin (1993) in English Verb Classes
explain many classes verbs that the researcher using this to get which type that proper in health magazine.
Below shows 30 classes of verbs that discover in top 100 words list in 2020 – 2020 Mediakom Kemenkes.
Table 4.9 Verb Classes Found in Top 100 Verbs List Mediakom Kemenkes 2022
No Verb Classes Types of Words Total Precentage
done, do, make,
work, cause, work,
Verbs of Creation and edit, change,
1 16 16%
Transformation meeting, caused,
change, form, build,
face, don’t, develop
provide, obtain, get,
keep going, given,
Verbs of Change of
2 find, reach, accept, 12 12%
choose, found, give,
say, according to,
say, said, mention,
3 Verbs of Communication 10 10%
called, quoted,
related, explain, read
Table 4.10 Verb Classes Found in Top 100 Verbs List Mediakom Kemenkes 2021
No Verb Classes Types of Words Total Precentage
done, do, make,
Verbs of Creation and work, cause, don't,
1 11 11%
Transformation work, change,
mature, change, do
provide, keep
Verbs of Change of going, obtain, accept,
2 10 10%
Possession given, get, reach,
found, find, give
say, according to,
3 Verbs of Communication say, read, quoted, 8 8%
said, called, related

Table 4.11 Verb Classes Found in Top 100 Verbs List Mediakom Kemenkes 2020
No Verb Classes Types of Words Total Precentage
done, do, make,
Verbs of Creation and work, work, don't,
1 12 12%
Transformation cause, grow, form,
form, do, caused
give, keep going,
Verbs of Change of given, obtain, get,
2 10 10%
Possession reach, give, found,
accept, protect
3 Verbs of Communication according to, 8 8%
related, say, said,
explain, called, call,

This below several examples of the most verbs classes based on result in the table 4.9 – 4.11 that is the
verbs of creation and transformation. By according Beth Levin (1993:172) verbs creation and transformation
that is the way to describe what people do to make something and do activities that make changes according
the circumstances. This classes also get the result from the creation have been made. The example words that
included such as build, create, make, change, develop, grow, etc. The example below gets from Mediakom
Kemenkes edition 144 in July 2022

Jadi kacang hijau ini tidak perlu ditakuti oleh orang-orang yang sudah terlanjur kelebihan berat badan
karena lemak pada kacang hijau ini tidak akan membuat kita bertambah gemuk,” kata Ali.
According to Ali, individuals who are already overweight should not be apprehensive about
consuming mung beans, as the fat content in mung beans does not contribute to weight gain.

The other example from verbs creation and transformation in Mediakom Kemenkes edition 130 in May

Jika orang sudah terdiagnosa menderita hipertensi, maka seumur hidup dia harus mengkonsumsi obat
untuk mengelola tekanan darah dan mengubah gaya hidu pmenjadi lebih sehat.
If an individual has been diagnosed with hypertension, they must adhere to lifelong drug usage to
regulate blood pressure and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Table 4.12 Adjective Type Found in Top 100 Adjective List Mediakom Kemenkes
No Words Type Total Percentage
society, sick, patient, healthy,
good, main, Pandemic, new,
high, various, wrong, global,
heavy, possible, general,
important, outside, easy,
International, medical, public,
general, correct, different, safe,
direct, normal, digital,
appropriate, certain, medical,
pregnant, sufferer, special,
positive, aged, painful,
1 infectious, risky, sour, variant, 77 77%
loyal, electronic, beneficial,
quick, routine, normal, clinical,
strong, simple, social, bad,
negative, comfortable, ready,
capable, certain, characteristic,
new, flat, difficult, diverse,
antimicrobial, clean, hangover,
severe, while, available, chronic,
self, typical, optimal, hot,
dangerous, effective, beautiful,

2 Arab, UK 2 2%
Quantitative Lower, middle, low, lower,
3 5 5%
Adjective minimum

Table 4.13 Adjective Type Found in Top 100 Adjective List Mediakom Kemenkes
No Words Type Total Percentage
society, patient, sick, pandemic,
good, primary, new, healthy,
wrong, high, variant, various,
possible, heavy, easy, general,
direct, important, quick,
capable, different, temporary,
outside, positive, correct,
routine, International, sufferer,
independent, infectious, social,
specialised, appropriate, online,
Descriptive general, medical, painful, sour,
1 78 78%
Adjective certain, flat, normal, safe, free,
effective, global, pregnant,
clear, elderly, aged, active,
public, difficult, chronic,
typical, strong, highest,
available, sweet, comic,
definitely, dry, foreign, tight,
cleaning, full, tightly, medicine,
ready, digital, normal, useful,
rich, clinical, cold, new, fresh,
bad, hard

2 Proper Adjective English 1 1%

Quantitative middle, lower, lower, low,
3 6 6%
Adjective minimum, maximum

Table 4.14 Adjective Type Found in Top 100 Adjective List Mediakom Kemenkes
No Words Type Total Percentage
society, sick, patient, healthy,
new, good, wrong, main,
pandemic, positive, tall,
various, temporary, direct,
capable, general, special, easy,
outside, social, clear, quick,
possible, important, inhabitant,
heavy, medical, normal,
correct, normal, sufferer,
bright, international,
independent, general, safe,
beautiful, negative, different,
1 new, polytechnic, global, 81 81%
appropriate, routine,
infectious, rapid, itchy, strong,
effective, certain, flat, dry,
clinical, ready, bad,
comfortable, difficult, afraid,
painful, active, essential,
diverse, excessive, medical,
productive, happy, regular,
certain, wet, typical, Palsy,
full, sour, nutritious, optimal,
certain, respiratory, personal,
simple, local, digital

2 Proper Adjective Arab 1 1%

Quantitative middle, lower, low,
3 5 5%
Adjective lower,minimum

This is the example of the first rank of types of adjectives the most words in 100 list adjectives area
descriptive adjective. The descriptive adjective explains to describe character of the things, people, animal,
place that clearly (Khamying,2007), also the condition what them feel. For the example for this type, in
Mediakom Kemenkes edition 115 Februari 2020

“Tenaga kerja tidak masuk bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa factor seperti: mereka menjadi korban,
harus merawat keluarga yang sakit, atau takut masuk kerja karena takut tertular.”
Labor absenteeism can arise due to several circumstances, including individuals being subjected to
victimisation, assuming responsibilities for the care of ill family members, or experiencing
apprehension about attending work due to infection concerns.
The other example for descriptive adjective, from Mediakom Kemenkes edition 138 January 2022

Untuk menekan peningkatan kasus transmisi local varian Omicron yang terjadi di sejumlah daerah,
Menteri Kesehatan mengatakan pemerintah mempercepat pemberian vaksin booster.
In response to the surge in local transmission instances of the Omicron variety across multiple
regions, the Minister of Health has announced that the government is expediting the rollout of
booster immunisations.

After that the second position in types of adjectives is quantitative adjective. In this research quantitative
adjective examine about amount (Thomson&Martinet,1986), also to alternate the noun by express number or
quantity (Khamying,2007), other than that this type tells about how much or many things but not specific.
The example gets from Mediakom Kemenkes edition 120 July 2020

“Karena rendah lemak, makanan yang digorengdengan air fryer juga rendah kalori. Oleh karena itu,
memasak dengan alat ini dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan, khususnya bagi orang yang
sedang menjalani diet sehat.”
Using an air fryer in food preparation reduces fat content, leading to a diminished calorie count.
Consequently, utilizing this culinary device has the potential to facilitate weight loss, particularly
among individuals adhering to a nutritious dietary regimen.

The researcher encountered a number of challenges when carrying out the study because corpus study is a
relatively new area of language research. Also, the difficulties using the program AntConc and TagAnt, that
made the researcher have to find out how to use it by YouTube and social media. Other than that, the
application TagAnt cannot able to read in Indonesian language, that only available in several language such
as English, Spanish, Mandarin, and etc. But, with this application have more advantages, to know and gain
the words rapidly and accurate to know some language. Therefore, corpus study can be justified as a simple,
effective, and efficient method for learners to acquire foreign languages.

This chapter will be concluded and concise data analysis and the result that have been gained in the
previous chapter. The purpose of this study to find out the most frequently verbs and adjective in Mediakom
Kemenkes 2020 – 2022 and to know the roles of verbs and adjective based on the classes and the types that
appear in the magazine. Therefore, this magazine should to show their words suit with the health and how
often the words the verbs and adjective used in health magazine.
Regard the data that has been collected by using corpus in application AntConc, the most amounts
words appear in Mediakom Kemenkes 2020 – 2022. By using corpus that able to show the relevance and
proper words for educate and practice to the citizens. From the result that show used verbs is more and most
often in this magazine, that define verbs is important to explain how people do especially in health magazine.
Verbs as a part of language that is important to tell the audience (reader or listener) what want to do.
Mediakom Kemenkes the media health need verbs to inform the reader, such as how consume medicine, what
the citizen prevents some diseases and etc, there are need verbs to ask someone to doing action that expressed
in verbs.
Then, followed with adjective that explain how adjective in part some health magazine to describe
things such as diseases, medicine and etc. Based the result that found in total verbs and adjective appear in
Mediakom Kemenkes, this research only analysis and focused the list on top 100 words that most appear.
After that the researcher divided the verbs into several class verbs that according to Beth Levin and types of
adjectives according to Khamying and Thomson & Martinet.
The first is the role of verbs that appear in Mediakom Kemenkes 2020 – 2022 by analysis and the
highest percentage that examine verbs of transformation and creation in the first rank in 2020 – 2022. Verbs
of creation and transformation is become appears in this magazine because this class used to do something or
make it to get the change when people do it.
Then, the last is role of adjectives that show in Mediakom Kemenkes that is descriptive adjective.
Actually, the most of adjective in every context in magazine is descriptive because it is to explain the
characteristic and describe the things what them look.


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a. Name : Theresia Meiliana
b. University : Buddhi Dharma University
c. Email Address :
d. Last Education : High School
e. Interest in Research : Linguistic

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