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Title: Growth Intern

Company: Leap Finance (Bangalore, Karnataka)

Submitted by
PGDM (Core)
Batch 2022-24

Institute of Management Technology

Hyderabad 30 June 2022
Title: Growth Intern

Company: Leap Finance (Bangalore, Karnataka)

Submitted by
PGDM (Core)
Batch 2022-24

A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

PGDM (Core) program of the
Institute of Management Technology
Hyderabad 27 May 2023

Prof. (Dr.) Sarath Babu

Professor Mr. Abhishek Tomar
- Finance & Operations Manager
Accounting IMT - Leap Scholar
Hyderabad Leap Finance

This report has been prepared for the internship that has been done at Leap Finance to study
the practical aspect of the course and implementation of the theory in the field with the
purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the course of PGDM (Core).
First, I would like to thank the Corporate Relations Office (CRO) of IMT Hyderabad
for assisting me in getting an internship opportunity at Leap Finance. This internship is a
significant milestone in my career and has given me a great learning experience.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Abhishek Tomer (Manager –
Operation, Leap Finance) for providing me with an opportunity to be a part of Leap Finance
and guiding me throughout the internship
I sincerely thank Prof. Sarath Babu, IMT Hyderabad, for his constant support and
guidance throughout my internship and for providing genuine and professional feedback to
help me improve. Special thanks to him for always being available and providing prompt
responses whenever I reached out for any assistance.
Last but not least, I would like to thank the Management of IMT Hyderabad for
organizing our internship program and extending all the necessary support and facilities.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................1


OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANY & INDUSTRY...............................................................3

TASKS UNDERTAKEN...........................................................................................................4

Key Learning............................................................................................................................11


The following Internship Interim Report pertains to the activities undertaken and key
learnings derived from those activities, as a part of the Summer Internship Programme (SIP)
pursued at Leap Finance, Growth Intern for the role of Finance intern. This report is prepared
in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Management of IMT Hyderabad.

From Sundar Pichai to Indira Nooyi and Satya Nadella to Laxman Narasimhan, Indians today
lead the world’s most influential companies. Increasingly, young Indians are going beyond
geographical boundaries - to study at the best global schools and pursue global careers.
Leap Finance supports future leaders from India in their quest for global impact. It creates
modern financial products and services that help Indian students pursue a global career. From
choosing the right university and the best financing option to lining up job interviews and
introductions, Leap Finance invests heavily in your success.
Their first offering is a Graduate student loan, designed specifically for Indian students.

The nature of internship work is performing day-to-day activities relating to the

Annual Reporting process. The major tasks undertaken till date are summarised as follows:
Review of Financial Statements (Standalone and Consolidated); Addressing Audit Comments
on the Financial Statements; Preparation of Comparatives for SEBI reporting of financial
results; Preparation of graphs and updation of Management Discussion & Analysis (MDA)
document; Review of Investor Presentation PPTs; Performing Ratio Analysis; Preparation of
Annual Report; Review of Letters of Representation (LOR); Preparation of AGM FAQs
document; Attending the AGM of the Company; Updation of GL groupings; and Financial
Reporting of Subsidiary Companies.
The learning was a continuous process, and every task performed gave some value
addition, be it new knowledge or enhancement of existing knowledge, technical or non-
technical, etc. The key learnings have been detailed in the latter section of this report.


“The Expert at anything was once a beginner.”

- Helen Hayes
As the quote rightly says, Internships are the stepping stones to Corporate experience and
hence, play a vital role in the learning process of an individual.
Leap Finance supports future leaders from India in their quest for global impact. It
creates modern financial products and services that help Indian students pursue a global
career. From choosing the right university and the best financing option to lining up job
interviews and introductions, Leap Finance invests heavily in your success.
The two main objectives of the internship are, to implement processes and systems to
streamline the loan approval and disbursement process, and To assist the company in
increasing login and multi-login. The conclusions of the work are nothing but the successful
completion of these objectives, and hence, the nature of the work is to perform day-to-day
activities in order to achieve these objectives.
The following report presents the details of the various tasks undertaken during the
internship period and the key learnings derived from the tasks performed.


LeapFinance is a fintech startup that provides financial services and solutions to students who
are planning to study abroad. The company was founded in 2019 and is based in India.

The mission of LeapFinance is to make education affordable and accessible to everyone,

regardless of their financial background. The company achieves this by providing a range of
financial products and services, including education loans, scholarships, and insurance, that are
specifically tailored to the needs of students.

Yocket is an EdTech platform that connects students who are interested in studying abroad with
universities and educational institutions around the world. The company was founded in 2015
and is based in India.

The platform offers a range of services and features, including personalized university
recommendations, application assistance, visa guidance, and test preparation resources. Yocket
also provides a community forum where students can connect with each other, share
experiences, and ask questions related to studying abroad.
In addition to its core services, Yocket also offers a range of value-added services, such as
education loans and insurance, to help students finance their education and stay protected while
studying abroad.

The industry in which Yocket operates is the EdTech industry, which is focused on leveraging
technology to improve and enhance the delivery of education. The global EdTech market is
growing rapidly, driven by factors such as increasing demand for online learning, rising
adoption of e-learning platforms, and the growing importance of digital skills in the workforce.

In India, the EdTech market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
39% between 2021 and 2026, according to a report by ResearchAndMarkets. This growth is
being driven by factors such as increasing internet penetration, rising demand for skill
development, and the government's focus on digital education initiatives.


Prepared documents checklist

The objective of this was to create a document checklist that could be shared with banks by
students who are seeking education loans to study abroad.

To achieve this objective, the following steps were taken:

1. Research: We conducted extensive research on the documents that are required by banks to
process education loans for students studying abroad.
2. Identification: Based on our research, we identified the most commonly required documents
that students need to submit to banks.
3. Compilation: We compiled a list of these documents and created a checklist that could be
used by students when applying for education loans.

the creation of a documents checklist for students seeking education loans to study abroad is an
essential resource that can save time and reduce the stress of the loan application process. By
compiling a comprehensive list of the required documents, we hope to help students in their
pursuit of higher education and make the loan application process easier and more

Prepared email message template to be shared with the bank
As part of my internship project, one of my tasks was to increase operational efficiencies by
creating a standardized email message template to be shared with banks. The purpose of this
template was to provide a clear and concise communication channel between Yocket and banks
for processing education loans for students who are planning to study abroad.

To prepare the email message template, I conducted extensive research on the best practices for
creating effective email templates for business communication. I reviewed various email
templates used by Yocket in the past and analyzed their strengths and weaknesses. Based on
this analysis, I drafted a new email message template that incorporated the best practices and
was tailored to the specific requirements of banks.

The email message template that I created had a clear subject line that indicated the purpose of
the email. The body of the email was divided into different sections, each addressing a specific
aspect of the loan processing process. The email included all the necessary details related to the
loan application, such as the student's personal and academic information, the university they
are planning to attend, the loan amount requested, and the repayment plan.
I also included a clear call-to-action in the email, directing the banks to the appropriate contact
person at Yocket for further processing of the loan application. The email was designed to be
professional, concise, and easy to understand.

Prepared email message template to be shared with students
I was tasked with creating an email message template to be shared with students who are
interested in studying abroad. The purpose of this template was to provide students with a clear
and concise communication channel that would help them to understand the application
process, requirements, and timelines for studying abroad.

The email message template that I created was successfully implemented by Yocket and was
used to communicate with multiple students who are interested in studying abroad. The
standardized template helped to improve the efficiency of the communication process and
provided a clear and concise communication channel for students. This helped to improve the
overall experience of students who are interested in studying abroad and increased their chances
of success.

Prepared Individual Relationship Managers (IRMs) MIS sheet
To prepare the IRMs MIS sheet, I first analyzed the data and feedback received from the IRMs
and identified key performance indicators (KPIs) that were most relevant to their work. Based
on this analysis, I created a detailed MIS sheet that would provide an overview of each IRM's
performance, as well as an overall summary of the team's performance.

The IRMs MIS sheet that I created included a range of KPIs, including the names of the
students whose loan applications each IRM was handling, the banks they shared the
applications with, the application IDs, and the last date when the IRMs contacted the banks for
those applications. The sheet also included a column for the status of each application, allowing
the IRMs to track the progress of each application and take necessary actions accordingly.

The MIS sheet was designed to be user-friendly and easy to understand. It also included a
section for feedback and suggestions, allowing the IRMs to provide their input and suggestions.

Calling and Advising Students:
One of the primary responsibilities of a sales intern at Yocket is to proactively communicate
with students using the internal LSQ portal. This portal enables direct contact with prospective
borrowers, allowing us to understand their specific needs, financial situations, and academic
aspirations. Through detailed conversations, I gained insights into their educational goals and
the financial support they required to pursue their studies.

As a sales intern, my role was to offer personalized guidance to students, helping them navigate
the various loan options available to them. By taking into account factors such as interest rates,
repayment terms, and eligibility criteria, I provided informed recommendations tailored to their
unique circumstances. This involved a deep understanding of the loan products offered by
different banks, as well as staying updated on the latest market trends and regulations in the
education loan sector.

Collection of Necessary Documents:

Once students decided to proceed with a particular loan option, my responsibility was to guide
them through the document collection process. This involved providing them with a
comprehensive checklist of the required documents and assisting them in understanding the
significance of each document in the loan application process. I ensured that students were
aware of the importance of accuracy and completeness in their submissions.

To facilitate document collection, I developed effective communication strategies to establish

trust and maintain a professional rapport with the students. Clear and concise instructions were
provided, and I remained accessible to answer any queries or concerns they had. I also utilized
organizational tools and systems to track the progress of document collection, ensuring that all
necessary paperwork was obtained in a timely manner.

Updating Lead Square Portal:
In addition to the tasks mentioned earlier, another crucial responsibility I undertook during my
sales internship at Yocket was updating the Lead Square (LSQ) portal on a daily basis. The
LSQ portal served as a central repository for managing student data, loan applications, and
communication history.
To ensure accurate and up-to-date information, I diligently logged and updated student
interactions, loan inquiries, and loan application progress in the LSQ portal. This involved
documenting each communication and recording the details of the loan options discussed,
documents collected, and any follow-up actions required. By maintaining meticulous records, I
contributed to a comprehensive database that facilitated efficient tracking and management of
student loan applications.

Regularly updating the LSQ portal allowed the sales team and other relevant stakeholders to
have real-time visibility into the status of each student's loan journey. This facilitated effective
collaboration among team members, ensuring that everyone had access to the most recent
information when assisting students or communicating with banks and lending institutions.

Furthermore, the accurate and detailed data logged in the LSQ portal enabled the generation of
reports and analytics that helped in evaluating the performance of different loan products,
identifying trends, and refining sales strategies. By diligently updating the portal, I contributed
to the organization's data-driven decision-making processes and the continuous improvement of
loan advisory services
Submission of Documents to Banks:
Once the required documents were collected from the students, the next step was to submit
these documents to the respective banks or lending institutions. I meticulously reviewed each
document for accuracy and completeness, cross-checking them against the specific
requirements of each bank. This step was crucial in ensuring that loan applications were not
delayed or rejected due to missing or incorrect documentation.

To streamline the submission process, I collaborated closely with the internal team responsible
for liaising with banks. Through effective communication channels, I ensured that the
documents were submitted promptly and followed up to confirm their receipt. This involved
coordinating with multiple stakeholders, including the students, the internal team, and the
banks, to maintain a smooth flow of information and documentation.

Follow-up on Sanction and Disbursement of Loan:

After the submission of loan documents, my role extended to monitoring the progress of loan
applications. I actively followed up with the banks to track the status of loan sanctions and
disbursements. Regular communication was maintained with the bank representatives to
provide any additional information or clarifications required to expedite the loan approval

Simultaneously, I maintained open lines of communication with the students, ensuring that they
were kept informed about the progress and timelines of their loan applications. This involved
providing updates on the status of their applications, any pending requirements or clarifications,
and estimated timeframes for loan approvals and disbursements. By maintaining consistent and
transparent communication, I aimed to alleviate any anxieties or concerns that students may
have had throughout the pro

Key Learning

My internship at Yocket provided me with invaluable learning experiences that enhanced my

professional skills and knowledge in the field of sales and loan advisory services. The following
key learnings emerged from the tasks undertaken during my internship:

 Effective Communication Skills:

Throughout the internship, I realized the crucial role of effective communication in
building trust, providing guidance, and maintaining positive relationships with both
students and banking representatives. Clear and concise communication, active
listening, and empathy were essential in understanding and addressing the needs and
concerns of students, ensuring a smooth loan application process.

 Attention to Detail and Organization:

Tasks such as preparing documents checklists, managing processing fees, and updating
the Lead Square portal highlighted the importance of attention to detail and
organizational skills. I learned the significance of thoroughness in document collection,
maintaining accurate records, and organizing information systematically. Attention to
detail ensured that loan applications were complete and accurate, minimizing delays or
issues in the process.

 Customer Service and Relationship Building:

Engaging in student interactions, advising on loan options, and maintaining
communication throughout the loan journey taught me the value of customer service and
relationship building. I developed skills in understanding student needs, providing
personalized guidance, and addressing their concerns promptly and professionally.
Building positive relationships with students was crucial for their satisfaction and
successful loan outcomes.

 Data Management and Analysis:Tasks such as preparing
MIS sheets and updating the Lead Square portal allowed me to delve into data
management and analysis. I gained insights into the importance of data integrity,
accuracy, and its role in decision-making. Analyzing data helped identify trends,
evaluate performance, and make data-driven recommendations for process
improvements and sales strategies.

 Time Management and Multitasking:

Working in a dynamic environment with multiple tasks and deadlines required effective
time management and multitasking abilities. Balancing calling students, collecting
documents, updating the Lead Square portal, and following up on loan applications
taught me the importance of prioritization, planning, and maintaining focus while
handling various responsibilities.

 Market Knowledge and Adaptability:

Staying updated on loan products, market trends, and regulatory changes was essential
for providing accurate and relevant guidance to students. I learned the importance of
continuously updating my knowledge, being adaptable to changes in the industry, and
being able to quickly adjust loan recommendations based on the evolving landscape.

 Collaboration and Teamwork:

Working closely with internal teams, students, and banking representatives underscored
the significance of collaboration and teamwork. Effective coordination, sharing
information, and maintaining transparent communication channels contributed to
smoother processes, timely follow-ups, and overall efficiency.

 Understanding Loan Products and Requirements:

By advising students on the best loan options available to them, I developed a deep
understanding of various loan products and their specific requirements. This experience
enhanced my knowledge of interest rates, repayment terms, eligibility criteria, and the
overall loan application process. It also sharpened my ability to assess and match
students' financial needs with the most suitable loan options.

 Professionalism and Ethical Conduct:
Throughout the internship, I learned the importance of maintaining professionalism and
adhering to ethical standards in the finance industry. Handling sensitive student
information, maintaining confidentiality, and ensuring compliance with regulatory
guidelines were crucial aspects of my role. This experience fostered a strong sense of
responsibility and integrity in my professional conduct.

 Adaptability to Technological Tools:

Working with the Lead Square portal, email templates, and other digital tools improved
my technological literacy. I became adept at navigating and utilizing these platforms
effectively to streamline processes, track student interactions, and manage data. This
adaptability to technology is a valuable skill in today's digital-driven work environment

 Customer-Centric Approach:
A key takeaway from my internship was the importance of putting the customer at the
center of every interaction. Understanding their needs, providing personalized guidance,
and actively seeking feedback contributed to building trust and fostering long-term
relationships. This customer-centric approach is a fundamental principle in delivering
exceptional service and ensuring customer satisfaction.

 Team Collaboration and Support:

Working alongside experienced professionals and collaborating with a supportive team
provided a conducive learning environment. Through teamwork, sharing knowledge,
and receiving guidance from colleagues, I gained insights into effective teamwork
dynamics, effective communication within a team, and the power of collective efforts in
achieving organizational goals.

These key learnings have not only contributed to my professional development during the
internship but will also serve as a foundation for my future career growth in the finance


My internship at Yocket has been a highly rewarding experience, providing me with valuable
practical insights and skill development in the finance industry. Through tasks such as
document checklist preparation, communication with students and banks, data management,
and loan advisory services, I have honed my communication, organization, and customer
service skills.I have learned the importance of personalized guidance, active listening, and
building trust with students, contributing to their successful loan applications. Additionally, I
have gained a deeper understanding of loan products, industry requirements, and the
significance of compliance and professionalism.

The internship has also emphasized the value of teamwork, collaboration, and effective
communication within an organization. Engaging with internal teams and industry professionals
has broadened my knowledge and expanded my professional network.
I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences provided by Yocket, and I am confident that
the skills and knowledge acquired during this internship will propel my future career in the
finance industry. I extend my sincere gratitude to the faculty, staff, and mentors for their
guidance and support throughout this internship.

In conclusion, my internship at Yocket has been transformative, equipping me with practical

skills, industry knowledge, and a solid foundation for my professional growth. I am excited to
apply these learnings to future endeavors and confident in the positive impact they will have on
my career.


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