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Goodevening everybody well come to our presentation today.

- My team is group 9, and You can see, these are my team members....

- I think all of you sitting here already know about milling machines because we are all
mechanical engineering students. as you know, Milling machines appear in almost all
mechanical workshops so, my group will talk about a topic related to machine
maintenance, I think it's very necessary to you

- After this presentation, you can answer some questions, such as “ How to maintain
the milling machine, When should the milling machine be maintained?”

- This presentation is divided into three main parts: (features, function, and maintenace
work and their schedule) Firstly I will reintroduction the milling machine, secondly,
Hưng gonna talk about its feature and function, and finally,Phú gonna talk some
maintenance work and schedule.

- In the first part, we will repeat a little about the structure of the milling machine. as
you saw on the screen. A milling machine is tructured of 9 main parts.

They are....mortor it is the main movement of the milling machine. .... the table, it can
move right, left, or it can move up and down.

- And now I would hand over the mic to Hưng, and he will continues the present. So
please Hưng.

- Hello, my name is Hưng and I'm here to continue this presentation. as you know the
milling machine has a lot of features,

-The first, Milling machines can be set up for automated or semi-automated operations

-Second, Milling machines with a cooling system are designed to prevent overheating
and damage to the machinery during prolonged use .

-And next It has a fixed head increases the rigidity of the machine..... so it is used for
plane machining, adding holes, groove machining, gear machining.
-And now I would hand over the mic to Phú to continues the presentation,

Hi everybody. My name is Phu, hereafter I will talk about the maintenance work and
schedule of the milling machine.

First, we should clean the machine weekly to remove dust and dirt.

The second, the coolant need to be renewed every three months to prevent damage,
keep engine at the correct operating temperature, help it warm up quickly in cold
weather and got too hot when under stress.

Next, the machinery should be lubricated monthly to cut down on friction and heat.

Finally, the electrical need inspecting every e months to pevent the risk of fire.

Maintenance is a very important job, so We should do regular maintenance according

to the manufacturer's schedule to ensure the machine can operate smoothly and
prolong its life

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