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Recinto Juan Vicente Moscoso

By: Gerardina Vandeshourt Guerrero

Answer the following questions:

1- What is considered a scientific advance?

A scientific advance is considered any discovery, development or innovation that expands
our knowledge in a certain field of science. Scientific advances usually imply the generation
of new knowledge, the improvement of existing methods and techniques, the resolution of
complex problems or the development of new technologies.

2- What are the most important scientific advances in history?

There are many important scientific advances throughout history. Some of the most
prominent include:

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time,
and gravity.

The discovery of the structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick, laying the
foundations of molecular biology.

The invention of the smallpox vaccine by Edward Jenner, which led to the eradication of the

The development of penicillin by Alexander Fleming, which ushered in the era of antibiotics.

The discovery of the law of conservation of energy by Julius Robert von Mayer and James
Prescott Joule, laying the foundations of thermodynamics.
3- What has been the best scientific advance?
It is difficult to determine what has been the best scientific breakthrough, as this may depend
on different perspectives and areas of interest. What may require the best scientific advance
for one person or community may not be for another. In addition, scientific advances are
often interconnected and build on one another.

4- What are the advantages and disadvantages of technological advances?

Improvement of efficiency and productivity in different sectors, such as industry, medicine
and agriculture.

Facilitation of communication and access to information through the Internet and social

Automation of repetitive and dangerous tasks, which can increase safety and reduce the risk
of injuries or accidents at work.

Improvement of the quality of life through the creation of medical devices and advanced

However, there are also disadvantages associated with technological advances, such as:

Job displacement and job loss due to automation and the introduction of more advanced

Negative impact on the environment, such as the generation of electronic waste and excessive
energy consumption.

Possible technology dependency and security risks, such as personal data theft and

Digital divide, which can eliminate certain groups of people who do not have access to or
knowledge of new technologies.
5- What are the advantages and disadvantages of science and technology?
Better understanding of the natural world and the universe in which we live.

Development of new technologies that improve our quality of life, such as medicine,
communications and transportation.

Innovation and economic growth through the creation of new industries and business

Solving global problems, such as climate change

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