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Why do we sneeze?

A sneeze is an expulsion of air from the lungs through

the nose and mouth. Sneezing is a complex
physiological process designed to rid the body of
foreign invaders and protect the lungs and other
internal organs from contamination.
Sneezing occurs when foreign particles pass through
the nasal hairs to reach the nasal mucosa. This triggers
the release of histamines, which irritate the nerve cells
in the nose, resulting in signals being sent to the brain
to initiate the sneeze. The brain then relates this initial
signal, and creates a large opening of the nasal and oral
cavities, resulting in a powerful release of air and bio
particles. The powerful nature of a sneeze is attributed
to its involvement of numerous organs of the upper
body – it is a reflexive response involving the face,
throat, and chest muscles. Sneezing is also caused by
sinus nerve stimulation caused by nasal congestion and
To conclude with, we sneeze to protect our lungs when
foreign particles enter our nose.

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