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Assignment 3 – Report
Semester Fall Year 2020
Course Title Introduction to Sociology
Course Code SOC100 Section
Date Topic Title
Total Marks 100 No. of Pages

Student Name ID# Student’s individual contribution per topic (chapter)

Total Marks Instructor Signature

GROUP grading structure Points Earned

Cover page (topic title, section, instructor, students names and ID numbers, 5
date, no. of pages)
Table of student’s individual contribution per topic covered 5
Abstract and keywords 10
Table of content 10
Content covered 10
Case study and statistics– comparison with other society 10
Connection of the social reality of Kuwait 10
Conclusion and discussion questions (at least 5 questions) 10
Use of reliable and valid sources 10
Correct use of APA style 10
Similarity 10
Total 100
1. Introduction

Sociology of education looks into the social construction of formal institutions of

learning. It also explores how the experiences of individuals impact their educational
outcomes or achievements.

1.1 Sociology of Education: Concept and Origin

Sociology of education began with Emile Durkheim’s work on moral education and its
origin and development are also associated with several other scholars such as Max Weber.

1.1.1 What is Sociology?

Primarily, sociology concerns itself with social relationships. It studies patterns of

human relationships, human behavior, and their interactions.

1.1.2 What is Education?

Education is viewed as a means of organizing the social as well as individual self into
a stable and disciplined unity.

1.2 The Relation between Sociology and Education

Education is a societal concern and considered an image and reflection of society. It is

one of those tools that contribute towards the progress and prosperity of a nation as well as
the success of new generations.

Comparison of Kuwaiti Society with Singapore

In Kuwait, all the citizens have the right to education and it aims to prepare its
individuals in becoming thoughtful and active members of society. The educational aims of
Singapore are to strengthen the unity between ethnic groups and develop an educational
system suitable for socio-political needs. Kuwait depends on the contributions from the
private sector and private education is gaining increasing importance. The Singaporean
society adopts a utilitarian and practical approach to education and also privatized education.
The state of Kuwait has paid attention to educational issues concerning students of different
ages, particularly the primary level. In Singapore, there is a great social class division due to
the unequal admission process. Therefore, children belonging to a higher class are allowed to
enter better schools. The lower class is provided fewer opportunities and fails to ascend the
social ladder rapidly. The educational objectives at the elementary and secondary level in
Kuwait include the introduction of practical skills and the strengthening of individual
development in children. The government policy of Singapore seeks to provide its students
with a well-rounded and balanced education. This helps the students develop themselves to
their full potential and supports them in becoming good citizens; responsible to their society,
country, and family.


Burney, N. A., & Mohammed, O. E. (2002). The efficiency of the public education system in

Kuwait. The Social Science Journal, 39(2), 277–286.


Hairon, S., Chua, C. S. K., & Neo, W. L. (2018). School-based curriculum development in

Singapore: a case study of a primary school. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 38(4),


Saha, L. J. (2001). Educational Sociology. International Encyclopedia of the Social &

Behavioral Sciences, 4327–4333.

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