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ICT Project for Social Change Prototype Presentation Rubric

Grade Level & Section: ___________________________



Criteria 1: Content (30 points)

Project Overview (10 points):

Clear and concise explanation of the project's purpose and objectives.

Demonstrates a deep understanding of the social issue being addressed.

Problem Statement (10 points):

Clearly identifies the social problem being targeted.

Presents relevant data or evidence supporting the significance of the issue.

Solution Description (10 points):

Articulates the proposed ICT solution comprehensively.

Describes how the solution addresses the identified social problem.

Criteria 2: Design and User Experience (25 points)

User Interface (10 points):

Visually appealing and intuitive design.

Consistent theme and layout throughout the presentation.

Navigation (7 points):

Logical flow of the prototype with easy navigation.

Clearly marked paths and sections for user interaction.

Accessibility (8 points):

Consideration for diverse users, ensuring inclusivity.

Adequate features for users with different abilities.

Criteria 3: Functionality and Interactivity (25 points)

Prototype Functionality (12 points):

All core features of the ICT solution are implemented and functional.
Adequate demonstration of how users can interact with the prototype.

Innovation (8 points):

Demonstrates creative and innovative use of ICT for social change.

Unique features or approaches that set the project apart.

User Feedback and Interaction (5 points):

Includes a mechanism for users to provide feedback.

Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of user engagement.

Criteria 4: Social Impact and Sustainability (20 points)

Potential Impact (10 points):

Clearly articulates the expected positive impact on the targeted social issue.
Realistic assessment of the project's potential to bring about change.

Sustainability (10 points):

Outlines plans for the long-term sustainability of the project.

Considers environmental, economic, and social sustainability factors.

Criteria 5: Presentation Skills (10 points)

Communication (5 points):

Clear and effective verbal communication of ideas.

Engages the audience through a confident and articulate presentation.

Visual Aids (5 points):

Effective use of visual aids (slides, charts, etc.) to enhance understanding.

Aesthetic appeal and alignment with the content.



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