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Mahad Darul Abror

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade : VIII / I
Chapter : 4th
Topic : Come to my Birthday please
Duration : 5 x 40 minutes

Lesson Plan: Inviting, Giving Instructions, and Asking for Permission in English


1. Students will learn how to invite someone to do something in English.

2. Students will learn how to give clear instructions in English.
3. Students will learn how to ask for permission to do something in English.


- Whiteboard or blackboard
- Markers or chalk
- Handouts with example sentences
- Worksheets for practice


1. Introduction

- Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever invited someone to do
something or if they have ever been invited by someone.

- Discuss the importance of clear instructions and asking for permission in different

- Explain that today, they will learn how to do these things in English.

2. Inviting Someone to Do Something

- Write on the board: "Hi, would you like to...?"

- Explain that this is a common phrase used to invite someone in English.

- Give examples of invitations and ask students to identify the structure of the
- Hand out a worksheet with different scenarios and ask students to
create their own invitations using the given structure.

- Take a few minutes to discuss and share their invitations as a class.

3. Giving Clear Instructions

- Write on the board: "First, you need to..., then, you should..."
- Explain that these phrases are used to give instructions in English.
- Give examples of instructions and ask students to identify the structure of the
- Hand out a worksheet with different sets of instructions and ask students to complete
the sentences using the given structure.
- Review the answers together and discuss any challenges or questions students may

4. Asking for Permission

- Write on the board: "May/Can I...?"

- Explain that these phrases are used to ask for permission to do something in
- Give examples of permission requests and ask students to identify the structure of
the sentences.
- Hand out a worksheet with different scenarios and ask students to complete the
sentences using the given structure.

- Review the answers together and discuss any challenges or questions students may

5. Practice Activity

- Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

- Provide each group with a set of scenario cards.
- Each group will take turns picking a card and role-playing the scenario. One student
will invite, give instructions or ask for permission, and the other student will respond
- Circulate the room, providing assistance and feedback as needed.

6. Wrap-Up

- Recap the key concepts learned in the lesson: inviting someone to do something,
giving instructions, and asking for permission.
- Encourage students to use these language skills in their daily lives.
- Answer any remaining questions or concerns.

Extension Activity:
- Students can create skits or short dialogues incorporating invitations,
instructions, and permission requests. They can perform these in class or
record them to share with the class.


- Monitor students' participation during class discussions and activities.

- Review students' completed worksheets for accuracy and understanding of the
- Evaluate students' performance in the role-play activity based on their ability to use the
target language effectively.

..............................., ... Juli 2023

Kepala Sekolah ... Guru Mata Pelajaran

Imam Kamaludin, M.Pd Vini Is Utami, S.Pd.

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